Document 13557611

 Eastern Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences College Advisory Council Minutes Thursday, April 26, 2012 Scheduled Meeting Time: 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Room 219 Pray-­Harrold Present: Perry (AAS), Sacksteder (ART), Angell (BIOL), Emal (CHEM), Ikeji (COSC), Woodland (ECON), Däumer (ENGL), Clark (GEO/GEO), Dieterle (HIST/PHIL), Rescorla (MATH), Behringer (PHY/ASTR), Singh (PLSC), Jefferson (PSYCH), Ensor (SAC), Higgins (WGST), Vosteen (WL), Venner (CAS Dean), Mehuron(CAS), Tornquist (CAS), Nord (Sciences DH), Ramsey (Arts DH) (Count: 18 people @ 3:33, not including visitors) I. Call to order at 3:34 PM by CAC Chair Jill Dieterle II. Visitor: Anarosa Mendoza-­King (Dare to Dream EMU) Ms. Mendoza-­‐King, representing the Latino Student group, describes the Dare to Dream resolution that proposes in-­‐state tuition for undocumented Michigan and Ohio residents. Questions arise regarding the details of a future policy on this issue (e.g., establishing eligibility criteria for in-­‐state tuition potentially based on duration of residency, tax information, etc.), and regarding the numbers of students at EMU who would be affected. It is estimated that very few students would be affected. Discussion follows. Because the resolution had not been circulated to department faculty; this item will be on the agenda for the next CAC meeting on May 24). III. Minutes of March 22, 2012 Approved unanimously (Clark, Daumer). IV. Reports A motion was made to remove the Physician Assistant (PA) courses/program from the following reports due to the need to reconcile Arts and Science Committee reports on these courses/program. This motion passed unanimously. A. Arts committee report Vosteen reads the Arts committee report with PA courses omitted. Motion to accept the report (Clark, Sacksteder) passes unanimously. B. Sciences committee report Behringer reads the Sciences committee report with PA courses omitted. Motion to accept the report passes unanimously. Page 1 of 4 It was moved that the PA courses/program be tabled so that further discussion can take place. This motion passed unanimously. PA proposers will be invited to the next CAC meeting on May 24. V. Old Business A. Update on Proposal for Bargaining Council Dieterle presents revised language (below) regarding representation in university-­‐
level leave committee. Briefly, a representative for the Library and one extra representative from CAS have been added, and they are directed to represent the whole faculty. Old Paragraph 362: “A broadly representative screening committee, consisting of six (6) Faculty Members appointed by the Faculty Senate, one (1) academic Dean, and two (2) academic Department Heads appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Provost and Executive Vice President…“ Change the highlighted language to: New MP362: "A broadly representative screening committee shall be constituted, consisting of seven (7) duly elected Faculty Members appointed by the respective College Councils and the Library: one from each of the COB, COT, CHHS, and COE; two from CAS (one from the Arts and one from the Sciences); and one from the Halle Library, shall have the following duties..." 1. Represent the faculty as a whole in their deliberations; ……… Motion to approve the changed language is approved unanimously. This will now go to the Bargaining Council and they will accept the language for the leave committee. Dieterle met with other College Council Chairs, but the proposed language regarding the appointment of representatives to university-­‐level committees would not be approved. Instead, it has been suggested that the Faculty Senate calendar for nominations be moved far in advance (6 weeks so that CAC can nominate and endorse) and that the Senate will look upon nominations favorably. The new calendar will apply to all colleges. This will not be contract language but a change in the operation of Faculty Senate. The relevant Faculty Senate resolution states: Page 2 of 4 "The Senate will change its calendar so that the College Councils can nominate their faculty for university committees. Nominations will be viewed favorably by the Senate and the Senate President will send a separate announcement to the College Council Chairs announcing that the nominations are due to the Senate." Motion to approve the language of the Faculty Senate resolution is approved unanimously. VI. New Business A. CE Advisory Council election Nominees: Steven Ramold (H&P) (currently serving on this Council) (11) Marilyn Corsianos (SAC) (7) Wallace Bridges (CMTA theatre) (2) Keith Damron (CMTA electronic media) (2) Because Ramold and Corsianos received the two highest number of votes, they will be the representatives to the CE Advisory Council. B. Spring meetings There was discussion about meeting in the Spring even though there is no contractual obligation to do so and we are not compensated to do so. It is noted that the ability to solicit faculty input is diminished after the Winter term ends. Sacksteder moves that CAC representatives be compensated at the same rate as the Faculty Senate would be for meetings beyond the contractually obligated term. (Second; Ensor). 13 yays, zero nays, three abstentions. VII. Dean’s remarks 1. CAS faculty position requests are being considered now; the Dean is hoping to move them on to the Provost soon (during the next week or so). 2. The Provost has issued a 1.5 M$ budget challenge (CAS has a 718 k$ challenge for next year’s budget, to be addressed through cuts or revenue; it is hoped that it can be done through new revenue, e.g., ~3500 additional credit hours). 3. Advising update: The existence of a new model for advising that has a professional/technical staff (PT) kind of “cap” and will involve training of faculty so that Departments have knowledgeable advisors is noted (this advising function is considered by the Dean to be distinct from the mentoring function of faculty). The actual structure of the new advising program has not been shared with the colleges; more details will be forthcoming by the next meeting of the Board of Regents. 4. The Provost has given the green light for reviewing programs for their sustainability. The new process (within CAS) will be introduced by Kate Mehuron. 5. The Department of Chemistry (CHEM) is looking to appoint a permanent Department Head (DH) -­‐-­‐ the Dean has received recommendations and is Page 3 of 4 interviewing candidates; similarly for WGST. CMTA is developing recommendations for people to interview for DH. There will be five interim DHs during Fall 2012. The Dean notes that Wade Tornquist is will become Interim Dean of CoT for two years. Kate Mehuron provides some background regarding the proposal regarding Program Sustainability (e-­‐mailed yesterday). She gives us advance notice that substantial input will be sought regarding the proposal. This will be the replacement for the old Program Review system. It is suggested that specific questions regarding the proposal be given to CAC in order that we have some guidance regarding the nature of the feedback that is being requested. It is noted that Gen Ed is not part of the sustainability metric, but may become so if certain triggers are activated. Kate wishes that the process will become more streamlined and that the process itself becomes sustainable. Kate notes that more data are available than in the past. Kate also hopes to have a more efficient and value-­‐displaying process. Every program needs to create its own assessment; there will be common elements, but it is the decision of the program to decide what data to provide. The Dean notes that the CAC is expected to review documents generated by the process (more work!). The graduating senior survey has been given (and is expected to be administered each semester; there was a 45% response rate this year) and the analysis will be available at the IRIM web site. This survey was also in the e-­‐mail sent by Jill Dieterle. VII. Chair’s remarks The program sustainabiity document will be on the agenda next meeting. Some discussion can start then. Dieterle received e-­‐mail from Associate Provost Rhonda Longworth indicating that the revised language for the BA/BS is on its way, mostly as we requested. VIII. Faculty remarks None. IX. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5:02 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ernie Behringer 2011-­‐2012 CAC Secretary Page 4 of 4 