Document 13557593

 Eastern Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences College Advisory Council—Science Subcommittee Minutes Thursday, December 6, 2012 Scheduled Meeting Time: 3:30-­‐5:00pm Mark Jefferson Science Complex, Rm 177 Present: Johnson (CHEM), Bradley (G&G), Rescorla (MATH), Shen (P&A), Dove (PSYCH), LaPorte (AD), Sambrook (Sciences DH), Haynes (CS) Absent: Booth (BIO) Meeting was called to order at 3:35 by chair, Amy Johnson. I. Approval of minutes from November 8, 2012 Meeting (Haynes move to approve, Bradley second—Motion passes (5-­‐0-­‐0) II. Old Business CAC New Member Guide: Draft sent to members after comments given by Behringer, Clark, and Emal, all former longstanding members of this committee. Several minor suggestions were made and accepted by all. Marianne and Kate met with Rhonda about communication issues among this committee, the Dean’s office, and the submitting departments. What can be done to ensure a more timely and efficient approach to the processing of proposals and the communication of committee suggestions back to submitting departments? Marianne suggests we get the proposals earlier as a committee as a partial solution. We would now get proposals two weeks in advance, and have one week to point out major concerns (page missing, visitor needed, etc) so that those things could be arranged for that upcoming meeting. There was a consensus that that would be a welcome way to approach the committee’s work going forward. III. New Business ESSC 370—Glacial and Quaternary Geology: course revision Move to approve: Shen, Bradley second (Motion passes: 5-­‐0-­‐0) Human sexuality minor: Program revision Comment: Please add a footnote to guide the students about the different course plan if you are a psychology major or not (regarding PSY 101 as a prerequisite for all required courses in Psychology) Move to approve: Haynes, Rescorla second (Motion passes: 5-­‐0-­‐0) We also discussed that Eastern Michigan University is building a new charter school right next to the merging Willow Run/Ypsilanti school district. The perception is that Eastern Michigan University is kicking this school district while it is already in a difficult time of transition. As such, Eastern Michigan University students (pre-­‐
service teachers, etc.) are no longer welcome within Willow Run/Ypsilanti school district, and this is hurting the opportunities for our students. All agreed that this is an important issue to bring to CAS. Marianne said she would have a conversation with Dean Venner about this right away. Meeting adjourned at 4:32. Respectfully submitted, Natalie Dove (CAC-­‐Science Subcommittee Secretary 2012-­‐2013) 