Eastern Michigan University College of Arts & Sciences College Advisory Council Minutes

Eastern Michigan University
College of Arts & Sciences
College Advisory Council
May 19, 2011
Scheduled Time: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
339 Strong
Present: Blair (MATH), Knapp (PSY), Emal (CHEM), Clark (GEOG&GEOL),
Behringer (PHY & ASTR), Haynes (COSC), Yaya (ECON), Ensor (SAC), Vosteen
(WL), Dieterle (PHIL/HIST), Nord (Sciences DH), Hammill (CMTA), MonteiroFerreira (AAS), Coykendall (WGST), Sacksteder (ART), Mehuron (Arts DH),
Tornquist (CAS), Winder (CAS), Venner (Dean).
I. Call to order (3:34 PM)
II. Acceptance of April minutes.
Passes unanimously.
III. Reports
A. Arts committee report
Minutes read by Vosteen. Report is accepted unanimously.
B. Sciences committee report
Minutes read by Knapp. Motion to separate CLRA 575 course (Clark, Emal).
Motion approved, unanimously. Motion to approve the report, less the CLRA
575 report. Motion passes unanimously.
IV. Old Business
Communication from the Provost regarding the BA/BS issue provides a choice
between three different frameworks. One comment regarding the preference for
the third framework if forced to choose. Move to table this issue until Fall 2011
(Sacksteder, Hammill). Passes unanimously.
V. New Business
A. Final Exams/Online Classes
How can one enforce that online students take an exam in a local testing center,
in person, under specified conditions (e.g., proctored)? However, an in-person
exam automatically causes a course to be designated a hybrid course (rather than
an online course). It is pointed out that it is standard practice for international
universities to make use of local testing centers to ensure that the integrity of the
evaluation is assured. Examples of proctoring experiences were shared. It is
necessary to clarify the stance of Extended Programs regarding online final
exams. Dieterle and Winder will look into this.
VI. Dean’s remarks
Two main points: a programming review exercise has been performed on certain
programs that have been specially identified; and budgeting exercises have been
done. The programming review exercise came suddenly and did not permit
sufficient time for obtaining input. To avoid being caught unprepared, the Dean
asks the CAC to provide input regarding how to review specially identified
programs. A comment is made that program review/continuous improvement
got separated from reviewing programs. The Dean will discuss this further
during the Fall.
The Dean went to China, visited 3 institutions, and especially noted his visit to
Wuhan University, (a top-ten, R1 university). The Dean participated in an
opening ceremony of a joint lab, newly built, between EMU and Wuhan
University for education related to GIS. The Dean signed an agreement between
EMU/Wuhan University to consider further agreements, e.g., to extend
cooperation on student exchanges.
VII. Chair’s remarks
VIII. Faculty remarks
None. IX. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:17 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ernie Behringer CAC Secretary 