Application for Interprofessional Education Project Funding

Application for Interprofessional Education Project Funding
The strategic vision of the Office for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education, Research and
Practice is to:
Create within CHHS an integrated, collaborative learning system
across the health and related professions that connects
disciplines, promotes teamwork, fosters mutual understanding,
strengthens research, and advances health for individuals and populations.
To apply for funding for a student-centered IPE project, follow the directions below. Consideration will be
given to those projects that:
Provides joint learning opportunities for students from at least two CHHS programs
Connect education, research and practice
Expand and diversify service learning and collaborative practice opportunities for students
Focus on community-based preventative services and social determinants of health
Integrate IPE into existing curriculum structures
Name of IPE Project ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Project Director ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Affiliated CHHS Program ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Requested Amount:
☐ <$2,500
☐ $2,500-$4,999
☐ $5,000-$7,500
Submission Date ________________________________
Include the following on an attached document:
1. Names of collaborating colleagues and their affiliated CHHS programs
2. A 3-5 page detailed summary of the proposed IPE project. The following section headings should be
used: rationale/introduction, goals, student learning outcomes, participating CHHS programs,
timeline, evaluation plan, dissemination plan, role of each faculty/staff participant, and location (If
the IPE activity/project is taking place off campus, please include evidence that permission to use the facility has been
3. A detailed budget with estimated costs
4. A memo of support from the School Director(s) affiliated with the project directors.
Please Note:
1. Please submit the application and supporting documents electronically to Chris Karshin
2. Members of the IPE Steering Committee will review the applications.
3. Depending on the structure of the proposed evaluation plan, the Project Director may need to submit
an application to the Human Subjects Committee. Funds will not be released until IRB approval is
4. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Chris Karshin or Dan Burns.
5. A forum will be provided for you to present your projects/findings to the Steering Committee.
Due Date: February 12, 2016