Jack Becker SAMPLE June xx, 20yy

Jack Becker
BCIS 4690; TOPIC: Management of IT
June xx, 20yy
Each assignment (100 pts) consists of two (2) articles (50 pts. each). Assume you are the CIO and you are writing
this to your CEO. You must provide one Executive Summary for each article. Each Executive Summary will
consist of three sections (label each section):
1. The Significance, Relevance, Key Issues of the article in relationship to the Assigned TOPIC. This is
the most important part! Avoid saying obvious things, like: 1) The article discussed the role of the CIO; 2)
IT is very important to an organization; etc. I will “kindly” refer to this as “fluff!” What specifically does
this article say about the topic that YOU think is the important 2-3 take-a-ways from the specific article!!
2. Implications for the Company and/or IT Department. Assume you are the CIO (use first person (“I”)
narrative. What are the specific implications of this article!
3. Implications and impact for CIO—i.e., you personally (use first person narrative). What does the article
imply for you as CIO? How specifically do any of the findings from this article affect you?
The summary MUST be no longer than one page (4K characters; approximately 700 words) and include a Heading
section and Footer section as described below:
A. Heading Section (see above)
• Each assignment will include:
• your name,
• current date,
• BCIS 4690/5700 class,
• The Assigned TOPIC for this week, and
• Rating: Relevance, Rigor, Importance [5,5,5] = “BEST”
1. Irrelevant
2. Marginally relevant
3. Average
4. Above average
5. Extremely relevant
1. No rigor
2. A little rigor (stats)
3. Moderate
4. Above average
5. Extremely rigorous
1. Unimportant
2. Slight importance
3. Moderate importance
4. Above average
5. Extremely important
B. Footer Section (see below)
• Appropriate bibliographic entry using this format:
Author's name(s), “Article Title”, Journal (Vol., issue no.), pages, (pub. date)
C. A Copy of the article is to be attached (may not be returned, if I like it! ).
• A copy of the article should also be kept by the student. Print out .pdf
versions, whenever possible. If the article has figures or tables, be sure to
“enlarge” them so that they are easily read by the instructor.
• You will be called upon at random to discuss your article. So, it’s a good idea
to keep a copy of your article and the Executive Summary hand for discussions
during class. If you have no article, or if you are not prepared to contribute, you
will have points deducted from the grade for the assignment.
• The articles will also be used in the discussions with the guest speakers.
Footer: Appropriate bibliographic entry must include:
Author’s name(s), (published date), “Title”, Journal (Vol., issue no.), pages