A Brief Introduction to the Run Query Tool -runquery.cern.ch/ James Walder Lancaster University

A Brief Introduction to the Run Query Tool
James Walder
Lancaster University
With thanks to Jörg Stelzer, from whom I’ve based much of this material
What is the Run Query Tool?
As with the other talks I will not discuss the fundamentals of various tools,
So what is this run query tool?
A web (and command-line python based) interface to examine run and
luminosity block level information for particular runs.
When would I use it?
Just why you might like to use these tools and what they can offer you.
For early data and looking at recent runs,
this tool will be useful for interactive work, and in performance studies.
For main analysis the Run Query Tool can be used to generate the Good
Run Lists (GRLs) ( more on this later).
Why use it?
It provides a good graphical interface that consolidates information that is
otherwise scattered around the Atlas databases,
which would be otherwise difficult to access.
Allows search criteria across broad spectrum of Atlas / lhc conditions
James Walder
Can also be run from command line (once athena release is setup) AtlRunQuery.py.
Queries can be submitted on criteria such as:
run / time, #events
(sub) Detector status; data quality, LHC status
Usage: Input string delimited by ‘/’;
search criteria is writen first
Find run 142190+ , or f r 192190+
display criteria is written after the ‘/’: e.g.
show all, show dq,
Output can be tailored, depending on need; can show:
Overall general information
Stream output names and dataset names, inc. which datasets distributed to the Grid
XML and root-file outputs are also created based on input criteria for download.
James Walder
Run Query: examples
Simple examples based on December running:
Good runs with stable beams:
find run 141748+ and lhc stablebeams true / show time and lhc
Data quality: find run 141748+ / show r and dq pix,sct,trt
James Walder
Tasks in this session
Use the run query tool to try and find some ‘good’ data taken last December.
You should be able to use the time search criteria or,
As a hint the run range should be between 141748 - 142406
You want a run with large set of statistics and with “stablebeams true”
The inner detector (SCT and pix) should also be switched on.
This corresponds to the data09_900GeV (and data09_2TeV projects)
You will also want the solenoid magnetic field on.
You should come up with a list of a few runs that will would satisfy your criteria as
being a ‘good run’.
Note that not all luminosity blocks within a run need to be good.
You can (and in reality should) look at the data quality of the inner detector
components for the particular runs.
use “find r ... / show r and dq” to list information (look in the tabs for
more information)
Make a note of the run query you entered, if there is time, we will return to this.
It can be a little slow at times, so remain patient
James Walder