VT 2014 TDDC74 Programming: Abstraktion och modellering Johannes Schmidt

TDDC74 Programming:
Abstraktion och modellering
VT 2014
Johannes Schmidt
Institutionen för datavetenskap
Linköpings universitet
Lecture 5
List Structures
last years Dugga1
Iterative processing of lists
eq?, eqv?, equal?
Lists of lists
Break: Muddy cards
Lists as Trees, binary search
filter, map, enumerate, accumulate
Data Abstraction
* SICP 2, Del 2
Program pattern: #1i
Iterative processing of lists
(ITER (CDR SEQ) (accum RESULT))))
(ITER SEQ <null-result>))
(define (mylength seq)
(define (iter seq result)
(if (null? seq)
(iter (cdr seq) (+ result 1))))
(iter seq 0))
New syntax: LETREC
as LET but for procedures
with recursive calls
(define (mylength seq)
(lambda (seq result)
(if (null? seq)
(iter (cdr seq) (+ result 1))))))
(iter seq 0)))
Compare with:
(define (mylength seq)
(define (iter seq result)
(if (null? seq)
(iter (cdr seq) (+ result 1))))
(iter seq 0))
Program pattern: #2
Lists where certain elements
shall be treated in a special way
Three cases:
 Empty list: '()
 The first element is among those that
shall get a special treatment: (2 a b c)
 The first element is not special, continue
with the rest of the list: (a b c)
Program pattern: #2
Lists as sequences.
Example: Membership test
((NULL? SEQ) <null-result>)
(<condition> <result>)
(ELSE (<operation> (FN (CDR SEQ))))))
(define (element? e seq)
(cond ((null? seq) #f)
((eq? e (car seq)) #t)
(else (element? e (cdr seq)))))
eq? or equal?
Simple difference:
(define x '(1 2 3))
(define y x)
(define z '(1 2 3))
(eq? x y) => #t
(eq? x z) => #f
(equal? x y) => #t
(equal? x z) => #t
And eqv?
eq? compares references to objects
(without evaluating the objects content)
equal? compares the content of objects,
goes down into the structre/content
eqv? as eq?, but some differences for
numbers and characters, see
Program pattern: #3
lists where elements are lists
Three possible cases:
 Empty list: '()
 First element is no list: (a (b c) (d))
 General case: ((a b) (b c) (d))
Program pattern: #3
lists where elements are lists
(define subst
(lambda (lol old new)
; substitute occurrences of old with
; new in lol (list of lists) at all levels
(cond ((null? lol) '())
((atom? (car lol))
((eq? (car lol) old)
(cons new (subst (cdr lol) old new)))
(else (cons (car lol)
(subst (cdr lol) old new)))))
(cons (subst (car lol) old new)
(subst (cdr lol) old new))))))
Trees in programming
Each node has:
1. Value
2. 0 or more children
Very often: binary trees: Left child, right child
Why trees?
Many reasons.
Example: fast search.
5 8 2 12 10 3 15
2 5 10 15
Tree height
= max depth + 1
i.e. here: 3
Node / tree
A node-entity, with methods:
get-value – returns the nodes value
get-left-child – returns the left branch
get-right-child – returns the right branch
leaf? – test if the tree is a leaf (no children)
empty? – test if the tree is empty
Program Pattern: #4
Lists as Trees
Three Cases:
 Empty tree: '()
Atomic Tree, Leaf: a
General case: no leaf, so called
internal node
Program pattern: #5
Lists as binary trees
(define (fn tree)
((empty? tree) <null-result>)
((leaf? tree) <leaf-result>)
(else (<operation>
(fn (get-left tree))
(fn (get-right tree))))))
Program Pattern: #5
Lists as binary trees
(define (fn tree)
((empty? tree) <null-result>)
((leaf? tree) <leaf-result>)
(else (<operation>
(fn (get-left tree))
(fn (get-right tree))))))
(define (count-leaves tree)
(cond ((empty? tree) 0)
((leaf? tree) 1)
(else (+ (count-leaves (get-left tree))
(count-leaves (get-right tree))))))
Program Pattern: #5
Lists as binary trees
(define (fn tree)
((empty? tree) <null-result>)
((leaf? tree) <leaf-result>)
(else (<operation>
(fn (get-left tree))
(fn (get-right tree))))))
(define (height t)
(cond ((empty? t) 0)
((leaf? t) 1)
(else (+ 1 (max ((height (get-left t)))
(height (get-right t))))))
Node / tree
get-value – returns the nodes value
get-left – returns the left branch
get-right – returns the right branch
leaf? – test if the tree is a leaf (no children)
empty? – test if the tree is empty
(define (make-tree value left right) (list value left right))
(define (get-value tree) (car tree))
(define (get-left tree) (car (cdr tree)))
(define (get-right tree) (car (cdr (cdr tree))))
(define (leaf? tree)
(and (empty? (get-left tree)) (empty? (get-right tree))))
(define (empty? tree) (null? tree))
Higher order procedures
for lists
We will go through some interesting
 Filter
 Map
 Enumerate
 Accumulate
filter (filter)
(filter proc L)
apply proc to all elements in L and
create a list that contains only those
elements e for which (proc e) is #t.
(map proc L)
map applies proc to the elements in
L and returns the result as a new list.
map is already built-in in Scheme and
is a little more general then this
description here.
(define (enumerate low high)
(if (> low high)
(cons low
(enumerate (+ low 1) high))))
> (enumerate 1 5)
'(1 2 3 4 5)
(accumulate proc null-value list)
-> value
Recursively applies proc to the list and
accumulates a result that finally is returned
(define (accumulate proc null-value L)
(if (null? L)
(proc (car L)
(accumulate proc
(cdr L)))))
> (accumulate + 0 '(1 2 3 4))
; (+ 1 (+ 2 (+ 3 (+ 4 0))))
> (accumulate list '() '(a b c))
'(a (b (c ()))) ;(list 'a (list 'b (list
> (accumulate
(lambda (x y)
(if (> (abs x) (abs y))
(abs x)
(abs y)))
'(3 -6 4 -5))
'c '())))
Program as a flow of
sequence operations
List the first 10 numbers in the
Fibonacci series
> (accumulate
(map fib (enumerate 0 9)))
'(0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34)
Program as a flow of
sequence operations
What is the highest programmer
(accumulate max 0
(map salary (filter programmer?
Program as a flow of
sequence operations
Which integer in the inverval 1-10000 is
a perfect number?
(filter perfect?
(enumerate 1 10000))
SICP on Data Abstraction
The basic idea of data abstraction is to structure the
programs that are to use compound data objects so
that they operate on “abstract data.” That is, our
programs should use data in such a way as to make no
assumptions about the data that are not strictly
necessary for performing the task at hand. At the same
time, a “concrete” data representation is defined
independent of the programs that use the data. The
interface between these two parts of our system will be
a set of procedures, called selectors and constructors,
that implement the abstract data in terms of the
concrete representation.
– Abelson, Sussman, & Sussman: SICP
SICP on Data Abstraction
The basic idea of data abstraction is to structure the
programs that are to use compound data objects so
that they operate on “abstract data.” That is, our
programs should use data in such a way as to
make no assumptions about the data that are
not strictly necessary for performing the task at
hand. At the same time, a “concrete” data
representation is defined independent of the
programs that use the data. The interface between
these two parts of our system will be a set of
procedures, called selectors and constructors, that
implement the abstract data in terms of the concrete
– Abelson, Sussman, & Sussman: SICP
Data Abstraction:
The Philosophy
Base your programs on abstract descriptions of the
data, not a specific physical realisation of it
Making your programs independent of the physical
representation has the advantage of not needing to
change your program when the physical
representation of the data changes
Data abstraction makes our programs easier to read
Data abstraction makes top-down design of your
programs possible
Data Abstraction: How?
Data abstraction is done by defining
the procedures that create data, select
from data, recognize data, change
data, and also print data
Data Abstraction: How?
Define the procedure‘s behaviour
(input, output), that you need to solve
your problem
Write a solution to your problem using
these procedures
Then implement your procedures