PG SSLC Minutes (21/11/08)
Physics PG-SSLC
Date: Friday 21st November, 2008
Time: 13:00
Venue: P521a
1. Welcome and Apologies
Present: Malcolm Cooper, David Leadley, Valery Nakariakov, Gavin Bell, Geetha
Balakrishnan, Helen Ireland, Ben Parkinson, Pearl Kaijuka (Science Fac. Rep.), Stephanie
Liggins (Chair), Jo Higgs, Donald Edie, Kathrin Wuensch, Lieke van Spaandonk, James
Cook, Tom Hayes, Dan Baker, Ruth Nicol, Dean Keeble, Efstratios Zaloumis, Liam
Apologies: Peter Wheatley, Oleg Petrenko and Nathan Barrow
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes from the 17th October, 2008 were agreed.
3. Library
i. Introduction Library course
Ben Parkinson contacted all first years, but as yet there are no requests for library
training. Helen Ireland is still willing to give sessions (small groups or even individual) if
The Wolfson Research Exchange is open to all research staff and students. For bookings,
The possibility of holding postgraduate seminars there was raised.
4. Academic Matters
i. PG Open Days
The Department had a stand in the panorama room for the University PG open day
on Wednesday 19th November, manned by Ben Parkinson, Stephanie Liggins and Dan
Baker. Geetha wishes to thank them for their help, 8 students came to the Physics
Department and were shown around.
The talk to Physics UG finalists was held on Thursday 20 th November and was
followed by a poster event on the Science Concourse, where Ugs had the opportunity to
talk to people from the various reseach groups. Again many thanks to Ben Parkinson and
all those who helped with serving drinks, posters etc.
PG SSLC Minutes (21/11/08)
No further events are planned for the moment, possibly another open day next
spring depending on applications.
Union PG elections
There are still positions vacant for postgraduate representatives within the Students'
Union such as Postgraduate Forum coordinator. If you are interested and want further
information please contact Stephanie Liggins (S.Liggins@warwick.ac.uk) or Mo Surve
iii. PG Focus Groups for Graduate School courses
The Academic Office would like to hold a couple of Graduate School informal focus
groups some time next term in order to improve services. The focus groups would take no
longer than 2 hours. The Academic Office would like 8 PGT students and 8 PGR students.
They need to be spread across the following categories in order to get a representative
group of students:
Arts/Medicine/Science/Social Studies
The Physics Department frequently uses the services offered by the Graduate School,
therefore it would be good to have some input at these meetings. If anyone is interested in
5. Social Events
i. PG colloquium
Lieke van Spaandonk has taken over from Dan Baker as PG seminar coordinator
and had talks scheduled until the end of term. After the success of the welcome Pizza
event organised by Dan, the attendance is still excellent (~40 people on average). Next
term 1st year PhD students will be approached to give talks.
ii. PG social events
Dan is planning to organise social drinks before the Departmental Christmas Meal
on Thursday 18th December (the deadline for specifying your attendance to the meal is
Thursday 4th December).
ACTION: Group Reps are requested to ask their groups what social events they would like
to see organised over the coming year. Please get back to Dan Baker
(D.W.Baker@warwick.ac.uk) about this.
iii. Squash Ladder
PG SSLC Minutes (21/11/08)
The possibilty was raised of setting up a squash ladder for the Physics Department. This
has already been done in the Surface Science group so the idea would be to extend this to
the entire Department.
ACTION: Dan will investigate setting this up and possibly including other sports.
6. Any Other Business
i. JUNO Panel Visit
The Department is in the process of applying for JUNO Champion Status from the
IoP. This is an initiative to encourage women in physics, for any more information contact
Sandra Beaufoy (S.Beaufoy@warwick.ac.uk). Part of the evaluation process for this is a
panel visit on the 2nd December. One more male representative for this was needed,
Donald Edie volunteered to attend.
ii. Careers Event
It was decided to organise a careers event exclusively aimed at PGs, unlike last
year's event, which was done in conjunction with the UG SSLC. Stephanie Liggins has
already been in contact with some potential speakers and like last year, the emphasis will
be on careers on Science.
Volunteers were asked for a small committee, which would be in charge of organising the
event. Stephanie Liggins, Dan Baker, Ruth Nicol and Lieke van Spaandonk volunteered
for this task and Ben Parkinson also offered his help. The need to start planning the event
and investigating dates/room bookings as soon as possible was stressed.
iii. Elections
Stephanie Liggins was elected Chair and Dan Baker was elected social secretary at
the previous meeting. Elections were held for the remaining committee positions.
Upper floor condensed matter
Lower floor condensed matter
Milburn House
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Particle Physics
Theory and CSC
International Students
Liam Fishwick
Dan Baker
Nathan Barrow
James Cook
Lieke van Spaandonk
Kathrin Wuensch
Joanna Higgs
Many thanks again to the exiting committee for all their hard work over the past year.
ACTION: The Chair will contact the groups, who as yet have no representation in order to
discuss this.
7. Next Meeting and Dates to Note
PG SSLC Minutes (21/11/08)
The next meeting will be on Friday the 16th January 2009 at 13:00