www.cbt.org Engaging communities MtnClim 2006 Mt Hood Oregon

Engaging communities
MtnClim 2006
Mt Hood Oregon
September 21st 2006
The Columbia Basin
The Columbia Basin Trust
The meaning of Engagement!
Make it Fun!!!!
Listen more talk less!!!
We don’t need more science….
We need to integrate existing
knowledge into communities.
Less Horrendograms……
Simplify the message……
Finds ways to connect the issue to peoples
day to day life….
Make use of events that people can
see…that directly affect them.
Touch on iconic changes…relate to our
sense of place.
Illecillewaet glacier – Vaux Family photographs
We know there are going to be changes…but
lets admit we cannot know the full extent.
Remember Economics and Human
health rule todays world…so make sure
we focus on these issues not only
environmental issues!
Less doom and gloom....What are the
positives?...What are the opportunities?
People do care…..
its our job to teach them how to take action!
Emissions control
Use different perspectives..
Art by: Joe Wezorek
Celebrate achievements!
Build Trust, show them you
Find leaders…
not reacters
Empowerment = Action
Connect youth and wisdom.
Remember its all about learning from the
past and planning for the future.
Be patient!
Visit us at www.cbt.org