taking exchange program courses at the Graduate School of Arts... I believe that before I carry on studying, I have...

taking exchange program courses at the Graduate School of Arts and
I believe that before I carry on studying, I have to go out and explore
Sciences on international society and human rights, and a course
the world, explore the field that I want to dedicate my life to, and
on development at the Kennedy School of Government. “My original
then come back to study some more.”
plan was to finish my undergraduate degree and then go directly to
DAVID TOBENKIN is a freelance writer in Chevy Chase, Maryland. His
latest article for IE was “Legal Minds” in the January/February 2009 issue.
a postgraduate degree, a master’s in development studies. But now
Photo courtesy of Robert Pastor
The North American Advantage
obert Pastor is professor of international relations and co-director of the Center for North
American Studies at American University in Washington, D.C. He is the author of Toward
a North American Community and the forthcoming The North American Idea.
IE: Why should Americans also think of
ing another culture and country firsthand.
row the income
themselves as “North Americans?”
That is why a good study abroad experience
gap between
Pastor: In the eighteenth and nine-
is one of the most meaningful that students
Mexico and its
teenth centuries, when someone was
can have, and in the long-term, there is no
northern neighbors
asked one’s identity, most people would
better way to improve intercultural and
and in the long-term,
refer to their town or state. Even Thomas
international relations. When a student
it is the only way to reduce
Jefferson instructed that his tombstone
from the United States lives and studies in
­illegal migration.
mention his accomplishments as a citi-
Mexico with Mexican students, he or she
To address the problem of climate
zen of Virginia rather than as the U.S.
will not only learn Spanish, but will begin
change, all three countries should pledge
president. Nowadays, people identify
to appreciate our neighbors and ourselves
to adopt similar or compatible cap-and-
with their nation, but everyone has mul-
in a new way.
trade systems to reduce carbon emissions.
tiple identities, based on religion, ethnic
group, gender, college, or clubs.
In this increasingly interdependent
world, Americans have reason to be proud
of their nation, but they also need to under-
IE: What should the Obama administration do to enhance efforts to improve
the relationship between all three
They should ask their Congressional leaders to work together on this program, and
task the North American Commission on
Environmental Cooperation to standardize
measurements of progress and regression.
stand the perspectives of other countries
Pastor: There is much that the Obama
To educate a new generation in each
because many see us as either uncaring
administration needs to do with our
country to the importance of North Amer-
or intrusive. We should start by learning
ica, the three countries should provide
Since the North American Free Trade
more scholarships to study in each other’s
da—and work with them to forge a sense
Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect in
country, and they should provide funding
of community. If we are sincere, we can be
January 1994, trade among the three coun-
for academic and research centers to study
both “Americans” and “North Americans”
tries of North America has tripled, and
North American issues. The United States
at the same time.
foreign investment has quintupled, and
provides funds for centers for every region
while 80 percent of the trade goes by road,
of the world except North America.
IE: How can international education and
exchange between Canada, Mexico, and
set of young people and foster better
intercultural relations?
To implement these and other impor-
Obama should work with his counter-
tant initiatives, President Obama needs to
parts to develop a North American Plan for
join with his colleagues to articulate a vi-
Transportation and Infrastructure.
sion of North America’s future that gives
He should propose a North American
the three publics a common purpose, a
Pastor: The best way to change one’s mind
Investment Fund to provide aid to build
sense that they are part of a community
is also the best way to expand it—by educa-
roads and communications to connect the
where problems cannot be contained with-
tion. The best education combines reading
poor states of southern Mexico with the
in one country, and all benefit from each
books, talking with people, and experienc-
United States and Canada. This will nar-
country’s success.
International Educator
the United States help change the mind-
no new roads have been built. President
Regional Spotlight
about our neighbors—Mexico and Cana-