Funding Bulletin

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
August 19, 2011
Vol. 20, No. 31
Program Information
31-2 Research on Research Integrity
(R21) (NIH)
To receive program information, please
contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail:
Limited submission programs have
sponsor restrictions on the number of
proposals that may be submitted by a
single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which
applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim
Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Research, is the internal coordinator for
limited submission programs. Please
notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due
date listed in the Funding Bulletin or by
at least two months prior to the sponsor
deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program. Currently
posted Internal Deadlines:
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), issued by NIH, encourages
applications for research that will
improve understanding of the basic
mechanisms of research integrity by
bridging work in the laboratory and the
field. This understanding will advance
several goals, including: the identification of the optimal targets and time
points in the life course for Responsible
Conduct of Research (RCR) education
and the identification of common mechanisms of behavioral change related to
research integrity. This initiative seeks to
capitalize on emerging basic science to
accelerate the investigation of common
mechanisms that play a role in initiating
or maintaining research integrity and are
applicable across a broad range of
research-related behaviors. By focusing
basic research on the mechanisms of
research integrity, and by integrating
work across laboratory and field contexts, this initiative should transform the
efficacy and effectiveness of RCR education and cost efficiency of behavior
change interventions when research misconduct is found. RFA-ES-11-009
(NIHG 7/22/11)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 10/17/2011;
Applications 12/1/2011
31-3 Gene-Environment Interplay in
Substance Use Disorder (R01) (NIH)
NOTICE - The Funding Bulletin is
available via email. To be added to the
electronic mailing list, send an email
message to:
Leave the subject line blank. In the message area, type: sub fundingbulletin.
Limited Submissions
31-1 2012 NIH Director’s New
Innovator Award Program (DP2) (NIH)
The NIH Director’s New Innovator (DP2)
Award program was created in 2007 to
support a small number of early stage
investigators of exceptional creativity who
propose bold and highly innovative new
research approaches that have the potential
to produce a major impact on broad,
important problems in biomedical and
behavioral research. The NIH Director’s
New Innovator Award Program is a HighRisk Research initiative of the Common
Fund. For the purpose of this FOA, multiple PDs/PIs are not allowed. Applicants
must meet the definition of an Early Stage
Investigator (ESI). An ESI is a new investigator (defined as a PD/PI who has not
competed successfully for a significant
NIH independent research award) who is
within 10 years of completing his/her terminal research degree or is within 10 years
of completing medical residency (or the
equivalent). RFA-RM-11-005 (NIHG 8/
Deadline: 10/14/2011
The National Institute on Drug Abuse
and the National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism seeks to stimulate
and expand research on the interplay of
genetic and environmental factors in the
genesis, course, and outcomes of substance and alcohol use disorders (SUDS).
Previous work in genetic epidemiology
and molecular genetics has established
that SUDs are highly heritable, developmental disorders with important genetic
substrates. Building on these findings,
new studies using genetically informative approaches are needed to elucidate
the complex interplay of genetic and
environmental factors in developmental
trajectories of SUDs and comorbid conditions, deepen and refine phenotypic
definitions of SUDs, and meet the methodologic challenges of the field. Such
studies hold great potential to promote
understanding of the true contributions
of both genetic and environmental factors to initiation, progression, comorbidity, adverse outcomes, and desistance of
SUDs; to elucidate mechanisms of risk;
and to enhance opportunities for translation to treatment, prevention, gene-finding and molecular studies. Companion
PAs are PA-11-236, R21 Exploratory/
Developmental Grant and PA-11-237,
R03 Small Grant Program. PA-11-235
(NIHG 7/22/11)
Deadline: 10/5/2011, 2/5/2012, 6/5/2012
31-4 Dear Colleague Letter: NSFNIST Interaction in Basic and Applied
Scientific Research in BIO, ENG, &
The National Science Foundation (NSF)
and National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) have shared interests
in a variety of basic and applied scientific
and engineering fields. This program is
designed to facilitate collaborative
research and educational activities
between NIST scientific and engineering
staff and researchers supported by NSF.
Support may be requested through use of
supplemental funding requests to existing
NSF awards for travel expenses and per
diem associated with work on-site at
NIST for NSF-supported Pis, co-Pis,
post-doctoral scholars, undergraduate and
graduate students and other personnel
associated with the NSF-NIST collaborative research. NSF 11-066
Deadline: Open
31-5 NEA Research: Art Works, FY
2012 (NEA)
The NEA will make grants for research
projects that use existing datasets to mine
data for analyses of the value and impact
of the U.S. arts sector on the nation,
whether on individuals or communities.
Applications should present novel
research questions that have not previously been explored with the referenced
dataset(s). Projects that will be conducted
in partnership with for-profit entities, and/
or which use commercial and/or administrative datasets, are also encouraged.
Organizations will be asked to address the
anticipated results of their projects in their
applications. 2012 NEAORA (GG 8/4/11)
Deadline: 11/8/2011
31-6 Ace Fellows Program (ACE)
Since 1965, hundred of vice presidents,
deans, department chairs, faculty, and
other emerging leaders have participated
in the ACE Fellows Program, the nation’s
premier higher education leadership
development program in preparing senior
leaders to serve American colleges and
universities. Fellows spend an extended
period of time on another campus, work-
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
ing directly with presidents. (TGA 10/11)
Deadline: 11/1/2011
31-7 Dear Colleague Letter: United
States and Ireland (NSF)
The United States, Northern Ireland and
the Republic of Ireland have recently
renewed a unique partnership as a way of
increasing the level of collaborative R&D
among researchers across the jurisdictions
that will generate innovation and lead to
improvements in society. The agencies
involved in this effort are: the National
Science Foundation (U.S.), Science Foundation Ireland (Republic), Invest Northern Ireland (Northern), and the
Department of Employment and Learning
(Northern). The objective is to encourage
the development and submission of transnational and collaborative research
projects that address the exciting research
challenges in the areas of nanotechnology,
sensors, telecommunications, and energy
and sustainability. Potential proposals
generated as a result of this partnership
should be submitted to relevant NSF programs in accordance with the program’s
proposal due date(s) and will be reviewed
in accordance with the standard NSBapproved review criteria. No specific
funding is set aside for this partnership.
NSF 11-070
Deadline: Varies
31-8 Military Infectious Diseases
Basic Research Awards (Army)
This Program Announcement/Funding
Opportunity is focused on basic research,
which is defined as formulating concepts
and expanding understanding of fundamental principles and observable facts of
science and medicine. The DMRDP FY11
Military Infectious Disease Basic
Research Award (MID-BRA) is designed
to promote new ideas that have the potential to yield high-impact data and to
inform new avenues of investigation. This
mechanism will support systematic
research and discovery aimed at identifying, characterizing, and/or clarifying
basic biological mechanisms related to
microbes responsible for combat-related
wound infections. This Program
Announcement/Funding Opportunity will
not support applied research studies, that
is, studies addressing a particular problem
or medical treatment approach.
Deadline: Preapplications 9/13/2011;
Applications 12/7/2011
31-9 Division of Integrative
Organismal Systems (BIO)
The Division of Integrative Organismal
Systems (IOS) supports research aimed at
understanding why organisms are structured the way they are and function as
they do. Proposals should focus on organisms as a fundamental unit of biological
organization. Areas of inquiry include,
but are not limited to, developmental biology and the evolution of developmental
processes, nervous system development,
structure, and function, physiological processes, functional morphology, symbioses, interactions of organisms with biotic
and abiotic environments, and animal
behavior. Effective July 13, 2011, all
investigator-initiated proposals to the core
programs in the Division of Integrative
Organismal Systems will be invited/not
invited via preliminary proposals. There
will be a single window of submission
limit of 2 preliminary proposals per investigator per year as PI/Co-PI/Lead Senior
Investigator of a subaward in response to
this Solicitation. NSF 11-572
Deadline: Preliminary Proposals 1/12/
2012; Proposals 8/2/2012
31-10 Division of Environmental
Biology (core programs) (DEB) (BIO)
The Division of Environmental Biology
(DEB) supports fundamental research on
populations, species, communities, and
ecosystems. Areas of research include
biodiversity, phylogenetic systematics,
molecular evolution, life history evolution, natural selection, ecology, biogeography, ecosystem structure, function and
services, conservation biology, global
change, and biogeochemical cycles.
Research on organismal origins, functions, relationships, interactions, and evolutionary history may incorporate field,
laboratory, or collection-based
approaches; observational or manipulative experiments; synthesis activities; as
well as theoretical approaches involving
analytical, statistical, or computational
modeling. Preliminary proposals will be
accepted in January and a binding decision will be made to invite/not invite full
proposals for submission in August. In a
given year, an individual may participate
as a PI, co-PI, or lead senior investigator
of a subaward on no more than two preliminary proposals submitted in response
to this solicitation. NSF 11-573
Deadline: Preproposals 1/9/2012; Proposals 8/2/2012
field of population health depends on
multidisciplinary collaboration and
exchange. Its goal is to improve public
health by training scholars to investigate
the connections among biological,
genetic, behavioral, environmental, economic, and social determinants of health;
and to develop, evaluate, and disseminate
knowledge, interventions, and policies
that integrate and act on these determinants. (PND 8/12/11)
Deadline: 9/30/2011
31-12 Effects of Secondhand Smoke on
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
Disease Mechanisms (R01) (NIH)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement
(FOA) issued by the National Heart,
Lung, and Blood Institute and National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences National Institutes of Health,
invites applications that propose to better
characterize the dose-response relationship between secondhand smoke (SHS)
exposure and the cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases by improving our understanding of the mechanisms by which
SHS contributes to these diseases. A wide
range of research including animal and
human laboratory studies, cohort and case
control studies, and natural experiments
resulting from home, workplace, and/or
community changes in SHS exposure are
consistent with this initiative. PA-11-244
(NIHG 7/8/11)
Deadline: 10/5/2011, 2/5/2012, 6/5/2012
R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia,
Adassa Roe, Katie Small, Rex Goff, Susan
Klein, Sharon Zoeller
Funding Information Specialist & Editor
Beverly Page
31-11 Health & Society Scholars
Program (RWJF)
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Health & Society Scholars program provides two years of support to postdoctoral
scholars at all stages of their careers to
help build the nation’s capacity for
research that addresses the multiple determinants of population health and contributes to policy change. The program is
based on the principle that progress in the
Development Director
Mary Lou Marino
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President,
Research Compliance
Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor
Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045