Funding Bulletin

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
May 14, 2010
Program Information
To receive program information, please
contact Beverly Page, Information Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)532-5045, e-mail:
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available via email. To be added to the
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Limited Submissions
Limited submission programs have
sponsor restrictions on the number of
proposals that may be submitted by a
single institution and will require institutional screening to determine which
applications will be submitted. Dr. Jim
Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Research, is the internal coordinator for
limited submission programs. Please
notify him at 785-532-6195, email:, by the Internal due
date listed in the Funding Bulletin or by
at least two months prior to the sponsor
deadline if you wish to submit to a limited submission program. Currently
posted Internal Deadlines:
Vol. 19, No. 19
synthetic efficiency have been made, few
gains have been realized. The emergence
of new integrative bioscience including
areas such as functional genomics, metabolic flux analysis, and the synthetic
biology bring novel strategies that can
position scientists to surpass those limits.
This solicitation encourages proposals
that have the potential to enhance the
efficiency and sustainability of photosynthesis beyond current limits. The key
objective of this joint activity between
the National Science Foundation (NSF)
in the US and the Biotechnology and
Biological Sciences Research Council
(BBSRC) in the UK is to stimulate innovative and transformative research proposals for the enhancement of
photosynthesis efficiency. US and UK
researchers can submit preliminary proposals via FastLane for participating in
the Ideas Lab in which a set of multidisciplinary ideas will be developed. These
will be submitted as full proposals. Alternatively, US researchers who cannot or
do not desire to participate in the Ideas
Lab can submit full proposals directly in
response to this solicitation. Collaboration among researchers from USA and
UK is strongly encouraged in the full
proposals. NSF 10-559
Deadline: Preliminary Proposals 6/15/
2010; Proposals 11/1/2010
19-1 Sustainable Development
Program (Rockefeller)
Human activity is causing the depletion of
essential resources, global warming, rapid
loss of biodiversity, and accelerating degradation of Earth’s life support systems.
These developments threaten the livelihoods, health, and security of people in all
nation and cultures as well as the being of
the greater community of life. The RBF’s
sustainable development grantmaking
endeavors to address these challenges by
supporting environmental stewardship that
is ecological based, economically sound,
socially just, culturally appropriate, and
consistent with intergenerational equity.
The Fund encourages government, business, and civil society to work collaboratively on environmental conservation and
to make it an integral part of all development planning and activity.
Deadline: OPEN
19-2 Surpassing Evolution:
Transformative Approaches to Enhance
the Efficiency of Photosynthesis (NSF)
While numerous efforts to increase photo-
19-5 Guest Artist Initiative (SDCF)
19-3 DoD Autism ExplorationHypothesis Development Award
and processes necessary for abundant
commercial production of biofuels at
prices competitive with fossil fuels; 2)
High-value biobased products; and 3) A
diversity of economically and environmentally sustainable domestic sources of
renewable biomass for conversion to biofuels, bioenergy, and biobased products.
The U.S. Department of Energy and the
U.S. Department of Agriculture are soliciting pre-applications that integrate all
three of the following technical areas: A)
Feedstocks Development—Research,
development and demonstration activities regarding feedstocks and feedstock
logistics; B) Biofuels and Biobased Products Development—Research, development and demonstration activities to
support: 1 Development of diverse costeffective technologies for the use of cellulosic biomass in the production of biofuels and biobased products; and 2) Product
diversification through technologies relevant to production of a range of biobased
products; C) Biofuels Development Analysis—Methods to quantify the proposed
technology and/or the project’s positive
impact on sustainability and on the environment. DE-FOA-0000341 (GG 5/7/10)
Deadline: Preapplications 7/13/2010
The Exploration--Hypothesis Development Award supports the initial exploration of untested, novel, innovative, and
potentially groundbreaking concepts,
theories, paradigms, and /or methods that
address an important issue in autism
research. Results of studies conducted
through this award may provide the scientific rationale upon which a new
hypothesis can be based, or initial proofof-principle of an innovative hypothesis.
This award mechanism is not intended to
support the continuation of existing studies. W81XWH-10-ARP-EHDA (GG 3/
Deadline: Preapplications 6/10/2010;
Applications 7/1/2010
19-4 Biomass Research and
Development Initiative (DOE)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement is a joint effort between the U.S.
Department of Agriculture and the U.S.
Department of Energy to support development of the following: 1) Technologies
The Stage Directors and Choreographers
Foundation is accepting applications for
its Guest Artist Initiative Program.
Through the program, SDCF assists colleges and universities in hiring guest
directors and choreographers and providing the schools with funding and administrative support. SDCF publicizes the
guest artist position to professional directors and choreographers nationwide, collects and collates applicants’ materials,
and sends materials to the school for hiring decisions; SDCF plays no role in hiring. To be eligible for the program, the
production must be produced by an
American college or university by
December 31, 2011. In addition, the guest
artist position must be open, and hiring
plans for the open position may not be in
place. SDC Members will be eligible for
these positions. PND 5/6/10
Deadline: 6/1/2010
19-6 Advanced Mathematics for DoD
Battlefield Challenges (DOD)
To provide focus to the process of cultivating new and transformative mathematical capabilities for defense applications,
and to maximize the potential for impact
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
on current military operations, this solicitation centers upon a collections of challenges manifested in the battlefield
environment. This BAA seeks research
concepts directed toward developing a
coherent picture of the battlefield at a tactical level that can be used to support realtime (sometimes measured in milliseconds) decisions on matters such as fire
control, where understanding the fidelity
of and uncertainties in the picture are
vital. This requires new techniques for
fusing, predicting, visualizing and
extracting features and information from
disparate sources ranging from sensor
data (e.g. optical radio-frequency, acoustic, and chemical) to human intelligence
data to historical database to expert opinion, i.e., spanning the gamut of human
intelligence (HUMINT), electronic intelligence (ELINT), and signal intelligence
(SIGINT) information sources. MATH
BAA 2010/01
Deadline: Quad Chart 5/28/2010;
White Papers 6/30/2010; Proposals 7/
19-7 Grants for Research and
Analysis on Energy (Energy
The Energy Foundation is a partnership of
major donors interested in solving the
world’s energy problems. The Foundation’s mission is to advance energy efficiency and renewable energy--new
technologies that are essential components of a clean energy future. The geographic focus is on the United States and
China, the largest and fastest growing
energy markets in the world. The Foundation’s primary role is as a grantmaker,
providing resources to the institutions that
most effectively leverage change. The following program areas are currently available: Power, Buildings, Transportation,
Climate, and the China Sustainable
Energy Program. TGA 5/10
Deadline: OPEN
19-8 Connections for Cardiovascular
Health Grant Program (AstraZeneca)
The AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation
has received a $25 million charitable contribution from biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca for Connections for
Cardiovascular Health, a new program
designed to help improve cardiovascular
health in the United States. The program
will award grants to U.S.-based nonprofit
organizations that are doing innovative
work in the field of cardiovascular health.
Applicant organizations should be
engaged in work that addresses patient
cardiovascular health issues, seeks to
address an unmet need related to cardiovascular health in the community,
responds to the urgency around addressing cardiovascular disease or conditions
contributing to cardiovascular disease,
and improves the quality of patients’ and
caregivers’ lives in connection with the
services provided and work done. PND 5/
Deadline: 7/31/2010
19-9 Occupational Safety and Health
Research (R01) (NIH)
This purpose of the funding opportunity
announcement (FOA) is to develop an
understanding of the risks and conditions
that are associated with occupational disease and injuries, to explore methods for
reducing risks and for preventing or minimizing exposure to hazardous conditions
in the workplace, and to translate significant scientific findings into prevention
practices and products that will effectively reduce work-related illnesses and
injuries. PAR-10-188 (NIHG 5/7/10)
Deadline: 6/5/2010, 10/5/2010, 2/5/2011
19-10 Partnerships for Development of
New Therapeutic Classes for Select
Viral and Bacterial Pathogens (R01)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement
(FOA) issued by the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID),
National Institutes of Health (NIH),
invites research applications in support of
preclinical development of lead candidate
therapeutics against Nesseria gonorrhoeae, Hepatitis B Virus and Clostridium
difficile. RFA-AI-10-010 (NIHG 5/7/10)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 6/8/2010;
Applications 7/8/2010
19-11 Diet Composition and Energy
Balance (R01) (NIH)
The goal of this funding opportunity
announcement (FOA) is to invite
Research Project Grant (R01) applications investigating the role of diet composition in energy balance, including studies
in both animals and humans. Both short
and longer-term studies are encouraged,
ranging from basic studies investigating
the impact of micro-or macronutrient
composition on appetite, metabolism, and
energy expenditure through clinical studies evaluating the efficacy of diets differing in micro- or macronutrient
composition, absorption, dietary variety,
or energy density for weight loss or
weight maintenance. PA-10-152 (NIHG
Deadline: 6/5/2010, 10/5/2010, 2/5/2011
prevention. Specifically, this FOA seeks
to promote cancer prevention research to
identify and characterize molecular targets for bioactive food components. For
the purpose of this FOA, a bioactive food
component is defined as a dietary constituent that has a health benefit by altering
one or more cellular processes when provided in quantities over and beyond that
needed for basic nutrition. PA-10-088
(GG 3/17/10)
Deadline: 6/5/2010, 10/5/2010, 2/5/2011
19-13 Research on Eyewitness
Identification Policies and Procedures
NIJ seeks proposals to conduct research
to improve understanding of current eyewitness identification practices and
advance the current body of knowledge
regarding how law enforcement policies
and operations at the State and local levels may impact eyewitness identification
outcomes. Eyewitness evidence plays a
critical role in the criminal investigation
process. Eyewitness evidence is not infallible; however, the methods employed to
obtain and use it to identify suspected
criminals or exonerate the innocent may
impact its accuracy and effectiveness.
Eyewitness procedures have the potential
to contribute to identification errors, such
as the identification of the wrong person
or the failure to identify the perpetrator.
As State and local law enforcement agencies adopt policies and procedures governing eyewitness identification methods,
important questions have emerged regarding their effectiveness in reducing error
rates. NIJ-2010-2435 (GG 4/15/10)
Deadline: 6/14/2010
R.W. Trewyn, Vice President for Research
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice President for
Caron Boyce, Administrative Specialist
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Rich Doan, Carmen Garcia,
Danielle Brunner, Rex Goff, Adassa Roe,
Sharon Zoeller
Funding Information Specialist & Editor
Beverly Page
Development Director
Mary Lou Marino
19-12 Exploratory Cancer Prevention
Studies Involving Molecular Targets
for Bioactive Food Components (R21)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement
(FOA), issued by the National Cancer
Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes
of Health (NIH), encourages exploratory
research on the role of nutrition in cancer
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Associate Vice President,
Research Compliance
Heath Ritter, Compliance Monitor
Adrian Self, Administrative Specialist
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045