Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities

Funding Bulletin
Funding Opportunities for Research, Instruction, Service, Creative Activities
Fellowships and International Programs
November 18, 2002
Program Information
To receive program descriptions and
application forms for funding opportunities, please contact Beverly Page,
Information Specialist, Research and
Sponsored Programs, phone: (785)5325045, e-mail:
41-1 Invention, Innovation and
Entrepreneurship (NCIIA)
The National Collegiate Inventors and
Innovators Alliance fosters invention,
innovation, and entrepreneurship in higher
education. NCIIA accepts proposals for
course and program and advanced E-Team
grants on behalf of member colleges and
universities around the country. Course
and program grants support development
or strengthening of courses and programs
in invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship. E-Teams are groups of students, faculty, and industry advisors who join forces
to create technologically innovative, commercially viable products that lead to the
development of successful entrepreneurial
ventures. Advanced E-Team grants support the development of a new product or
venture from the idea stage to prototyping
and preparation for commercialization.
Deadline: 12/15/2002, 5/15/2003
41-2 U.S.-Egypt Junior Scientist
Development Visit Grants (STATE)
The U.S.-Egypt Board on Scientific and
Technology Cooperation is offering a new
grants program to support short junior scientist development visits by American scientists to Egyptian institutions, and
Egyptian scientists to American institutions. Priority areas include: biotechnology; standards and metrology;
environmental technologies; manufacturing; information technologies; energy and
other fields such as geology, anthropology,
new materials, nanotechnology, economics, and social sciences. (FR 08/06/02)
Deadline: 12/13/2002
41-3 Secondary and Two-Year
Postsecondary Education Grants
The Agriculture Department is inviting
applications to stimulate and enable colleges and universities to strengthen secondary education and two-year
postsecondary education in agriscience
and agribusiness and promote links among
two-year and other higher education pro-
Vol. 11, No. 41
grams in the food and agricultural sciences. Two funding categories are
secondary school projects that improve
the teaching of agriculture science or agribusiness in any grade 9-12; and associate
degree-level (two-year postsecondary)
education projects that improve the teaching of agriculture science or agribusiness.
CFDA #10.217
Deadline: 1/15/2003
41-4 Sensors and Control (DOE)
Sensors for high temperatures (1000 oC),
harsh environment applications represent
a significant research and development
challenge. New uses of high temperature
materials or advancements in materials
science are needed to develop the basis
for novel in-situation or at line microsensing systems to monitor gases commonly present in coal and coal-derived
syngas applications. Sensor materials and
platforms capable of detecting one or
more of the following are of interest:
Nox, Sox, CO, H2, O2, CH4, NH3, mercury, and arsenic. DE-PS26-03NT4163404
Deadline: 12/5/2002
41-5 University Nanosat Program
AFSOR, in conjunction with the AFRL
Space Vehicles Directorate (AFRL/VS),
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
(GSFC) and the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astroautics (AIAA),
announces a program to promote the education of future spacecraft systems engineers, at the university level, motivate/
sustain related research on targeted technologies by focusing on the development
of small satellites (nanosats) or flight
experiments, and inspire the interest of
students, below the university level, for
careers in space. The primary outcome of
individual projects funded under this program is the design, fabrication and functional testing of a nanosat. The AIAA will
sponsor a program competition developed
to select a small number of nanosat
designs, for space launch and operation,
from the universities chosen to participate. AFSOR-BAA-2003-2 (FR 11/04/
Deadline: 12/2/2002
41-6 Support for Environmental
Streamlining and Environmental
Stewardship to Improve
Transportation Planning and Project
Development (NCHRP)
The objective of Project 25-25 is to provide flexible, ongoing, quick-response
research on environmental issues in transportation. This research will be designed
to develop improvements to analytical
methods, decision support tools, procedures, and techniques employed by practitioners to support statewide and
metropolitan transportation planning, programming, and development. The project
panel has selected four initial study topics
for FY 2003. These studies are: 1) Synthesis on Data Needs for Environmental
Assessment (EA) and Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) Documentation;
2) Transportation Impacts and Smart
Growth Initiatives; 3) Assessment and
Mitigation Strategies for Land Development Impacts of Transportation Improvements; and 4) Environmental Stewardship
Best Practices, Policies, and Procedures
for Roadside Operations and Maintenance.
Deadline: 12/11/2002
41-7 Trade-Off Function for the
Combined Effects of Noise and
Temperature on Human Comfort and
Performance (ASHRAE)
The objective of this study is to quantify
the combinations of conditions chosen by
humans when they must compromise
between uncomfortable levels or quality
of noise and the air temperature at different levels of discomfort. An additional
aim is to determine whether these compromise conditions are optimal for performance as well as comfort. The preferred
compromise level between noise and thermal stress should be experimentally determined by allowing subjects to take
interventions in which altering one
parameter automatically alters another.
Applying this method, subjects will determine their preferred compromise setting
under the trade-off conditions to which
they are exposed. Based on each individual’s preferred setting, the group average
compromise level can be estimated. 1128TRP
Deadline: 12/12/2002
41-8 Method-of-Test for Identification
and Quantification of Organic Acids on
Desiccants so as to Determine
Refrigeration System Chemical
Condition (ASHRAE)
The objective of this project is to develop
a dependable Method-of-Test to identify
and quantify organic acids that have collected on desiccant materials in filter-driers in refrigeration systems. This
information will prove valuable to owners, manufacturers, and services personnel to determine overall and continued
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045
health of refrigerating systems. 1240-TRP
Deadline: 12/12/2002
41-9 Presidential Awards for
Excellence in Science, Mathematics
and Engineering Mentoring (NSF)
The PAESMEN Program seeks to identify
outstanding mentoring efforts that
enhance the participation of groups (I.e.,
women, minorities, and persons with disabilities) that are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and
mathematics. The awardees serve as leaders in the national effort to develop fully
the Nation’s human resources in science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics. Only one nomination per institution is
allowed. The single nomination may be
for an Invitation Award or for an Institutional Award, but not for both. Please
contact Ted Knous, 532-6195,, by December 1, if you
wish to make a nomination. NSF 03-503
Deadline: Internal 12/1/02; 2/28/2003
41-10 Low Dose Radiation Research
Program- Basic Research (DOE)
The Office of Biological and Environmental Research (OBER) of the Office of
Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE) and the Office of Biological and
Physical Research (OBPR), National
Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), announce their interest in
receiving grant applications for new
research to develop a better scientific
basis for understanding exposures and
risks to humans from low dose and low
fluence radiation. Topics of high priority
include endogenous oxidative damage
versus low dose radiation-induced damage, radio-adaptive responses, bystander
effects, and individual genetic susceptibility to low dose radiation exposure.
Research should employ genome-wide or
proteome-wide high- throughput screening methods whenever possible, and priority will also be given to the use of threedimensional biological models. DEFG01-03ER03-07
Deadline: Preapplications 12/6/2002,
Applications 2/27/2003
41-11 Planning Grants for NCI Cancer
Research Centers (NIH)
The National Cancer Institute (NCI)
invites planning grant applications for the
development of Cancer Research Centers
in a variety of organizational settings. The
purpose is to expand the scientific, geographic and demographic diversity of the
Cancer Centers Program of the NCI by
encouraging research-oriented organizations to develop the qualities of a strong
cancer research center and become competitive for a Cancer Center Support
Grant. Cancer center planning strategies
may focus on a specific research theme
(e.g. diagnosis, therapy, epidemiology) or
integrate a broader spectrum of research
that may include the basic, clinical, prevention and control, or population sciences. PAR-03-022 (NIHG 11/08/02)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 12/12/2003;
Applications 1/16/2003
41-12 Center for Translational
Research in the Behavioral and Social
Sciences (NIH)
The National Institute on Aging (NIA)
invites applications from qualified institutions for Edward R. Roybal Centers for
Translational Research in the Behavioral
and Social Sciences. NIA invites both
new teams of investigators and continuing
centers (funded under AG-97-005) to
apply. The long-range objectives of the
Roybal Centers are to improve the health,
quality of life, and productivity of middle-aged and older people, through: 1)
facilitating the translation of what we
have learned about aging processes from
the basic behavioral and social sciences
(including human factors) to practical
outcomes, including new technologies,
for the benefit of the aged; and 2) stimulating new use-inspired basic research in
the behavioral and social sciences. AG03-002 (NIHG 11/01/02)
Deadline: Letters of Intent 12/27/2002;
Applications 1/21/2003
41-13 International Research (ED)
The Department of Education has
reopened and broadened its FY 2003
competition for new awards to improve
and strengthen modern foreign language
and area studies. The absolute priorities
have been changed to invitational priorities, allowing a wider range of topics than
would have been considered under the
initial announcement. CFDA 84.017
Deadline: 1/17/2003
41-14 Postdoctoral/ Visiting Scholar
Fellowship in Ethnic Studies (UCLA)
The UCLA Institute of American Cultures (IAC), in cooperation with UCLA’s
four Ethnic Studies Research CentersAmerican Indian Studies Center, Asian
American Studies Center, Center for African American Studies, and Chicano Studies Research Center- offer fellowships to
postdoctoral scholars in support of
research about these groups. Generally,
appointments are for a 9-month period
beginning September 1 or October 1.
Those appointed as visiting scholars will
have completed their doctorate more than
five years ago and will currently hold tenure-track positions in academe.
Deadline: 12/31/2002
41-15 East Asia Summer Institutes
(EASI) For U.S. Graduate Students
The East Asia Summer Institutes (EASI)
provide U.S. graduate students in science
and engineering first-hand research experience in China, Japan, Korea, or Taiwan,
an introduction to the science and science
policy infrastructure of the respective
locations, and orientation to the culture
and language. The primary goals of EASI
are to introduce students to East Asia science and engineering in the context of a
research laboratory, and to initiate personal relationships that will better enable
them to collaborate with foreign counterparts in the future. The institutes last
approximately eight weeks from June to
August and are administered in the United
States by the National Science Foundation (NSF) with co-sponsorship by the
National Institutes of Health (NIH). NSF
Deadline: 12/1/2002
41-16 Jacob K. Javits Fellowships (ED)
The Education Department is seeking fellowship applications to enable financially
needy students with superior ability to
pursue graduate study in selected fields in
the arts, humanities and social sciences.
Fields range from creative writing to
music, foreign languages, economics,
folklife, ethnic and cultural studies and
public policy. (FR 10/11/02)
Deadline: 12/11/2002
R.W. Trewyn, Vice Provost for Research &
Dean of the Graduate School
Ted Knous, Associate Vice Provost, Tech
Transfer and Research
Caron Boyce, Secretary
Jim Guikema, Associate Vice Provost, Graduate Research
Preaward Section
Paul Lowe, Director
Anita Fahrny, Assistant Director
Kathy Tilley, Lisa Duer, Carole Lovin, Rich
Doan, Rex Goff, Dawn Caldwell, Cheryl
Information Specialist & Editor
Beverly Page
Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use,
and Biosafety
Gerald P. Jaax, Research Compliance Officer
Beverly Nichols, Secretary
Congressional Relations
Sue Peterson, R.W. Trewyn
A weekly publication of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For further information, call 785-532-5045