Registration of KS93WGRC28 Powdery Mildew Resistant T6BS.6RL lVheat Germplasm

Reprintedfrom Crop Science
Vol. 35, No. 4
Registration of KS93WGRC28Powdery
Mildew ResistantT6BS.6RL lVheat
KS93WGRC28(Reg. no. GP4l7, PI 583795)is a hard red
winter wheat (Tnticwn aestivwn L.) germplasmline homozygous for T6BS.6RL wheat-rye (Secale cereale L.) chromo.
sometranslocation, substitutingfor Chromosome6B of wheat,
developed cooperatively by the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, the Wheat Genetics Resource Center, Kansas
State University, the USDA-ARS, and the Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station.KS93WGRC28was releasedby the Kansas
Agricultural Experiment Station and the Wheat Genetics Resource Center as germplasm in November 1993.
KS93\ryGRC28is a BCrFn-derived line from the cross
MS6RI,(6DyTAM104'. MS6RI,(6D) is a monosomic6RL,(6D)
wheat-rye chromosomesubstitutionline, where the 6RL chromosome ann was derived from S. cereale cv. Prolific (1).
TAMIO4 is a hard red winter wheat cultivar homozygousfor
a T685' 6RL wheat-rye chromosometranslocation consisting
of the 685 arm of wheat and the 6RL arm of rye with the
breakpoint at the centromere.
KS93WGRC28 is the bulked, selfed progeny of a BCIF+
plant that had 2n:42 chromosomes and was homozygous
accordingto C-bandinganalysisfor a recombinedT685' 6RL*'
wheat-rye translocation chromosome (2). The 6RL arm in
T6BS'6RL" has a gene, Pm20, that conditions resistanceto
thepowderymildewfungusErysiphegraninisN.. f. sp.titici
Em. Marchal lsyn. Blumcria graminis (DC.) E.O. Speerl.
Small quantities(3 g) of seedof KS93WGRC28are available
upon written request. We ask that appropriate recognition of
source be given when this germplasm contributes to research
or development of new cultivars. Seed is maintained by the
Wheat Genetics Resource Center, Manhattan, KS.
B. Fnrrre,* B. S. Grll, N. A. Tuuex,
nnp T. S. Cox (3)
Referencesand Notes
1. Heun, M., and B. Friebe. 190. Introgression of powdery mildew rcsistance
from rye ino wheat. Phytopathology ffi:242-45.
2. Friebe, B., M. Heun, N.A. Tuleen, F.l. Zellet, and B.S. Gill. 1994.
Cytologically monitored transfer of powdery mildew resisance from rye
into wheat. Crop Sci. 34:621-625.
3. B. Friebe and B.S. Gill, Wheat Genaics Resource Ctr., Dep. of Plant
Pathology, Throckmorton Hall, KansasState Univ., Manhattan, KS 6650G
55@; N.A. Tuleen, Dep. of Soil and Crop Science,Texas A&M Univ.,
College Station, TX77M3-2474; and T.S. Cox, USDA-ARS and Dep. of
Agronomy, Kansas Sate Univ., Manhattan, KS 665065501. Coopcrative
investigation of the KansasAgric. Exp. Stn. and the USDA-ARS. Conribution no. 95-32-J, KansasAgric. Exp. Stn., KaNas State Univ., Manhatran,
KS 665064{nE. Researchsupportedin part by the KansasWheat Commission and KansasCrop lmprovement Assoc. Registration by CSSA. Accepted
3l Dec. 1991. *Corresponding author.
Publishedin Crop Sci. 35:1237(1995).