Document 13095948

In case of any change eit~er In products, its capacity or manufacturing process, the applicant shall h:,ve to
obtain prior permission 01 th's Board. The applicant "hall not commence the production until cons~n' dndel'
Water (Preventlo,l and Control of Pollution) Act-1974, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Acl-1981 and
authorization IInder the Hazarduus Waste (Management, Handling & T.M.) Rules-2008ls obtained.
2. tI the products/process falls ir. SCHEDULE-I·or II 01 the Environmental Audit Scheme, as specified in the order
dated '1313197 of Hon. High Court in MCA NO.326197 In SCA No.770/95, the applicant shall atso abidf by the
said scheme.
3. The applicant shall have to obtain p.L.L Policy as per P.L.1. Act, 1991 and submit the copy of the same 10 the
4. The unil shali have and operate all the ;equisiie equipl11p.ntslfacilities for prevention dnd control of eflicientl\' all
its eflluenttreatmcnt planVair pollution control equipmentsi facilities for management and handling of hawdous
wastes. Whenever the effluent treatment planVair pollution control equipmentsi facilities for hazardou, wJste or
any part thereof are fully of partly non·operational 'for any reason whatsoever (whether for
maintenance/repairsielectricity. failure or otherwise) unit shall closedown its manufacturing! processing <,clivities
and shall not restart It unl9ss and until all its the effluent treatment plants/air pollution protection and control
equipments and facilities including stack monitori~g/ facilities lor hazardous waste management and h~nd!ing
are fully operational.
The applican: shall comply with provision~ of The Water (Prevention & Conlrol of Pollution) Cp"s Act
1977 (to be refo.lred as Cess Act) and Rutes there under:
4.1. The indl1stry falls in the __the category of the Cess Act and the Aules made there under.
4.2. The daily water con:;umption for the following categories is as under:
i) Dumestlc
ii) Ir,dustrial Processing
iii) Industrial Cooling
iv) Agriculture/Gardening
4.3. The applicant shall regularll' submit to the Board the returns 01 water consumption in the prc~cribed
form and pay the Cess specified und~r Section 3 of the said Act.
The unit shall ha'le and use nnly one cutlet for the discharge of its effluent and no effluent shall be diScharged
without requisite treatment and without meeting wilh the GPCB norms. Such outlet shall be near I' ,,) front
gate/entrance of thz .u~l!. The ur.i! ShJl1 I'ot keep any bypas~ tine or system, or loose or flexible ~)!De for
discharging effluent outside or even for transpurting treated or unlrealed efflueot within the factory premises,
within effluent treatment ptaots or in the compound of the unit.
6. Tlie unit shall, within one week from lhe date of I"sue of this order.
6.1. Pul up at the entranca the electriclly consllmer number and the name of the electricity consumers as
on ihe record of the GEB/AEC.
6.2. Make adequate lighting arrangements all around the Efftuent Treatment Plants! Air Pollution Gontrol
measuresi incinerator 1 facilities for hazardous management and handling also above the ',cards
mentioned in the above clau~c.
7. The unit shall maintain the r~cords of production and consumption of electricily and water for each day during
the period of protJuction. The unit shall maintain separate ligures for consumption of electricity for r;Jnning Ihe Air
pollution control measures 1 incineration system by having a separate meter/sub- meter for each Air P'Jllution
Control measures. The number Gf units consumed by operating the diesel generating sets, if any, shall ~Iso be
maintained. I~ case of plants involving 'Bio-mass' treatment, for each addition of bio-mass time and nuantity,
should be recorded. The ~ptake rate of Oxygen of th~ bio-ma:;s in the aeration basin and oth~r paramders of
bioiogical system should be recorded, every day.
8.' When electricity supply ur water supply Is disconnected In futuru on account of non-corPpliance with the (iPCf\
norms or 011 account of th~ closure order, which may be passed by the court or by Ihe Govt., /GPCB unu,r any
slatutory provisions relating to environmental protection and prevention and control of pOllution.
8.1. The unit shall nol USA any diesel generating set or any other alternative source of energy or .vater
tar.kers from outsi1e for continuing the production activities.
9. 'Flow Meters' 3hould be installed at inlet ans outlet of ~ffluenl Treatmenl Plant (ETP Ihereafter).
10. All the chemicals and nutrient~, which are required to be added!dosed any where in the ETP. shoulti ue so
added by using 'Metering Pumps' only.
11. The printed log-books shall ~e maintained and get them certified for:12.1
Energy/Fuel Consumption/Raw material consumption and quantity of producls manufactured.
Waste water/gaseous! hazardous waste flow at !nlet & outlet of E.T.P. & air pc!I~!;on i::lI1tro!
measures! incineralor.
Quantity of sludge generated! trealed! storAd! reused! disposed off separately for each 1\'I1e of
hazardous waste.
L8boralory analysis/reports for each of the specified paramelers of liquid efltuenls, gaseous
discharge and haznrdous waste samp!e.
12. Low NOx burners may be provided to avoid excessive formulation of NOx. Only LSHS will be used as fuol.'uring
the critical monlhs to ensure that S02 levels in the ambient air is within the norm specified.
13. A copy of approved On-site Emergency Plan a~ required under the Rules 13 and 14 of Ihe Hllr,dling,
Manufacture, Storage and Import of the Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989 should be submilled 10 the BCi"d.
14. The funds earmarked for the En·,ironmenta l proteclion measures should not be,diverted for any other i". pose
and year wise expendilure shou:d be reported to this Board and to the Government.
15. Stolm water shall not be mixi d with the Indllslri"1 ollilioni. Disposal systom for slonn wator 5110 11;'0 I.,,;/!UO(I
sepal ately.
16. Good 110use keeping shall be milintained withir. the factory and industrial premises. All pipes. venl, ioinls
valves and drains shall be leak prouf. They should be checked'periodicaliy and arrangements Iherecl ~"all be
indicated in the On-site Emerg6ncy Plan. Floor washing shall be admitled in 10 Ihe eflluent collection sy~lrm for
subsequent treatment and disposal.
17. The directives i~sued by the Board from lime to time in view of direclion isslled by Ihe Honorable High C, 'Jrt of
Gujarat in ::1e rP.~tter 01 Sr;.A.770195 sl1all have 10 b6 complied with.
18. The applicant ~:1all make an applicalion for renewal of the consent al least 60 days before Ihe dale of €x:liry of.
the consent.
II the applicant fails 10 comply wilh Ihe conditiolls and other directives issued by Ihls Board as laid J, IVn if}'
this order, the a9plicant is !iable fOI Ire action under section 5 of Ihe E(P) Act and al50 prosecution under S€~t'Jn 43
& 44 and other penal provisions of troe Waler Act and under seclion 37, 38, 39 and other penal provisions o! I'le Air
Acl & under section 15 of thG E:(P) Act and shall all conviction, be liable for punishment and imprisonn·,"nt as
provided in the said ftcts.
The Board reserves the righllo review and!or revoke the consenV authorization and!or make v8lial;ons in
Ihe conditions thallhe Board deems fit in accordance wilh provisions of the Rules!Acls.