Successful Learners who.. Confident Individuals who..

Successful Learners who..
Confident Individuals who..
are interested in learning new things
have respect for themselves
think about new ideas.
listen and try to understand others
use maths, language and talking and listening
try to understand the world around them
use technology
Responsible Citizens who..
Effective Contributors who..
will develop their understanding of the world around them and how it compares to Scotland.
are enterprising and think of new ideas.
have respect for other people
solve problems.
understand the world around us and Scotland’s place in it
understand different people from around the world
Wider Links
Global Citizenship
Extend their understanding of the world around them and develop knowledge of their own and other cultures.
Presentation of Chinese Lion Dance within the school community.
Health Promoting School
Demonstrate care and respect for all members of the classroom community. Opportunities to taste foods from their own and other
Conservation of materials during challenges. Responsible tidying including recycling.
Race Equality
Promoted throughout the storyline approach.