Student Services Program Planning Annual Update

Student Services Program Planning Annual Update
June, 2014
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five goals and recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan
1) Replace the three full-time counselor
positions lost due to retirement or
progress (in
AY ’14-15,
2) Implement a mandatory Orientation
to College course to increase student
3) Implement eSARS scheduling system
to increase both student access to
Revised June, 2014
AY ’14-15,
Source of
GF and 3SP
Comments (include any modifications to goals due to
feedback, discussion and/or evaluation – refer to data
when possible)
Counseling participated in the campus-wide Faculty
Prioritization process beginning fall 2013. We asked for
2 of the 3 positions. One of our two positions was
ranked #4/12 by Faculty Senate, ending up #6/12 in the
final ranking. We are one position below what the
college funded for 13-14. Given a late retirement,
counseling has hired one-year, full-time, temporary
counseling position. We will resubmit for the 3 we need.
Counseling offered 24 sections of CG 51 as a .5 unit
course in fall 2013, and required the course for incoming
Running Start students (c. 850). Based on our SLO review
discussions, we increased the class from .5 to 1 unit to
include the new SS Act requirements. We sought and
received an increase in TUs from the GF. The classes
showed a more than 1:1 efficiency. It remains a
required course for incoming Running Start students.
Could be
Project consists of two parts: eSARS (no vendor cost)
3SP or other and SARS/MSGS. The required new servers are in place
and installation of software is complete. With the
counseling appointments and to
increase technological aspects to
services. (low touch)
4) Organize Counseling and
Transfer/Career Center’s physical
space in the 100 building to create
one entrance with improved signage
and screening systems.
5) Provide additional computers for the
Career/Transfer Center laboratory
area and obtain internet access for PC
behind the CC/TC desk that projects
Power Point
Revised June, 2014
AY ’14-15,
3SP and
grants for
re; 3SP
implementation of Ed Plan and Probation/Dismissal
workshops, Student Planning, Registration Priority
changes, and changes to how we deal with Academic
Standing, the division is seeing more than ever, the need
for thorough and detailed screening of students prior to
scheduling an appointment. The division is concerned
that moving to eSARS at this time will undermine the
progress made in properly screening students in our
current forms. Therefore, we are postponing
implementation of eSARS at this time until it can be
done thoughtfully and correctly. We are working with IT
to see about our options for implementing SARS/MSGS
in the absence of eSARS.
In late fall 2013, the counseling reception area moved to
the Transfer Center side of the building, realizing a
decade long goal. This allows for a better screening and
student flow process. Staff meetings were held to
develop an approach for improved student flow and
signage. This was interrupted by a one-semester (Sp ‘14)
move to the 200 building. Currently, new signage is
being installed, and our efforts to integrate the best flow
possible for students will continue.
Infrastructure is being developed as a part of the 100
building upgrades. 10 VDIs have been purchased with
3SP funds
New Goals and Recommendations Since Last Program Plan
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Goal/Recommendation (include timeline)
Increase FT Counseling faculty by 3
additional counselors in order to implement
requirements of the Student Success Act of
2012. These are new positions over and
above replacement positions.
Restore the Transfer/Career Center
Coordinator position to a Director position
with a 195-day contract
Approx. $5000
General Fund
Continue with implementation of
requirements of the Student Success Act of
2012 (SB 1456)
(potential source
of revenue from
state budget)
Revised June, 2014
Explanation/Evidence of Need
(indicate how this need was
The SSA requires that all new
students have a comprehensive
Education Plan after 15 degreeapplicable units or 3rd semester.
We are unable to meet this
requirement with current staffing.
To align Cabrillo’s Transfer Center
leadership position with comparable
positions around the state.
Recommended by Region 4 CCC
Transfer Center Director’s Assoc.
The new Student Success and
Support program formula relies
heavily on the provision of
counseling services, including the
Abbreviated and Comprehensive
Education Plans and follow-up
Status (Comment on progress of
new goals/recommendations listed
in last annual update)
Counselor/Student ratio is
approximately 1:1100, with full
implementation of SSA
requirements needed within the
coming year.
The position is currently
supplemented with 4 additional
Academic Specialist units in order
to accomplish the work needed.
The change was made a number of
years ago for reasons that are not
appropriate to the role.
Mandatory CG 51 Intro to College
course (now 1 unit) required for
incoming first year Running Start
students; Required workshop for
student on Probation level 2;
Dismissed students now actually
required to sit out for one
semester; Ed Plan Workshops
designed to help students develop
Abbreviated Ed Plan;
implementation of Student
Planning Sp ’14; collaboration with
Financial Aid being worked on to
Increase Student Services Assistant (SSA)
from 10 month to 11 month
Add a part-time 60% SSA position to
support the increase in required education
plan workshops
Continue with Progress/ Dismissal
Continue with Ed Plan Workshops
Revised June, 2014
$ c. 6700
Restore from SPRAC reductions;
c. $22K
SSP budget
Additional SSA position needed to
provide the Ed Plan workshops and
Student Planning sessions, a key
piece to developing the electronic
education plan
Follow-up Services to at-risk
students required by SB 1456
Increased Education Plan
requirements of SB 1456.
streamline messaging to all
students regarding when the
workshop is appropriate; updated
webpage to better inform students
of Ed Plan requirements and
instructions for using the Student
Planning tool; implementing
Student Planning Sessions (Su ’14)
SSAs are the primary providers of
workshops and are also adding 1-1
and group Student Planning
sessions With 20 students, 3
presenters are needed for the last
one hour of the workshop to help
students get on Student Planning.
Same as above
Workshops held weekly at Aptos
and Watsonville. Students
complete change contract which is
scanned to the student’s file;
original mailed back. Attending
workshop clears the immediate
hold. Attending the workshop and
then meeting the cumulative
academic expectations in each
individual semester will result in
any future holds being removed.
Workshops are held weekly at
Aptos and Watsonville. Recent
Review and revise our SARS appointment
Reason Codes to better align with new MIS
reporting elements being developed as a
result of the Student Success Act of 2012.
We currently manually enter
contact information (by Reason
Code reports from SARS) into
Datatel to inform the MIS reporting
change in messaging to student on
the counseling webpage to better
direct the right students to the
All areas on campus that provide
counseling now use SARS, allowing
for a more accurate accounting of
Reason Codes. CESS has done
initial correlation of SARS codes to
new MIS codes; waiting for IT to
implement the requirement.
Timeline is critical for IT to
implement (Su ‘14)
SSLO/AUO Assessment Progress
In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be with ongoing assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last
year) and what was actually done. If any task was not completed, explain why.
We are on track with our “wheel of assessment”. In fall 2013, each CG course was assessed for the Core 4 Critical Thinking. In Spring 2014,
each CG course was assessed for the Core 4 Communication.
Fill out the Assessment Results section below.
SSLO/AUO Assessment Results
List SSLO/AUO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below.
Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters.
Revised June, 2014
Core Competency, Program
SSLO/AUO Assessed
Counseling program-level SLO
assessed in spring 2013
CG Course SLOS assessed in
Spring 2013: CG 1, 51, 52, 54,
107, 205
Date of meeting where
analysis / dialogue took
place. Example: Department
Meeting on 00/00/2012
Counseling meeting on
Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment.
Student surveys revealed that when the Ed goal is clearer, the student
better understands the next math course needed.
Priority #1 was to work with assessment on how the scores are displayed
to the student on the assessment print out; needs to be simpler. Director
met with assessment staff to make changes within the parameters allowed
by the programming driving the report. Some modifications were made.
Counseling meeting on
Priority #2 was to work with the math department to clear up
misconceptions held by our students; are we on the same page in terms of
how we advise students. Director met in two meetings with the math
department to discuss the flow of courses, particularly in light of Math
142; and to discuss the title of Math 142 and what it implies to students.
Wheel of Assessment clarified. Expectations for fall ’13 assessment
All those who teach the same class need to collaborate more on content
and meeting the same SLO. Meetings specific to CG 54 and CG 51 were
held in the AY ’13-14 to address this need. Such meetings will continue.
A general plan was identified to offer additional sections of CG 54 (career
planning) in spring semesters to move undecided students (at 15 units)
towards the new required Career Goal/Ed Goal, Program of Study/Major.
Other ways to assist students with career assessment is in the planning for
AY ‘14-15.
The max enrollment in CG courses increased from 30-33.
Revised June, 2014
CG Course SLOs assessed in
fall 2013: CG 1, 51, 52, 54, 205
Revised June, 2014
Counseling meeting on
Priorities identified:
• Increase class units from .5 to 1 in CG 51 (complete).
• Continue to require CG 51 for incoming Running Start students.
• Encourage collaboration between instructors of CG 51. A Sp ‘14
meeting was held and a fall ’14, 3-hour flex activity is scheduled to
increase collaboration between instructors.
• Have more faculty attend FELI, other conferences such as On
Course, and trainings in career assessment instruments.