Education Scotland primary resource round-up 2 August 2015

Education Scotland primary resource round-up 2
August 2015
If you are using a printed version of the round-up type the shortlink, with
no www (e.g., into your web browser’s address bar to go
straight to the relevant page. If you are viewing this on a computer just
click on or copy and paste the shortlink instead. Evaluating and Improving the Curriculum- Primary
New primary specific mini-keynote films on a range of areas including literacy, numeracy and
health and wellbeing, child poverty, inspection and HGIOS 4. Professional learning activities for
monitoring and tracking, progression, self-evaluation and curriculum rationale to be
added in September 2015. Inspection Advice Note 2015-16
The advice note sets out the expectations for QI 5.1 (The Curriculum) and QI 5.9 (Improvement
through self-evaluation). Quarterly Primary e-bulletin sign-up page
Free email update alerting you to the latest news for the primary sector. Bulletins for other areas
are also available for sign-up on the same page. Building the curriculum in West Barns Primary School
Read the blog posts describing how the West Barns school community has been developing its
curriculum and download the materials they used. CfE magazine for parents recently added. National Numeracy and Mathematics Hub
This is an interactive resource including professional learning resources for progression and
numeracy across learning, access to relevant research and e-modules. National Numeracy Progression Framework
Designed to support progression, the resource identifies key milestones that children need to
know before they move to the next stage of learning in numeracy. SSLN Numeracy and number processes professional learning resource
One of five practical and example-based resources highlighting children’s strengths and areas
for improvement in numeracy along with suggested learning and teaching resources. Literacy Professional Learning Workshops
Professional learning resources focused on listening and talking, reading and writing. These
areas for development were identified through the SSLN.
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Transforming lives through learning
Requires a Glow login 3-18 Literacy and English Review
This report evaluates current practice in learning, teaching and achievement in literacy and
English in schools in Scotland. It highlights good practice and important areas for further
development and includes professional learning resources. Primary One Literacy Assessment in Action Resource (POLAAR)
POLAAR is based on a staged intervention model. It is designed to
help teachers and others identify and assess children who are most
at risk of developing later difficulties with reading and writing. Assessing progress and achievement professional
learning resource
Find the overarching paper, curriculum area papers, progression frameworks, annotated
exemplification of work and the monitoring and tracking of progress paper in this resource. A 1+2 approach to modern languages
Guidance on the introduction of the second additional language by P5. Food and Health
Food and Health provides support for food education including
resources, learning journeys and a list of organsiations who can
support food education projects. Career education and work placement standards
Have a look at the draft career education standards to see what it
means for early, first and second level. Briefing on Gaelic Education April 2015
The latest news and support for Gaelic education. Primary and early years sciences
A range of science resources and watch anytime Glow Meets covering a range of topics,
including assessment in primary science and topical science Transition, progression and higher order thinking skills in RME
A resource based around stories from world religions and exemplifying progression from early to
fourth level. Technologies 3-18 curriculum impact report
The report outlines strengths and what could be done to improve outcomes for children across
all areas of technologies.
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