Early Level Transitions

Early Level
Are we confident there is
effective progression in
children’s learning through
early level ?
How are we doing?
Transition in many settings is usually
based on:
Arrangements for children moving onto P1 are
in place.
Children benefit from meeting their P1
teacher in June.
In the last week of the summer term children
from the nursery visit primary one classroom.
Parents are made aware of transition
arrangements particularly for the first day at
Information about children passed on by
nursery staff
Children and parents can have a school lunch
Is this really what transition is
all about?
These arrangements are important and need
to happen.
However . . .
Do they fully recognise children’s progress in
their learning?
Do these statements about transition
give an effective insight into children’s
learning and progression ?
Need to ask:
What progression are children making
in their progress within early level?
What should we be looking for ?
Staff working effectively with local schools in
developing transition arrangements to ensure
that there is progression in children’s learning
as they transfer to P1
Staff are developing the curriculum with a
particular focus at the early stages to ensure
that all children build effectively on their
prior learning.
Nursery staff and teachers use
Curriculum for Excellence guidance
very well.
They plan together to ensure that
children benefit from a rich and
relevant curriculum, and to ensure
that children’s skills and knowledge
are developing in a progressive way.
Key questions:
What is our shared understanding of
progression in children’s learning ?
How do we plan for progression?
Are we fully recognising children’s prior
learning ?
How do we achieve this?
Could build on 3 key questions
How well do children learn and
How well does the school support
children to develop and learn?
How well does the school improve the
quality of its work?
Within context of King’s Road Primary
2 – 12 years
Under 3s provision catering for 20
Nursery 3- 5 years 70 / 70
P1 – 7 452 children in 16 classes
FME 22
Full time nursery teacher
Nursery to P1 - confident
How are we achieving this?
Whole school approach:
Staff awareness and understanding of
curriculum in line with national guidance
Self-evaluation - developing a culture
Tracking children’s learning - through
each level
Leadership roles
Improvement Priorities
session 2014 – 15
Improve the quality of learning and teaching across the school.
Continue to develop further the curriculum in line with Pre Birth to
Three and Curriculum for Excellence
Develop further opportunities and experiences for children to enhance
their health and wellbeing.
Continue to raise attainment and recognise achievements for all
children across the school.
Raise the profile of the school within the community.
Developing leadership at all levels.
Current focus - across the school
The extent which learners are
motivated and actively involved in
their own learning and development
Looking for
children are motivated
and eagerly participate in
their learning
high quality feedback
making children aware of
their progress as learners
The learning environment and
teaching approaches
Tasks, activities and resources
Looking for
a stimulating well
organised learning
 children’s experiences are
well matched to their needs
sustaining motivation
 children enjoy their
learning experiences
the pace of learning is
appropriate for all children
Supporting journey through early level –
nursery to P1
Raising awareness with parents
Supporting nursery staff
Nursery teacher in P1
DHT – responsibility across three settings
HT meeting regularly with nursery staff
Early level meetings
Well planned transition programme which
supports all children in developing their skills
and knowledge across their learning
Must also take into account:
Different pre-school settings 
Nursery class within school
Nursery class in other schools
From local authority free standing nurseries
From partnership providers
From home
How effective is your transition
programme ?
Progression ?
Skills development ?
Team working of staff ?