December 9, 2013 Academic Staffing Page 1 of 4




December 9, 2013



Academic Staffing


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The vitality of the college is dependent upon its faculty. The quality of the college’s instructional program is contingent upon the availability of highly competent and visionary contract faculty who are adept at curriculum development and instructional delivery. Counseling faculty are very important to student success and are included in this process.

The fall 2013 faculty positions were proposed and reviewed in accordance with the established academic hiring prioritization process. The numerical rating is based on FTE taught by adjunct faculty, growth in WSCH, percentage of fill at census, change in WSCH per FTEF, unavailability of adjunct faculty, loss of contract faculty in current year, student to teacher ratio, and retirements of contract faculty. The numerical process yielded the following ranking:

Initial Ranking Using Numerical Data


Mathematics (1 of 2)


Mathematics (2 of 2)


Communication Studies


Fire Technology


Health Science




Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management


Nursing (1 of 2)


Nursing (2 of 2)


Art Studio


Counseling & Guidance (1 of 2)


Counseling & Guidance (2 of 2)

( Continued on next page )


Within budget parameters.


It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the college to fill the following three academic positions:

Mathematics, Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management, and Nursing effective fall 2014.

Administrator Initiating Item:

Kathie Welch, VPI

Academic and Professional Matter  Yes  No Final Disposition

If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement  Yes  No

Senate President Signature

After the numerical rating is completed and distributed, the process calls for the Faculty Senate and the

Instructional/Counseling Administrators to hold a joint meeting during which department representatives present oral statements in support of positions. The process also allows departments to withdraw their requests without penalty prior to the oral presentations. Two departments, ECE and one of two positions in

English, exercised that option. Following the oral presentations, members of the Faculty Senate ranked the remaining positions in the following order:

Faculty Senate Ranking


Mathematics (1 of 2)


Fire Technology


Communication Studies


Counseling & Guidance (1 of 2)


Nursing (1 of 2)


Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management




Art Studio


Math (2 of 2)


Counseling (2 of 2)


Nursing (2 of 2)


Health Science

The Instructional/Counseling Administrators conducted an additional, separate review and, after further discussion, ranked the positions in the following order:

Instructional/Counseling Administrators Ranking

1. Mathematics (1 of 2)

2. Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management

3. Nursing (1 of 2)

4. Communication Studies

5. Fire Technology

6. Art Studio

7. English

8. Health Science

9. Mathematics (2 of 2)

10. Counseling and Guidance (1 of 2)

11 Nursing (2 of 2)

12. Counseling and Guidance (2 of 2)

The Instructional/Counseling Administrators and Faculty Senate rankings combined and normalized on a 1 to

100 scale are as follows:


Mathematics (1 of 2)


Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management


Nursing (1 of 2)


Communication Studies


Fire Technology


Counseling and Guidance (1 of 2)




Art Studio


Mathematics (2 of 2)


Health Science


Nursing (2 of 2)


Counseling and Guidance (2 of 2)

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After consideration of the enrollment, growth, and efficiency data for each of the positions; review of graduation requirements and transfer requirements; review of the full-time/part-time faculty ratio by department, the College Strategic Plan, the Program Plans; consultation with the Vice President of Student

Services, the deans and the Faculty Senate and their respective rankings; and with consideration of current budgetary concerns; and with the approval and authority of the College President, the final priority ranking of the positions is presented to the Governing Board below along with the rationale to support the ranking.

Final Ranking


Mathematics (1 of 2)


Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management


Nursing (1 of 2)


Communication Studies


Fire Technology


Counseling and Guidance (1 of 2)




Art Studio


Mathematics (2 of 2)


Health Science


Nursing (2 of 2)


Counseling and Guidance (2 of 2)

The need for each of these positions has been demonstrated and, in fact, without the positions the programs will be in jeopardy or unable to meet student need in the most effective way. As we all know, the most precious resource of a college is its contract faculty. The first three positions are recommended for funding as of fall 2014.

The other positions are listed in ranked order with a description of the demonstrated need.

Mathematics: The mathematics department offers instruction in courses ranging from basic skills to the transfer level, including courses necessary to obtain Associate Degrees and certificates. Student demand is high for all courses. Four contract faculty have retired without replacement. Adjunct faculty are very difficult to find, and the department finds themselves attempting to hire up to four adjuncts every semester.

This is not good for consistency and student success. Classes fill early in registration with wait lists. Two positions were requested, and needed. However, one position is critical to student success and completion in math courses.

Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management: The Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management program at

Cabrillo College provides students with the skills, knowledge and abilities for employment and lifelong career advancement in a variety of fields in the hospitality industry. Due to a recent resignation, the evening dinner program will be without a contract faculty member if this position is not replaced. An adjunct cannot run the restaurant at night and teach the advanced classes required for the dinner program. Closing the dinner program means students could not graduate.

Nursing: The Nursing program offers professional education to 120 students annually. Close to 30 graduates each semester take the licensing exam to become Registered Nurses and find employment in health care. For four semesters, students follow an integrated curriculum that teaches concepts and skills through lectures, labs, and clinical rotations. The need for nurses in our region and beyond is expected to increase significantly with health care reform, the retirement of older nurses, and resolution of the economic downturn. In 2005, the Nursing program increased from accepting 40 students per year to accepting 30 students twice annually for a total of 60 students per year. Since that time, three contract nursing faculty have left without replacement. Nursing needs both requested positions, but replacing one nursing faculty position is critical. Nursing adjuncts are difficult to find and keep because nurses earn more in clinical settings.

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Communication Studies: The Communication Studies courses are an essential component of a General

Education program at Cabrillo College. Communication (listening, speaking, and conversing) is the #1 core competency for the General Education program. In addition, these courses are essential for transfer students.

This program is the largest program in the HASS division and the 9 th

largest of 70 programs at Cabrillo

College. Classes fill early in registration. Courses could easily be added and fill with wait lists, but adjuncts have been difficult to find. A contract faculty member is necessary to meet student demand for these classes.

Wait lists have over 500 students per term.

Fire Technology: Due to a recent retirement, this department does not have a contract faculty member. The

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) program is a very popular program with high student demand, but it is a difficult program to teach with adjunct faculty. The program cannot continue to maintain the current course offerings with the existing staffing level.

Counseling and Guidance: The Student Success Act brings more counseling requirements and responsibilities which Cabinet recognized by hiring a new contract faculty for 2013-14. Maintaining a level of excellent service, while adapting to the new challenges of the Student Success Act requires more counseling resources. With the new mandates of the Student Success Act, the increase in the magnitude of the required services cannot be understated. Under the new law, all first-time students are required to have electronically-available education plans. Counselors are directly involved in the development of these education plans, provide interventions with students at risk of losing their priority registration, and intervene with those students on probation and dismissal.

English: The English department requested a Writing Center Director/English Instructor. The Writing

Center provides tutoring in writing for all Cabrillo students. In 2012-2013, 1,100 students were tutored and/or supported on writing assignments in the computer labs. Assignments were from classes in: English,

History, Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Political Science, Art History, Communication

Studies, Nursing, Early Childhood Education, Medical Assisting and Dental Hygiene. Currently the Writing

Center Director position is maintained with adjunct faculty which is not sustainable over time.

Art Studio: The Art Studio program offers beginning and intermediate courses that give students the knowledge and experience needed for a broad understanding of the visual arts. In addition, the students are prepared to transfer in the major to four-year institutions. Within a twelve-month period, the Art Studio department had a 50% reduction of full-time faculty, from six positions down to three, due to two retirements and one death. The reduction in full-time positions has had a negative impact on effective supervision of facilities, guidance and leadership for adjunct faculty and staff, and overall maintenance and stewardship of the Art Studio program.

Mathematics (2 of 2): See above

Health Science: Health Science classes have high student demand and are very efficient with a section cap of 44 students. These classes always fill early in registration and have full wait lists. There is great growth potential in this department. With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, additional certificate and degree programs could be added to this department that would meet the needs of Santa Cruz County.

Another contract faculty member is necessary for this program to grow.

Nursing (2 of 2): See above

Counseling and Guidance (2 of 2): See above

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