Study Abroad Now! From Kansas State University to The

Study Abroad Now!
From Kansas State University to The
University of Hertfordshire, UK
Study Abroad Now…
Juan Carlos Mendoza
Kansas State University
Studied Abroad in
The University of Hertfordshire, UK
How to Start?...
1. Decided to expand your horizons
2. Define your objectives
3. Visit the office of study abroad
4. Meet your advisors
5. Apply
6. Find scholarships and financial aid
7. Prepare and get ready for the
Expand your Horizons?
 Be willing to learn things that you can’t learn at school such
 Solve everyday problems by your self without your parents help
 Go away from home, learn other language and practice it at the
same time
 Learn how to manage a budget
 Taste different flavors and learn how to cook food from other
 Get in touch with other cultures
 Listen to people from other countries and share or discuss their
Define your Objectives
 At the beginning of the study abroad process, you need
to consider your reasons for wanting to study abroad
1. The process of selecting a study abroad program is similar
to selecting your major or minor.
2. Begin researching study abroad options by visiting the
Office for Study Abroad and seaching progams online at
least 6 - 9 months before you go overseas.
3. Set some goals…
4. Prepare academically
Study Abroad Office
 At this point you will start to find a place to accomplish
the goals you set. A visit to the Office for Study Abroad
will help get you oriented with information and advice.
There are several resources to find programs here.
 Explore Programs
a) Resource
b) Peer Advisers
c) Study Abroad Website
d) Review Your Degree Evaluation
Meet your Advisor
 Meeting with your Academic Advisor and Study Abroad
advisor is essential to getting yourself abroad. They
provide important information and paperwork.
 Once you have decided on a program, make another
appointment with your study abroad advisor for an
application, a Credit Approval Form (if you didn't
already get one), and help with financial and travel
planning. Now is also the ideal time to make sure you
have your passport!
Scholarships & Financial Aid
 In addition to your program application, you should
plan to spend some time applying for scholarships and
financial aid.
 Apply for scholarships specialized in your major
 School Scholarships
 Study Abroad Scholarships
 National Scholarships
 Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
Benjamin A. Gilman International
The Benjamin A. Gilman
International Scholarship
Program offers grants for U.S.
citizen undergraduate students
of limited financial means to
pursue academic studies abroad.
Such international study is
intended to better prepare U.S.
students to assume significant
roles in an increasingly global
economy and interdependent
Benjamin A. Gilman
International Scholarship
 Eligibility:
 The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
Program is open to all U.S. citizen undergraduates, in
good academic standing…
Benjamin A. Gilman
International Scholarship
 Apply:
 The Gilman Scholarship Program has an online
application. The online application will be available
approximately one-and-a-half to two months prior to the
application deadline for each cycle.
 Spring Cycle
 Summer Cycle
 Fall Cycle
Get Prepare!
1. Educate yourself
2. Look into co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities
at the university you will be attending and in the city
where you will be living.
3. Talk with former participants and students from the
country where you are going.
4. Attend your program’s pre-departure orientation meeting
and the Tips for Students Traveling Abroad workshop
offered each semester.
International Students
Can’t be Wrong…
Now, you are ready to
 The University of Iowa
 Kansas State University
 Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
 Study Abroad