Education Scotland Peer Support scheme for using How Good Is... Sector Organisation? and How Good Is Our Culture And Sport...

Education Scotland Peer Support scheme for using How Good Is Our Third
Sector Organisation? and How Good Is Our Culture And Sport 2?
Application form (to be completed by organisation or lead partner requesting
support. Email return to
The purpose of the pilot Peer Support scheme is to build capacity in the sector and
increase confidence in using self-evaluation tools
Organisation/lead partner
Type of organisation (e.g. local
authority, social enterprise, sports
hub, Third Sector, charity, umbrella
Name of main contact
Contact details: email
Contact details: phone
Contact details: address
If applying on behalf of a
partnership please list other
organisations involved
requirements we need to be aware
What is your current experience of self-evaluation? (Include what tools and
frameworks you currently use or have used in the last two years).
Education Scotland Pilot Peer Support scheme for the use of HGIOTSO and
Support requested
Please detail the support in the table on the page below. Support is for a maximum
of two days of peer support time including preparation, phone calls, travel and meal
Please plan so that the peer supporter can work a normal working day. The time
should be split up, for example one hour phone calls, one hour preparation, travel
two hours, meeting three hours spread over several days or even weeks. A planned
use of time should be detailed below and then the exact use of time negotiated with
the peer supporter. As travel time will vary depending on home base of the peer
supporter, please initially allow two hours in each working day.
The process will be as follows (see guide for full details):
Initial phone call with peer supporter
Preparation by peer supporter and yourselves
Agreed support takes place
Education Scotland Pilot Peer Support scheme for the use of HGIOTSO and
Give details of the self-evaluation activity that will be supported (include
motivation for taking part in the scheme; what the focus of the self-evaluation will be
and details of what is to be supported given a maximum input of two days).
Education Scotland Pilot Peer Support scheme for the use of HGIOTSO and
Timescale and venues-when and where would you anticipate this taking
place? (Please give the timescale of the self-evaluation and any fixed dates and
venues. This will aid us in seeing if we have a peer supporter who is available)
Reporting back to Education Scotland.
As this scheme is in a pilot stage, we require all those who receive peer support to
report back to us. It would be helpful if you could detail the impact of the scheme,
any strengths and any changes you recommend. This should be completed within
two months of the final contact with the peer supporter. Please state below who will
be responsible for doing this. .
Education Scotland Pilot Peer Support scheme for the use of HGIOTSO and