Summary of representations made on the draft SCI

Summary of representations made on the draft SCI
SCI 01
Policy /
Nature of
Summary of representation
Historic England
Para. 1.5
Kayleigh Wood
Para. 3.4
Appendix 1.2
SCI 02
Parish Council
Council response
Welcomes general aims and approach to the draft
At para. 1.5 the term ‘built heritage’ should be
changed to ‘historic environment’.
At para. 3.4 welcomes acknowledgement of
Historic England as a statutory consultee.
Would welcome consultation at an informal level
in addition to legislative requirements where
Would be helpful to receive hard copies of
consultation letters.
Para 1.2 welcomes and supports inclusion of the
‘historic environment’ as a topic to cover General
Consultation Bodies.
The process provides a structured means of early
consultation and response from all interested
Accepted, however, paragraph 1.5 refers to
the Council’s Corporate Plan, which outlines
our shared vision, values and priority areas on
which we intend to concentrate our efforts.
Since the draft SCI has been out to
consultation, a new Corporate Plan has been
approved by full Council and the reference to
‘built heritage’ no longer exists.
Supportive of principle of meaningful and early
engagement of the general community,
community organisations and statutory bodies in
local planning matters.
No specific comments on this consultation.
Display of yellow planning application for
development notices is not sufficiently prominent.
Should be displayed on the public highway at the
entrance to the access / road to the site not just
attached to the property boundary fence at the
end of a Loke or cul-de-sac where few will see it.
Consider impacts of proposals on Conservation
Areas, proposals should be non-intrusive.
Noted: Concern passed onto the
Development Manager and the Major
Developments Manager.
Gareth Pritchard
SCI 03
Natural England
Carla Jackson,
SCI 04
Brian Grieves
Accepted: Any new Local Plan will need to
consider development impact on the historic
environment, which includes Conservation
SCI 05
Breckland District
Would like to remain a statutory consultee but
have no comment to make at present time.
Welcomes consultation on Local Plan documents
and relevant planning applications.
Keen to work with and support NNDC in growth
Keen to respond to all Local Plan document
consultations and all major (10+) planning
applications and other applications where there
may be concerns or issues relating to water
supply and/or drainage.
Does not support the general aims and approach
of the SCI.
Purpose of the SCI is to develop a good NNDC
Local Plan and to have this endorsed by the
community generally. The Local Plan is the focus.
The SCI does not connect with the general
purposes of the Local Plan or the NNDC
Economic Development Strategy for two reasons:
o Does not reference the 10 key objectives
and therefore does not focus on
addressing these, and;
o ‘Community’ is implicitly Parish and Town
Council led; it omits other stakeholders;
employees, employers, investors,
enterpreneurs, shop-keepers. Thus the
SCI does not invite, explicitly, economic
o SCI is a general ‘hand-book’ on
consultation but omits the context in
which previous policy was developed,
and how it should be amended and
developed further. It is published in a
James Mann,
Planning Policy
SCI 06
Anglian Water
Sue Bull,
Planning Liaison
SCI 07
Anglia Maltings
(Holdings) Ltd
David Thompson,
Chief Executive
Not accepted: The SCI document is not
considered the right place to make reference
to objectives in evidence documents. New
evidence produced as part of the evidence
base to inform the new Local Plan will be in
the public domain once published.
The purpose of the SCI is to ensure that
communities and other interested parties
understand how they can participate in the
planning process and covers participation at
both the plan-making and the planning
application stage. Whilst it is not realistic for
the SCI to specifically mention every possible
stakeholder, it aims to make it clear that the
Council wants ‘to give everyone the
opportunity to get involved from an early
stage in the process and we want to make
engagement as easy and as meaningful as
possible’ (para. 1.2). Further, Appendix 1.2
makes it clear that the LPA will consult
general consultation bodies where considered
appropriate and the list includes bodies
representing persons carrying on business
and the economy, LEPs and interested
SCI 08
Potter Heigham
Parish Council,
David Balls, Clerk
Page 10
Page 11
Consultation periods for Local Plan and
Supplementary Planning Documents should be
increased from six and four weeks respectively to
ten weeks to enable sufficient time for Councillors
to circulate and give the documents due
The timeframes outlined in the SCI are the
minimum statutory periods for consultation
and that we will consider giving longer
timeframes in some cases.
Summary of changes to the SCI following consultation
Paragraph or page
Suggested Change
Reason for Change
Page 3, para. 1.5
Change to the referenced Council’s Corporate Plan vision,
values and priority areas on which we intend to concentrate our
efforts to: jobs and the local economy, housing and
infrastructure, coast and countryside, health and well-being and
delivery and service excellence.
Since the draft SCI has been out to consultation, a new Corporate
Plan has been approved by full Council and the reference to ‘built
heritage’ no longer exists.
Page 9, new paragraph
after 3.5
Addition of new paragraph:
To enable the SCI to be updated should planning legislation and
regulations on consultation change.
Page 10, table 2
Amendment to Stage 3 text, bullet point 3:
3.6 The processes that will be followed when producing a new
local plan, any resulting SPDs and for any neighbourhood plans
are outlined in the tables on pages 10, 11 and 14. From time to
time, Government legislation and regulations on what LPAs are
required to do as part of these processes changes. If this
happens, the process tables in this document will be updated
and an amended document published.
The Council may undertake consultation with stakeholders and
members of the public on different issues and options.
Page 15, para. 3.11
Addition to para. 3.11:
From time to time, Government legislation and regulations on
what LPAs are required to do as part of these processes
changes. If this happens, the process tables in this document
will be updated and an amended document published.
Page 18, para. 1.1
Change of name of The Garden History Society to The Gardens
To enable flexibility on consultation should planning legislation and
regulations on consultation change.
To enable the SCI to be updated should planning legislation and
regulations on consultation change.
The Garden History Society has now merged with the Association
of Gardens Trusts to form The Gardens Trust, which is now the
statutory consultee.