American University Residence Hall Association  

American University Residence Hall Association
c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016­8142
Phone: 202­885­1RHA | FAX: 202­885­1154 | E­mail: | Resolution 15­16­001
A Resolution to Establish the Bylaw Review Committee Thursday, October 15, 2015 Sam Rogers, President of Hughes Hall WHEREAS, there are significant errors within the Bylaws that impede comprehension, and; WHEREAS, wording within several sections of the Bylaws is ambiguous, vague, or otherwise unclear, and; WHEREAS, the Bylaws require updating in order to reflect changes in structure, rules, and procedures that RHA leaders and their constituents need in order to run an effective organization, and; WHEREAS, Title One, Article I, The General Assembly, Section iii, Plenary and Implied Powers, Subsection 4 of the Bylaws states “GA shall be empowered to confirm appointments, create ad­hoc and special committees, amend and approve the governing documents of the organization, and shall be the primary authority on discipline and conduct within the organization.”, and; WHEREAS, amending the Bylaws is a long and tedious process best undertaken by a group of interested and dedicated individuals; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bylaw Review Committee be established as an ad­hoc committee for the duration of the 2015­2016 school year, and;
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chair of said committee be appointed by the RHA President, and;
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all committee members be selected by the Chair. THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution officially remove and replace all provisions of Resolution 11­12­007. BY VOTE OF ____________TO____________WITH _________ VOTES PRESENT ON THIS DAY _________________________________ Residence Hall Association General Assembly Cristina Chlan
Jaime Clark William Jessup
President Chief of Staff Parliamentarian Residence Hall Association Residence Hall Association Residence Hall Association 