Residence Hall Association American University

American University
Residence Hall Association
c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142
Phone: 202-885-1RHA | FAX: 202-885-1154 | E-mail: |
General Assembly Agenda 17 November 2011
Call to Order
o At 10:36 pm President Cindy Zhang called the 8th General Assembly
meeting of 2011-2012 to order
o Quorum is established
Agenda Approval
o Motion to approve the agenda
 Seconded, passed
Approval of Minutes
o Tonei Glavanic presents
o OTMs for November are due by December 5th at 11:59pm
Committee Request: Thanksgiving Feast
o Presenters are not present
o Tabled
RA Fund Request: Thanksgiving
o Marie Scholz presents
o Requesting $100-$125 for a floor Thanksgiving dinner
o Questions
 How many residents have been attending their floor dinners?
 About $35
 Have they approached the Anderson E-Board for funding?
 No
o Discussion
 Motion to grant Anderson 3 South $75
 Seconded
o Vote: motion passes, grant is approved
Hall Reports
o Anderson
 Karaoke night tomorrow
 Purchased a chocolate fountain
o Centennial
 Floor thanksgiving dinners will be this Sunday
 Planning some events for after Thanksgiving
 Has a full Hall Council!
o Hughes
 Floor Olympics went very well
o Leonard
 Not present
o Letts, Clark, and Roper
 Ultimate Wish Party went very will
 100 people attended
o McDowell
 Presenting a North Side Pride event
 Elected a new UP of programming
 30 people attended to vote
 Having a board game event
o Nebraska
 Not present
o Tenley Campus
 Thank you for coming to Tenley campus for GA tonight!
 Giving a $25 gift card away by raffle if you attend an event on
Tenley Campus
 7 Deadly Sins event
 Stress relief event before finals
Committee Request: Thanksgiving Feast
o Jessica Bock presents
 Requesting $630
o Questions
 How much will the event cost?
 $630
 Who is invited to the events?
 All freshmen
 Did you receive any money from WINS or the Multicultural Affairs
 Not yet. We’re mostly working with them on an educational
o Discussion
 Point of Information
 How much money is in the Committee Request Fund right
o $600
 How much can we grant them?
o The maximum we can grant them is $315 (50% of
the event)
 Is it reasonable to assume they have enough floor funds to
cover the remainder of the event?
o RA’s could use their personal floor funds to help pay
for the event.
 How much have they spent of their budget?
o Not very much of their budget?
 Why are they requesting so much money if they have a lot
in their account still?
o It’s just a really expensive event.
 Why wasn’t Hughes included?
o The RAs of all first year floors were asked to
 Motion to grant $315 to the Multicultural Committee
 Vote: motion passes
Executive Board Reports
o President
 Attended the Campus Life Committee today
 Presented some of things we’re working on
 We now have a liaison to The Eagle now
 Please dress well at GA meetings
o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination
 Each hall now has a new Hall Buddy
 Centennial: Paige
 LeCloper: Paige / Her Deputy
 Anderson: Cindy
 Tenley Campus: Kate / Hussien
 Nebraska: Marie
 Leonard: Brian
 McDowell: Kate / Rory
 Hughes: Cindy / Sean
 Please fill out the survey we just handed out
 To get your opinions and feedback on dining on campus
 Sean has revised the HOTY point system
 Will be tabling in TDR
 We need your help
 Get t-shirts for your new general assembly members!
o Vice President of Programming
 Fall Fest was postponed to tomorrow
 From 12-4pm on the Quad in front of Kay
 Please help set up at 11am
 Masquerave
 Still looking for a location
 Winter Wonderland
 Still waiting on space confirmation from the perch
o National Communications Coordinator
 CAACURH was this weekend
 We won “Best Banner”
 Won “Gold” in Spirit Points
o Chief of Staff
Contact Information Sheet is updated
 Will send out an updated-updated version
 GA Placards are all updated
 A-Board Meetings
 Will be held every other Monday, beginning November 21st,
at 9:30pm
 Finance Grant Forms have been updated
 Hall Security Committee
 Please meet with Brian after the meeting if you expressed
o Advisor
 Resolution Process
 A lot of you are writing really great resolutions, but
 The Sarah must be aware of the resolution before it goes to
General Assembly
 It also has to go the either the Advocacy or Finance
Roundtable before it goes to General Assembly
Unfinished Business
o Bill to Amend in Order to Create a Means of Collaboration Through CoActive Resolution
 Rory Slatko presents on SG Resolution 11-12-009
 See attached document for the bill
 How would it work?
 RHA would write a co-active resolution
 If it goes through RHA, an SG Senator has to adopt it
o If it amended anywhere in SG, it goes back to RHA,
who has to adopt it again.
 This occurs until both bodies agree on language
 What won’t this do?
 It can’t talk about finances
 It can’t change the internal structure of either organization
o Questions
 Can SG also start a resolution?
 Yes. Each role would simply be flipped.
 Motion to extend questioning by 2 minutes
 Seconded, passed
 Would SG have a liaison here?
 Yes, they technically already do.
 Who serves as the liaison?
 Kevin Ralph
 If a co-active resolution is passed, who would present it to the
 A representative from both the RHA and SG
 Point of Information
If this goes through CONGO would this come back to GA?
o Yes, we would have to approve of any changes
CONGO makes.
 Motion to extend questioning by 5 minutes
 Seconded, passed
 In the past, how has communication between RHA and SG been in
the past?
 This year, communication between the organizations is
 It hasn’t been like this every year, though
 This bill provides a way for this to be ensured in future years
 Won’t it take a long time for a resolution to get through? Can’t we
create a joint-committee?
 Creating a joint committee would be difficult, seeing as
representation would be unequal and both organizations
would want to chair it
 For this to take effect, what would have to change?
 We would have to change our Bylaws and our Rules of
 Motion to extend questioning by 2 minutes
 Seconded, objection
o Pro: I’d like to learn more about how SG functions
o Con: We’re running out of time
o Rory is happy to talk to any of you more about this.
He doesn’t want to delay the meeting.
 Vote: Motion fails
New Business
o Appointment of VP of Finance
 Wynn Tashman presents
 Questions
 What experience do you have with keeping large budgets?
o “I was VP of Finance for my debate team and by
creative writing club. Also, I’m currently VP of
Finance for Centennial Hall.”
 Does Centennial Hall have other candidates for your position
after you leave?
o “Yes”
 Motion to approve Wynn Tashman as VP of Finance and
Administration by unanimous consent
 Seconded, passed
o Appointment of Deputy of Programming
 Frank Baptista presents
 Motion to approve Frank Baptista as Deputy Programmer by
unanimous consent
 Seconded, approved
o Wynn Tashman and Frank Baptista are sworn in
o Motion to adjourn at 11:45pm
 Seconded, objected
 Pro: We’ll miss the shuttle.
 Con: The shuttles run until 12:30pm
 Vote: motion passes
o Rules of Procedure/Robert’s Rules of Order
 Hussien Salama presents
 Motion to extend the time of adjournment to 11:55pm
 Seconded, passed
 Motion to extend Hussein’s presentation time by 5 minutes
 Seconded, passed
 Cindy will email out the RHA Rules of Procedure
o Resolution 11-12-009
 Tabled until next meeting
HOTY Point System
o Tabled until next meeting
o At 11:51pm the 8th General Assembly meeting of 2011-2012 is adjourned