Cabbell Park, Mill Road Cromer Proposed Lifting of Open Space Restriction

Cabbell Park, Mill Road Cromer
Proposed Lifting of Open Space Restriction
Summary of consultation responses
As part of consideration which North Norfolk District Council has given to the future use of the Cabbell Park site, particularly the ability of part of Cabbell Park to
accommodate a new medical centre facility for the Cromer Group Practice (as per a decision of the Council’s Cabinet taken in April 2014); the Council was
required, under Section 122/123 (2A) of the Local Government Act 1972, to invite public comments on the removal of the open space restriction which exists at
the Cabbell Park site.
The Council therefore invited public comments on the proposed lifting of the open space restriction through a consultation process staged between 27th May and
3rd July 2015 and this document details the responses received in respect of the public consultation process.
Steve Blatch
Corporate Director
North Norfolk District Council
Council Offices
Holt Road
Cromer NR27 9EN
Tel: 01263 516232
Name / Organisation
Josephine Dennis
Support / Object / Comment
Having followed the reports on the proposals for Cabbell
Park and the growing need for a larger doctors surgery
and medical centre I feel strongly in favour of the surgery
moving to Mill Road to have modern larger premises to
deal with the growing numbers in the area also the
pharmacy is not adequate for the present number of
people using it.
NNDC response
The youth football has struggled for years to accommodate
the amount of boys using it. The old practice golf course
seems a perfect site and to keep the link with Cabbell Park
it could be renamed as Cabbell Park.
Gillian Douglas
If the woman who bequeathed the land as land for open
public use is to have her wishes ignored, what is the point
of having the system in place in the first place. This seems
like another case of the authorities riding roughshod over
the public.
What about demolishing the present surgery, building
another two storey surgery over a greater area of the site
and incorporating an underground car park. Or – use the
land on the field going out of Cromer towards the Runtons
for it before it’s turned into another housing estate?
The District Council does not
believe that the use of Cabbell Park
by Cromer Town Football Club
meets the wider definition of the
1906 Public Open Spaces Act and
is therefore proposing that new
sports facilities are developed to
meet the future needs of sports
teams in the town for pitch and
clubhouse facilities.
The District Council understands
that the Cromer Group Practice
has considered other sites in the
town for the proposed new
medical centre, but none were
considered suitable based on
access by patients, availability and
Name / Organisation
Valerie Boon
Support / Object / Comment
I recognise the need to relocate the Cromer Group Practice
to this site but am concerned that your plans in the longer
term are to consider the disposal of the remainder for
residential development. There are already real problems
with parking and access along Mill Road which would only
be exacerbated by further housing. It is a great pity that
the gates are locked most of the week preventing children
playing in a safe area when many of the surrounding
homes have little garden space.
This site is primarily an open site covered by covenant for
the people of Cromer therefore I object.
NNDC response
Notes objection to proposed
removal of open space restriction
on Cabbell Park site, but shares
concern that existing site is not
accessible for local people to enjoy
as a public “open space”.
Concerns about parking and traffic
congestion in Mill Road are issues
which will need to be considered
as part of the appraisal of any
planning application submitted for
the new surgery facility.
Clarity sought over initial comment above - additional
comments confirmed below:
Support in part – i.e. area for
new doctors’ surgery
I support the development of the new surgery on the front
of the site and therefore the lifting of the open space
restriction for that purpose.
I object to any development on the balance of the Cabbell
Park site and would wish to see this area made available as
a public amenity area, hopefully inclusive of football in the
Sharon Lee
I think that building the new doctors surgery on the
football site is an excellent idea. Moving the football site to
Overstrand Road is the best place for it. At last the football
committee had to give way to the best thing for Cromer
moving the doctors’ surgery to a bigger site which benefits
all of Cromer.
E M Stevenson
Nobody can foresee the future when they put a Restrictive
Covenant on the land.
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
As I understand it, it was to be open land for the use of the
residents of Cromer.
NNDC response
As it is now, it is a Football Ground, which is also used for
Car Boot Sales. This in itself is restrictive, in my opinion,
as not everyone in Cromer goes to the Football matches or
Car Boot Sales.
The piece of land on Overstrand Road seems to be an ideal
place for a replacement Football Ground.
We desperately need a new larger Surgery, and the Cabbell
Park land would be the ideal place for it. Moreover, it
would be used by ALL the residents of Cromer.
I am in favour of removing the Restrictive Covenant on
Cabbell Park, and it is my opinion that if the person who
put the Covenant on the land was here now, then they too
would be in favour of removing it.
Bob Richards
I object to the suggestion that Cabbell Park should have the
open space restriction removed.
1. The park was given to the TOWN and not the district
and the district's involvement is out of order without the
full support of the Town and the Trustees.
1. The transfer of Cabbell Park
into the ownership of the
District Council is in accordance
with the terms of the original
Trust Deed.
2. The park is owned by the Trustees of the park who do
not have the power to sell the land. By extension, and more
importantly, they should not be able to give the park away.
The transfer of the land was not approved by the Trustees
and was carried out under the provisions that do not apply
to Cabbell Park. I.e. Charity Acts - Cabbell Park is not a
2. See comment at 1 above.
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
Charitable asset. The signatories of the transfer did not
have the authority of the Trustees.
NNDC response
3. The Land was given as a War Memorial and as such the
moving of the memorial is unacceptable. Despite what is
said by a representative of the Family, I do not think that
the donor of the land would agree to the proposal and he is
just expressing his own view. He seems to be pursuing a
personal plan.
3. The District Council recognises
that Mrs Bond Cabbell’s original
bequest of land at Mill Road,
Cromer was in honour of people
from the town who gave their
lives during the 1914 -18 Great
War. The Council proposes that
any new sports facility
developed for the town to meet
the sporting needs of the local
community will be dedicated to
Mrs Bond Cabbell honouring
the objectives of her original
bequest, but in respect of
facilities which are fitting for
the twenty-first century.
4. There are many aspects of this proposed action that I
think are dubious that I think the NND Council should be
fully acquainted with all the counter arguments before
4. See comment at 1 above.
5 In the NN site allocation the site was to be used for
possible school extension not a surgery.
The deliverability indicated that Trustees will consider the
future use of the site when the agreement with the
Football Club runs out.
5. The North Norfolk Site
Allocations Plan policy ED2
proposed that part of the
Cabbell Park site accommodate
approximately 10 dwellings
with the balance of the site
allocated for education
purposes, subject to
confirmation from the
Education Authority that
When did this happen? If not why not. Perhaps the
Trustees Chairman could advise the Town.
Leave the Football Club where they are, if they wish to
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
stay, give the new site to the Junior club, withdraw from
your take over and leave the Trustees to continue to run
the park at no cost to the Ratepayers as before.
NNDC response
expansion of the school sector is
required. The proposal to
accommodate a new surgery on
part of the Cabbell Park site is in
lieu of the 10 dwellings
proposed through the policy
allocation ED2.
The Site Allocations Plan was
adopted in February 2011 and
the reference made to Trustees
considering future use of the
site has been overtaken by
events which have seen
ownership of the Cabbell Park
site pass to the District Council.
D Blake
Support in part – i.e. area for
new doctors’ surgery
I object to the removal of the open space restriction on
Cabbell Park other than the use at the Mill Road end of the
land as shown on the proposed plans and elevation for the
new Medical Centre by Medcentres.
Cromer is losing too many open green spaces for housing
development. In the long term the remainder of Cabbell
Park could well be needed as an open space for the school
or some other open space use, keep the restriction on the
A Rogers
I object to Cabbell Park losing its ‘Open Space Title’.
This is a historic restriction on this land, given by E Bond
Cabbell in memory of the town’s 1st World War dead and
this should be respected as such.
Name / Organisation
Yvonne Fleet
Support / Object / Comment
I am writing to object to the plans for selling off the land
known as Cabbell Park.
I do understand the great temptation to sell off such an
asset. I know the Government expect the Councils to do
more for less year after year. That’s not easy when you
have so many worthy commitments needing the money.
But you can only sell this land once. The cash will soon be
spent and I cannot foresee a time when the Council will be
able to buy land for a park in the future.
NNDC response
Notes objection to proposed
removal of open space restriction
on Cabbell Park site, but shares
concern that existing site is not
accessible for local people to enjoy
as a public “open space”.
We have this wonderful piece of land which could be used
in much better ways than in the past. A park should be
open to the public every day. A place to walk, rest or play.
Away from the traffic. We have plenty of that in Mill Road.
It could provide a place for those recovering from mental
illness, stress or depression as gardening is very
therapeutic. That could help the NHS. A space for the
whole community. The terraced houses have very small
gardens. We all need space.
Please think very carefully before making your final
decision. It is a once in a lifetime you have the chance to
do something really worthwhile with this space.
John and Anne Attfield
We are concerned that the covenanted open space is being
forcibly removed – the trustees were given little choice.
(If the medical centre plans go ahead) the rest of the space
should remain available for the use of those for whom if
was given, and thus remain as open space.
The open space restriction is not
being “forcibly” removed, the
District Council has explained why
it believes there are grounds to
seek the lifting of the restriction so
as to accommodate new health
facilities for the town and in
seeking to provide new sports
facilities which are available to a
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
NNDC response
larger number of people from the
Cromer area than can be provided
for on the existing Cabbell Park
Barry Meadows on
behalf of Cromer
Preservation Society
In response to the consultation on the removal of the 'open
space' covenant on Cabbell Park, Mill Road, Cromer. With
the information available the Cromer Preservation
Society is against the proposals to remove the open
space covenant and against the proposal to sell the
land for development.
The District Council has been open
and honest over its consideration
of being prepared to accommodate
a new doctors’ surgery for the
town on part of the Cabbell Park
site, previously identified in the
adopted Site Allocations Plan as
being able to accommodate 10
dwellings, through discussion of a
report to the Council’s Cabinet in
April 2014.
 NNDC's core strategy is to Ensure adequate provision
to meet open space and recreation needs and encourage
creation of a network of accessible greenspaces
 NNDC recognise a shortage of open green space in
 Cabbell Park was given to the people of Cromer as a
memorial to those inhabitants who died for their country in
the Great War
 The North Norfolk Local Development Plan Site
Allocations plan (2011) allocated the bulk of the site for
education purposes (expansion of adjoining schools)
 Development of part of the site for a new medical
facility would set a precedent for development on the
remainder of the site
Even though:
 The North Norfolk Local Development Plan Site
Allocations plan (2011) allocated part of the site for up to
10 dwellings
 There is a recognised need to provide increased
medical facilities for Cromer
 There is a recognised need for the development of
Since this time, the Council has
progressed a number of actions to
facilitate such proposals including
attending public meetings
organised by the Town Council,
holding meetings with
representatives of Cromer Town
Football Club, consulting on
potential sites for the new
community sports pitch facility
and advising the Cromer Group
Practice on the development of
their proposals for a new surgery
facility. Many of these
developments have received
extensive coverage in local media.
The Council has consistently stated
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
better sports facilities for Cromer
It is disappointing to note:
 Works have already been started on Cabbell Park to
move the football pitches on the assumption the proposals
will be given the go ahead, risking unnecessary spend of
public money
 Outline plans for the new medical facility have been
made public before there is any agreement to the covenant
being altered to allow such a development
 There is significant concern regarding traffic
movement on Mill Road should the proposed medical
facility be located on Cabbell Park
 There is an implied assumption that there is no
alternative for the location of a new medical facility
 There is an implied assumption that a new sports
facility will not be provided if development is not
progressed on Cabbell Park
 The NHS are imposing unrealistic timescales for the
allocation of funding for the new medical facility
The general community view is that the proposals are a
fait accompli and that the consultation on the project is
being undertaken as a necessary procedural process
rather than to actually obtain the views of, and to work
with the community.
A real, open and honest, dialogue with the community on
ALL the issues related to this project would be a positive
way forward.
NNDC response
that it would not seek to lift the
open space restriction on a
speculative basis, only when the
Cromer Group Practice had placed
plans for its new surgery
development in the public domain
so that the public had a clear
understanding of the Council’s
position in seeking to facilitate
significant investment in new
health and sports facilities for the
The works recently undertaken at
the Cabbell Park site would
facilitate relocation of the existing
football pitch within the site if
planning consent and funding
approval is given for the new
surgery facility. However, the
works to provide improved
drainage to the western end of the
Cabbell Park site also improve the
existing playing / training area and
are not considered to be an
unnecessary spend of public
Concerns over levels of traffic
which might be generated by the
new surgery facility will be
considered as part of the planning
application process.
Issues relating to the grant of NHS
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
NNDC response
funding for the new doctors’
surgery are not an issue for the
District Council.
Julie Chance on behalf
of Cromer Town
Support in part – i.e. area for
new doctors’ surgery
I am writing following the special meeting held last night
to discuss Cromer Town Council’s response to the
consultation on Cabbell Park.
The following Resolutions were agreed by Members:1. Cromer Town Council supports the lifting of the open
space restrictions in the Trust Deed for the provision of a
replacement Doctors surgery needed by the town.
2. This Town Council recognises the need to conserve and
protect public open space, sports and playing pitch
facilities in the town.
3. New open space restrictions, protections and usage
rights in the spirit and meaning of those intended by the
bequest of Mrs Bond Cabbell in the 1922 Trust Deed
should be placed upon:-
3a and b. Reflects stated position
of District Council in proposing
development of new community
sports pitch facility
a) the new sports facility recognising the rights of use for
Cromer Town Football Club alongside Cromer Town
Women’s Football Club, Cromer Youth Football Club and
other applicable sports teams and clubs to use the facility;
b) the retained sports facility at the rear of the existing
Cabbell Park site recognising Cromer Town Football Club’s
right to use the site until an agreed and accessible
replacement facility is developed within the Town.
4. This Town Council recognises the importance of Cromer The District Council recognises the
Town Football Club to Cromer’s heritage and the
need for any facilities retained at
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
importance sport has to the future of Cromer’s community.
Therefore:a) the need and ability of Cromer Town Football Club to
raise funds should be allowed and maintained throughout
this process with Cromer Town Football Club able to hold
events and sales at the grounds and have the provision of
club house facilities needed;
b) Cromer Town Football Club should be allowed to meet
current ground needs specified under the Football
Association’s National Ground Grading relevant to their
current league, the Anglian Combination. All needs such as
floodlighting, security of tenure, parking and club house
facilities should be taken into account. Any deviation from
this could result in relegation from their current league
and damage to the Club. Cromer Town Football Club
should also be allowed scope to make improvements
needed to the grounds, with relevant permissions, in the
event of likely promotion to higher leagues.
NNDC response
the Cabbell Park site and/or
developed elsewhere to at least
meet the minimum requirements
of the Football Association
relevant to the league in which
Cromer Town Football Club plays,
whilst delivering value for money
for local council tax payers. The
Council is in ongoing discussions
with officers of Cromer Town
Football Club about the financing
of the club, but does not
necessarily share the view that a
clubhouse has to be provided for
the exclusive use of the Club and
wishes for shared use of the
clubhouse facilities at the Cromer
Lawn Tennis and Squash Club
being explored.
5. Cabbell Park’s status as a World War I War Memorial
needs to be retained, either at the current site or new
Taking all opportunities to recognise the sacrifice of those
lost from Cromer and including those not recognised on
the War Memorial outside St Peter and St Paul’s Church in
the Town. All activities need to be carried out with the
utmost sensitivity given the current centenary period of
the First World War.
Cromer Town Council recognises the need for North
Norfolk District Council to advertise for two weeks, their
intended disposal of the open space covenants in the Trust
The District Council is satisfied
that the consultation inviting
comments on the lifting of the
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
Deed relevant to Cabbell Park and consider any objections
received. This is specified in section 122/123 of the local
Government Act 1972. However, in the advertisement
distributed, no detailed mention is made of the 1922 Trust
NNDC response
open space restriction at Cabbell
Park has been correctly
Cromer Town Council therefore do not believe that the
correct procedure has been observed in this case and ask
for an explanation and query the validity of this procedure.
Tracy Neave on behalf
of Cromer Group
On behalf of the Cromer Group Practice, I wish to make
representations in favour of the disposal of the Cabbell
Park site and the associated removal of the open spaces
stipulation. The current Practice is woefully undersized
and the disposal of the front part of the site will enable the
surgery to expand into a modern fit-for-purpose building
safeguarding the sustainability of primary care in Cromer.
Helen Frary
1. I understand that the development of Cabbell Park is
against the Council’s core strategy to ensure adequate
provision to meet open space recreation needs and
encourage creation of a network of accessible green
spaces, recognizing a shortage of open green space in
Cromer. You have already stated that Cabbell Park is
not continuously open to the general public, but the
Council have the option to remove the wall gate if they
so wished. As a comparison with Cromer, Bognor
Regis another seaside town has a beach and a pier, but
unlike Cromer it has among the houses, shops and
schools lots of parks with playgrounds and green
spaces, which residents can use for recreation.
The District Council does not
share the view that the
potential development of
Cabbell Park is contrary to
policies within the adopted
Core Strategy as they relate to
open space provision in
Cromer. This is because the
subsequent Site Allocations
Plan proposed the provision
of additional open space to
serve the south of the town as
part of site allocation C14 –
Land west of Roughton Road,
Cromer where a new area of
public open space is being
provided at the centre of the
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
NNDC response
public access has also been
secured in perpetuity to the
Brownshill woodland area
between the Norwich and
Roughton roads.
Further, the Site Allocations
Plan identified the Cabbell
Park site under policy ED2 as
being capable of
approximately 10 dwellings
fronting Mill Road, with the
balance of the site being held
for future educational use,
subject to re-provision of the
football facilities of equal or
better quality. The current
proposals being considered
for the Cabbell Park site
envisage accommodating the
new medical centre facility on
that part of the site identified
within the Site Allocations
Plan for the 10 dwellings, with
the balance of the site
continuing to accommodate a
football pitch.
Accommodation of the
medical centre proposal and
indeed any subsequent
transfer of the balance of the
site for educational use would
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
NNDC response
require the lifting of the open
space restriction and the
current consultation seeks to
achieve this objective. The
Council has previously stated,
in endorsing the report to
Cabinet at its meeting of 14th
April 2014 that any longer
term proposal to
accommodate development
on the balance of the Cabbell
Park site would need to be
considered as part of the
review of the Local Plan.
2. Between the North Road and the Overstrand Road
there are three schools and a hospital. Mill Road in the
centre is on the Sanders bus route. The Council’s
proposal to endorse the building of a Medical Centre
on Cabbell Park will only exacerbate an already
congested road.
3. Before the Open Space restriction has even been
disposed of the Council have funded work to level,
drain and make fit for purpose the westerly end of
Cabbell Park in preparation for moving the football
pitch to accommodate the Medical Centre. There will
be more expense in future with floodlights, fences and
changing rooms. The fact that in the Council’s long
term plan this would be for 5 years while the new
multi pitch facility is being prepared is a disgrace and
an astronomical waste of Council Tax Payer’s money.
This is an issue which will be
considered in detail at the
time any planning application
for the new surgery facility is
3. Cabbell Park is a District
Council asset and the
authority has deemed the
recent works undertaken to
improve drainage at the
western end of the site to be a
positive investment, which
could facilitate relocation of
the existing football pitch on
the site to accommodate the
new medical centre.
However, if, for any reason,
the new surgery proposal is
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
NNDC response
not taken forward, the
improved drainage of this
area will deliver an additional
area for sports training or
indeed the accommodation of
play equipment which could
be used by the local
community. In the longer
term, if the balance of the
Cabbell Park site is to pass to
local schools for educational
or sporting purposes the
improved drainage of this
area of land will allow use of
the land for sporting purposes
without the need for further
investment. In this respect,
the Council believes the
improved drainage of this part
of the Cabbell Park site to be a
good investment.
4. The clubhouse at Cabbell Park is essential in providing
shelter, hospitality, toilet facilities when the ground is
used for social and recreational events (not only
football). By spending all the money on the ground as
above and not providing a clubhouse when the football
pitch is moved will mean that Cromer has lost another
The comments made about
the clubhouse are noted, but
are not relevant to the
consultation on the proposed
lifting of the open space
The council
believes there is some
contradiction between the
comments made at point 3
above as they relate to
expenditure on improvements
to the ground and an
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
NNDC response
clubhouse facility is
provided at Cabbell Park.
Recommendation – before the Open Space Restriction is
lifted on Cabbell Park a positive move needs to be in place
for the acquisition of the Overstrand Road site, otherwise
how will the people of Cromer know that the Council will
not renege on the Multi Pitch facility for the town?
I enclose a petition of 637 signatures from local people and
those who have visited Cabbell park from away, to judge
their opinion regarding the lifting of the Open Space
The petition has been checked and
details summarised within the
report to the 7th September
Cabinet meeting.
Whilhelm de Neve
Same comments as above.
See responses provided above.
J Byrne
Support in part – i.e. area for
new doctors’ surgery
It is my belief that detailed planning consent should be
given for the Cromer Group Practice medical centre.
However I strongly believe that the remaining portion of
land to the rear MUST be preserved for use by local
families and visitors to Cromer. Indeed such free facilities
as the outside gym and public courts for all sports/gravy
golf/putting (as per the magnificent centre in Mundesley)
would be of great benefit and enjoyment for all.
I accept totally that you intend to provide alternative
specialist sports facilities for the Cromer Football Club and
others but the remaining portion of Cabbell Park should be
preserved as a place where families may safely picnic
together, play together, maybe enjoy a round of putting or
crazy golf this side of town now that the Lodge Park
facilities (including the band stand) have been allowed to
go into disrepair.
Furthermore, I strongly DISAGREE that the land should be
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
advertised for residential development not least because
of the appalling and unsafe traffic conditions in Mill Road.
Further housing in this area would exacerbate the already
intolerable access and parking situation. The hospital
parking fees have made parking difficult for residents of
Mill Road and surrounding roads and indeed the Medical
Centre whilst providing free parking will make for
increased traffic flow.
NNDC response
The Norwich Road is already a bottle-neck not only during
the height of the tourist season but throughout most of the
year - likewise Mill Road - and with the Roughton
Road/Weavers Way developments the resulting traffic is
already unsustainable.
I submit that the portion of land to the rear of the Medical
Centre MUST be allowed to remain designated an area of
open space for ALL to enjoy.
Mrs H Frary
For North Norfolk District Council to be taken seriously in
lifting the Open Space restriction on Cabbell Park a
positive move needs to be in place for the acquisition of
the Overstrand Road site for the multi-pitch facility.
However, the creation of just four football pitches is not
adequate for the number of teams that Cromer Youth
Football Club field, especially as Cromer Town Football
Club and the teams (four in total) that presently play at
Cabbell Park will be expected to be playing / training on
one of those pitches.
The District Council’s proposals to
establish a community sports pitch
facility to serve the town seeks to
significantly increase both the
number and scope of pitch
facilities which exist for training
and playing football above current
levels of provision and in a way
which is intended to be affordable
to a number of clubs through the
through the shared use / costs of
pitch, training and clubhouse
In the Cabbell Park Trust Deed of 1922 there is no mention
of what would happen to the football club when the
The District Council agrees that
the 1922 Trust Deed does not state
Name / Organisation
Support / Object / Comment
ground transferred to the Council. NNDC are
accommodating Cromer Town Football Club on the Cabbell
Park site until the multi pitch facility is up and running but
because this new facility will not be big enough Cabbell
Park should remain a football field as well as the multi
pitch facility.
NNDC response
what would happen to Cromer
Town Football Club when the
Cabbell Park site transferred to the
Council and, in the absence of the
Club having made any detailed
arrangements for its future, the
Council has developed proposals
which seek to accommodate the
Club in the short through
relocation of the existing pitch
within the Cabbell Park site and in
the longer term through Cromer
Town Football Club being a
partner occupier of the proposed
new community sports pitch