Overview and Scrutiny Committee ...

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
13 December 2011
Report Title
Overview and Scrutiny Update
Which Committees is this report
intended for? (Please state dates)
Cabinet Date:
Overview and Scrutiny Date: 13 December 2011
Full Council Date:
Is the report Exempt?
Does the report concern a Key
If a Key Decision is it on the Forward
Why is it exempt?
Ward(s) affected
Responsible Cabinet Member name
Tom FitzPatrick
Contact Officer
Mary Howard
Email address
Telephone number
01263 511456
Are there Non-electronic
List of Background Papers, if any
File Location
909/WPData/New Committees/Overview and
Scrutiny/2011 – 2012/13 December
2011/Draft/Overview and Scrutiny Update
Have you identified and explained within the
report the implications of the options
available to Members?
(Implications should include financial, legal
and links to the Council’s existing policies
and strategies)
Have you highlighted the risks to the
Financial Implications and Risks to the
Council should have their own separate
headings. It is not acceptable to simply
state that financial implications or risks have
been alluded to in the main body of the
Have you considered Sustainability issues
in relation to this report? Sustainability
should have its own separate heading. It is
not acceptable to simply state that
Sustainability has been alluded to in the
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
13 December 2011
main body of the report
Have you considered Equality and
Diversity issues in relation to this report?
Equality and Diversity should have its own
separate heading. It is not acceptable to
simply state that Equality and Diversity has
been alluded to in the main body of the
Have you considered S17 Crime and
Disorder issues in relation to this report?
Crime and Disorder should have its own
separate heading. It is not acceptable to
simply state that Crime and Disorder has
been alluded to in the main body of the
This report has been subject to the following processes:
Consultations with:
Cabinet Member
If not please state
reason below
Local Member
If not please state
reason below
Not applicable
S151 Officer
If not please state
reason below
Not applicable
Monitoring Officer
If not please state
reason below
S17 Officer
If not please state
reason below
Democratic Services Team Leader
If not please state
reason below
Communications Manager
If not please state
reason below
Other Head(s) of Service:
Chair and Vice Chair of Overview and Scrutiny
Please confirm this report has been signed off by:
Management Team
Not apt
Relevant Strategic Director
The Chief Executive
Not apt
Not apt
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
13 December 2011
Agenda Item No________18____
This report updates the Committee on progress with
topics in its agreed work programme (attached at
Appendix A) and invites Members to identify any
arising items for future meetings. The Scrutiny
Committee’s working style and role is attached at
Appendix B.
That progress is being made in some areas, others
need to be monitored and opportunities for scrutiny
should be discussed.
That Members should consider any follow-up
actions required on these topics.
Cabinet Member(s)
Ward(s) affected
Mr T J FitzPatrick
Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Mary Howard, Democratic Services
Team Leader, Tel.01263 516047, mary.howard@north-norfolk.gov.uk
The Scrutiny Update report is a standing item on all Overview and Scrutiny
Committee agendas. The report updates Members on progress made with
topics on its agreed work programme and provides additional information
which Members may have requested at a previous meeting.
The report is prepared by the Democratic Services Team Leader whose role
includes that of Scrutiny Officer.
Progress on topics since the last meeting
Cabinet response
Cabinet’s response to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s comments on
the Corporate Plan were received at the meeting on 16 November 2011. They
are attached at Appendix C
Anti-Social Behaviour
Following a request at the November meeting the Environmental Health
Manager has provided contact information for Members wanting to discuss or
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
13 December 2011
report anti-social behaviour. This has been published in the Members’
Bulletin, edition 629, 30 November 2011.
Presentations on Arlingclose and Pensions
At the request of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee the above
presentations were made available to all Members in the Members’ Bulletin,
edition 628, 23 November 2011.
Community Infrastructure Levy
The following recommendation from Overview and Scrutiny was agreed by
Cabinet on 28 November 2011:
“That the Council investigates Community Infrastructure Levy and that
the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party progresses the
detailed work in relation to infrastructure planning, viability testing and
preparation of a Draft Charging Schedule.”
A task and finish group will be formed to make progress on this matter and to
report back in due course to Cabinet.
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme
Flooding at Walcott
Following the flooding at Walcott on 27 November 2011 concerns have been
raised by the local Member and others regarding the lack of advance warning
given to residents. At Cabinet on 28 November 2011, The Portfolio Holder for
Coastal Issues, Mrs A Fitch-Tillett called for the Environment Agency to be
brought to scrutiny. For these reasons a representative from the Environment
Agency is being invited to attend the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 25
January to address the questions of Members and the local community.
There are also concerns that part of the problem could be attributed to an
upgrade of pavements in Walcott, particularly that narrower pipes were
unable to drain the water quickly enough. A request has been made to
County Councillor Paul Morse and he is taking this up with Highways. Any
updates received by 13 December 2011 will be reported orally to the
Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Task and Finish Group
At the November meeting it was resolved to establish a Task and Finish
Group to review the work programme template and the witness protocol and
to appoint Mr P Moore, Mr R Reynolds, Mr B Smith and Mr G Williams to
serve on it. The group will meet in the New Year.
The Chair and Vice Chair have agreed that a half-day session should be held
in late April or early May for Members of the Committee to review their work
programme for the 2012 – 2013 year in light of the new template and to make
input into the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report.
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
13 December 2011
Public Transport Time and Task Limited Panel
The Public Transport Time and Task Limited Panel met for the second time on
21 November 2011.
Members considered a County Council consultation on the future of bus
services. The document indicated that the following services in our districts
would be adversely affected: Sanders 5, 5a, 9 and 44, Anglian 123 and
Norfolk Green Coasthopper. The minority providers were likely to be hardest
hit. 5 out of the 17 proposed affected services covered North Norfolk.
Concern was expressed at proposals to cut Sunday services because we
were no longer living in a Monday-Saturday society. Young people especially
needed bus services in the evening and on Sundays. Anti-social behaviour
was likely to increase if they felt trapped in their villages, especially at a time
when there were also cuts in the provision of youth services.
Members considered that it would be useful to hear from a County Council
transport expert before questions were put to the bus operators. An officer
would be invited to the next meeting in January.
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be kept updated on progress.
Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
The Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee met on 24 November
2011. NNDC’s representative, Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, has provided the
Outcomes and Actions from this meeting. They are attached at Appendix D.
Mrs Claussen-Reynolds has also provided a document from the NHS East of
England Specialised Commissioning Group on major trauma services. It has
been placed in the Members’ Room.