Document 12926906

NPPF - Key themes/changes
2. Ensuring the vitality of town centres
Para 23 - 27
Planning policies should be positive, promote
competitive town centre environments and set
out policies for the management and growth of
centres over the plan period
Relevant Core Strategy
Degree of consistency
Core Aim 5 -To develop a
strong, high value economy to
provide better job, career and
training opportunities
NPPF retains key themes previously set The NPPF and adopted Core
out in PPS4
Strategy policies are aligned
and it is not considered that
policy review is necessary.
Policies SS5 and EC5 are consistent
with NPPF.
Local planning authorities should therefore
undertake an assessment of the need to
expand town centres to ensure a sufficient
supply of suitable sites;
SS5 Economy
EC5 Location of Retail and
Commercial Leisure
Allocate appropriate edge of centre sites for
main town centre uses that are well connected
to the town centre where suitable and viable
town centre sites are not available. If sufficient
edge of centre sites cannot be identified, set
policies for meeting the identified needs in
other accessible locations that are well
connected to the town centre
Action Required?
The evidence of need for additional
retail development that underpins the
Core Strategy was prepared in 2005
and covers the period to 2016. This
resulted in sites being allocated for retail
developments (Retail Opportunity Sites)
in some towns.
Arguably there is, or will be, a need to
prepare a revised study but given the
shift in emphasis of retail policy away
from needs assessments towards
analysis of potential impacts and that
such impacts are best assessed as part
of the development management
process it is not considered that a
District wide needs assessment is
justifiable at this time.
Recognise that residential development can
play an important role in ensuring the vitality of
centres and set out policies to encourage
residential development on appropriate sites
3. Supporting a prosperous rural economy
Support the growth and expansions of all
types of business and enterprise in rural area
– both through conversion of existing buildings
and well designed new buildings
Promotes farm diversification
Support rural tourism and leisure development
that benefit business in rural areas
SS2 Development in the
SS 5 Economy
EC 1 Farm Diversification
EC 2 The Re-use of Buildings
in the Countryside
EC3 Extension of Existing
Businesses in the Countryside
EC4 Redundant Defence
Core Strategy Countryside policies are
broadly consistent with NPPF and
include various policies that support the
rural economy through conversion of
buildings, extensions to businesses,
farm diversification and support for
many types of tourism.
However, the NPPF promotes a more
Further consideration is required
in relation to if, and what type
and scale of new building should
be permissible in the countryside
and whether such development
would be sustainable within the
remoter parts of the District.
EC5 location of retail and
commercial Leisure
EC7 Location of New Tourist
CT3 Provision and Retention
of Local Facilities and Services
permissive approach and appears to
allow for new build employment
generating proposals.
Transport policies have an important role to
play in facilitating sustainable
development but also in contributing to wider
sustainability and health objectives.
Core Aim 2 - To Provide for
sustainable development and
mitigate and adapt to climate
The Core Strategy Policies are
consistent with NPPF.
The transport system needs to be balanced in
favour of sustainable transport modes, giving
people a real choice about how they travel.
Core Aim 6 – To improve
access for all to jobs, services,
leisure and cultural activities
Encouragement should be given to solutions
which support reductions in greenhouse gas
emissions and reduce congestion. In preparing
Local Plans, local planning authorities should
therefore support a pattern of development
which, where reasonable to do so, facilitates
the use of sustainable modes of
SS1 Spatial Strategy for North
Promote the retention and development of
local services and community facilities
4 Promoting sustainable transport
CT5 The Transport Impact of
new Development
CT6 Parking Provision
CT 7 Safeguarding Land for
Plans and decisions should ensure
Sustainable Transport Uses
developments that generate significant
movement are located where the need to
travel will be minimised and the use of
sustainable transport modes can be
maximised. However this needs to take
account of policies set out elsewhere in this
Framework, particularly in
rural areas.
5. Supporting high quality communications infrastructure Para 42 - 46
The NPPF and adopted Core
Strategy policies are aligned and
it is not considered that policy
review is necessary
In preparing Local Plans, local planning
authorities should support the expansion of
electronic communications networks, including
telecommunications and high speed
CT 4 Telecommunications
6. Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes
Para 47 - 55
To boost significantly the supply of
Core Aim 1 – To support the
housing needs of the whole
Policy SS3 Housing
Identify and update annually a supply
of specific deliverable sites sufficient to Policy HO1 Dwelling Mix and
provide five years worth
of housing + additional buffer of 5% Policy HO2 Provision of
Affordable Housing
Policy HO3 Affordable
Set out their own approach to housing
Housing in the Countryside
density to reflect local circumstances.
Policy HO4 Sites for Gypsies
and Travellers and for
Plan for a mix of housing based on
Travelling Show people
current and future demographic trends, Policy HO5 Agricultural,
market trends and the needs of
Forestry and Other
different groups in the community
Occupational Dwellings in the
Set policies for meeting affordable
Policy HO7 Making the Most
housing need on site, unless off-site
Efficient Use of Land (Housing
provision or a financial contribution of
broadly equivalent value can be
Policy HO9 Conversion and
robustly justified. Such policies should
Re-use of Rural Buildings as
be sufficiently flexible to take account
of changing market conditions over
Normally approve planning applications
for change to residential use and any
associated development from
commercial buildings (currently in the B
use classes) where there is an
identified need for additional housing in
CT 4 is consistent with NPPF
There is no specific reference in the CS
to promoting high speed broadband but
given this is a national objective there is
no need to include this within the
Council’s Plan.
Overall the Housing Strategy is
consistent with the NPPF but at a
detailed level there are considered to be
some issues which require further
For example Policy HO1 sets out the
approach to housing mix but makes no
specific reference to specialist housing
for the elderly.
Policy HO2 – Affordable housing – The
NPPF places a greater emphasis on
development viability and requires that
authorities ensure viable developments
with a reasonable return for both land
owners and developers. The Councils
adopted policies incorporate a viability
Policy HO7 – Sets local density targets.
For the towns this is currently a min
40dph. These targets were included in
the Core Strategy to reflect national
requirements at the time.
The NPPF and adopted Core
Strategy policies are aligned and
it is not considered that policy
review is necessary
Further consideration is
that area, provided that there are not
strong economic reasons why such
development would be inappropriate.
Local planning authorities should
consider the case for setting out
policies to resist inappropriate
development of residential gardens, for
example where development would
cause harm to the local area.
In rural areas local planning authorities
should plan housing development to
reflect local needs, particularly for
affordable housing, including through
rural exception sites. Local planning
authorities should in particular consider
whether allowing some market housing
would facilitate the provision of
significant additional affordable
housing to meet local needs.
Local planning authorities
should avoid new isolated homes in the
countryside unless there are special
circumstances such as:
where the development would re-use
redundant or disused buildings and
lead to an enhancement to the
immediate setting
the exceptional quality or innovative
nature of the design of the dwelling.
7 Requiring good design
Plan positively for the achievement of high
quality and inclusive design for all
development, including individual buildings,
public and private spaces and wider are
HO3 - Rural Exceptions policy – should
be extended to allow an element of
market housing where it would facilitate
the provision of significant additional
affordable housing to meet local needs
HO9 - Allows the conversion of rural
buildings to dwellings where a) they are
located in designated locations, or b)
the buildings are of particular heritage
value. NPPF allows the residential
conversion of redundant or disused
buildings in the countryside where it
would lead to an enhancement of the
immediate setting.
Core Aim 3 To protect and
built and natural environment
and local distinctive identity of
North Norfolk, and enable
Core Strategy policies consistent with
HO3 – Broadly consistent but
should allow for element of
market housing where it would
facilitate the provision of
significant additional affordable
housing to meet local needs.
NPPF Para. 54 considered a
material consideration to be
afforded significant weight
HO9 – inconsistent with Para 55
Requires further consideration.
The NPPF and adopted Core
Strategy policies are aligned and
it is not considered that policy
review is necessary
development schemes
people’s enjoyment of this
EN4 Design
Design Guide SPD
8. Promoting healthy communities
Para 69 - 78
The planning system can play an important
role in facilitating social
interaction and creating healthy, inclusive
Core Aim 6 – To improve
access to jobs, leisure and
cultural facilities
The NPPF and adopted Core
Strategy policies are aligned and
it is not considered that policy
review is necessary
To deliver the social, recreational and cultural
facilities and services the
community needs, planning policies and
decisions should:
plan positively for the provision and
use of shared space, community
facilities and other local services to
enhance the sustainability of
communities and residential
9. Protecting Green Belt land
Para. 79 - 92
Not applicable
10 Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change
Para. 93 - 108
LPA should adopt proactive strategies to
Core Aim 4 – To mitigate and
mitigate and adapt to climate change, taking
adapt to impacts of coastal
full account of flood risk, coast change and
erosion and flooding
water supply
To help increase the use and supply of
EN6 –Sustainable construction
renewable and low carbon energy,
and Energy efficiency.
local planning authorities should recognise the
responsibility on all
EN7 – Renewable Energy
communities to contribute to energy
generation from renewable or low
EN10,11, and 12 – Flood risk
The NPPF and adopted Core
Strategy policies are aligned and
it is not considered that policy
review is necessary
carbon sources. They should consider
identifying suitable areas for renewable and
low carbon energy
sources, and supporting infrastructure, where
this would help secure the development of
such sources;
and Coastal erosion
11. Conserving and enhancing the natural environment
Para. 109 - 125
Planning policies and decisions should
Core Aim 3 To protect and
encourage the effective use of land by rebuilt and natural environment
using land that has been previously developed and local distinctive identity of
(brownfield land)
North Norfolk, and enable
people’s enjoyment of this
Local planning authorities should take into
account the economic and other benefits of
the best and most versatile agricultural land.
Local planning authorities should set criteria
based policies against which proposals for any
development on or affecting protected wildlife
or geodiversity sites or landscape areas will be
judged. Distinctions should be
made between the hierarchy of international,
national and locally designated sites
EN9 Biodiversity and Geology
12 Conserving and enhancing the historic environment
Para 126 - 141
Heritage assets should be conserved in a
Core Aim 3 To protect and
manner appropriate to their significance.
built and natural environment
and local distinctive identity of
North Norfolk, and enable
people’s enjoyment of this
EN8 – Protecting and
enhancing the historic
13 Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals
Policy EN9 currently does not
distinguish between international,
national and locally designated sites –
all are protected from direct or indirect
adverse impacts
Further consideration is
Core Strategy policies consistent with
The NPPF and adopted Core
Strategy policies are aligned and
it is not considered that policy
review is necessary
Para 142 - 149
Not applicable