Synthesis of a MSP430 Microcontroller Core using Multi-Voltage Techniques

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue7- July 2013
Synthesis of a MSP430 Microcontroller Core using
Multi-Voltage Techniques
M.Aravind kumar#1, Ch.V.V.S.Srinivas#2 , C.V.Pradeep Kumar Reddy#3,Abdul Rahaman shaik#4 ,
K.Ramesh Chandra#5
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor#4 & ECE & JNTUK
Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram Andhra Pradesh, India
Abstract— This paper describes regarding Implementation of
Multi-Voltage low power techniques for power improvement.
Here Multi-Voltage technique is applied to MSP430 16-bit
microcontroller core victimization TSMC 65nm & 45nm NLDM
libraries. The optimized power values area unit shown and
compared among the libraries. Synopsys Power Compiler tool is
employed for synthesis and implementing the Technique. Final
outline and Conclusion provided is predicated on the results
obtained much once implementation. Reports generated once
synthesis state that there is 96.4% reduction in escape power and
26.7% reduction in dynamic power for 65nm NLDM library and
94.4% reduction in escape power and 37.8% reduction in
dynamic power for 45nm NLDM library.
Keywords— Multi-Voltage technique, TSMC, leakage power,
Dynamic power is that the energy consumed
throughout logic transitions on nets, consisting of 2
elements, shift power and internal power. shift
power results from the charging and discharging of
the external electrical phenomenon load on the
output of a cell. Internal power results from the
short-circuit (crowbar) current that flows through
the PMOS NMOS stack throughout a transition
The cause of switching power is illustrated in
Figure 1
With the growing popularity of portable devices,
the consumers need for electronics has been
focusing on delivering the right performance with
right power with minimal power waste[1]. On the
one hand, product specifications dictate their
designs must consume minimum amounts of power
to meet cost, reliability, and energy efficiency goals.
Secondly, functional specifications imply that the
ASICs must integrate more circuitry and run faster
than ever to implement the desired functionality,
which in turn drives up overall power
Fig. 1
Switching Power [2]
As a result, a way to minimize power consumption
whereas delivering the required performance and
conjointly to extend battery period has become a
significant concern and a crucial style goal that
trendy chip designers should lookout.
The total power for a design consists of dynamic
power and static power.
A. Dynamic Power
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In earlier generations of IC design technologies,
the main parameters of concern were timing and
area. Power consumption was a lesser concern.
CMOS was considered a low-power technology,
with fairly low power consumption at the relatively
low clock frequencies used at the time, and with
negligible leakage current.
Fig. 2
Internal Power flow [2]
In recent years, however, device densities and
clock frequencies have increased dramatically in
A. Static (Leakage) Power
CMOS devices, thereby increasing the power
consumption dramatically. At the same time, supply
The main causes of leakage power are reverse- voltages and transistor threshold voltages have been
bias p-n junction diode leakage, subthreshold lowered, causing leakage current to become a
leakage, and gate leakage. These leakage paths in a significant problem. As a result, power
CMOS inverter are shown in Figure 3
consumption levels have reached their maximum
limits, and power has become as important as
timing or area.
In CMOS circuit in deep submicron (DSM)
technology with increasing transistor count, clock
frequency and with Transistor size continuously
decreasing, leakage power is becoming as critical as
dynamic power in many devices. Today low power
design considerations as well as power estimation
have become an integral part of the VLSI design
technique and are impacting the same at all levels.
Fig. 3 Leakage Currents [2]
So Circuit techniques aimed at lowering leakage
Leakage at reverse-biased p-n junctions (diode currents are therefore highly desirable [2].
leakage) has always existed in CMOS circuits. This
Low power design is important from three
leakage is relatively small.
different reasons irrespective of design (i) Device
Sub-threshold leakage is the small source-to- temperature (Failure rate, Cooling and packaging
drain current that flows even when the transistor is costs) , (ii) Life of the battery (Meantime between
held in the “off” state. Sub-threshold leakage charging, System cost) and (iii) Environment
current increases exponentially as the gate voltage (Overall energy consumption)[3].
approach the threshold voltage.
Gate leakage is the result of using an extremely
thin insulating layer between the gate conductor and
Dynamic power is proportional to VDD2 lowering
the MOS transistor channel.
VDD on selected blocks helps reduce power
significantly. The most basic form of this approach
is to partition the internal logic of the chip into
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multiple voltage regions or power domains, each
with its own supply. This approach is called MultiVoltage design. It is based on the realization that in
a modern SoC design, different blocks have
different performance objectives and constraints [3].
For example, the CPU and RAM blocks might need
The MSP430 is a 16-bit RISC mixed-signal
to be faster than a peripheral block. To get
maximum speed and lower power at the same time, microcontroller core compatible with TI's MSP430
the CPU and RAM can operate with a higher supply family.
voltage while the peripheral block operates with a
lower voltage, as shown in Figure 4
Fig. 4
Multi-voltage chip design [3]
Fig. 6
MSP430 core block diagram [4]
A. Description of the block of MSP430
Where a logic signal leaves one power domain
and enters another, if the voltages are significantly
Frontend: The module performs the
different, a level-shifter cell is necessary to generate
a signal with the proper voltage swing. Level instruction Fetch and Decode tasks.[4].
Execution unit: Contains ALU and the
shifters are the buffers that translate the signal from
one voltage swing to another. Example shown in register file, the module executes the current
decoded instruction [4].
Figure 5.
Serial Debug Interface: Contains all the
required logic for a debugging unit. Communication
with the host is done with a standard 8N1 serial
Memory backbone: This block performs a
simple arbitration between the frontend and
execution-unit [4].
Basic Clock Module: Generates the ACLK
and SMCLK enable signals[4].
Fig. 5 Power Versus Supply Voltage Example [3]
SFRs: The Special Function Registers block
contain diverse configuration registers (NMI,
Watchdog) [4].
Watchdog: Although it is a peripheral, the
watchdog is permanently included in the core
because of its tight links with the NMI interrupts
and the PUC reset generation[4].
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Fig. 8
MSP430 with different power domains for 65nm library
While implementing MSP430 core with 65nm
library 3 power domains were created to reduce the
power leakage and the power domains are showing
in figure 8 with different colours.
Fig. 7
Multi-Voltage implementation flow [5]
After analysing the design we need to create
power domains. The modules in the MSP430 are
divided in to domains like memory and execution
unit can be placed in high voltage and other
modules can be placed in low voltage domain. The
supply ports and nets are needed to be created.
After creating the required supply ports and nets we
need to assign the supply nets to required domain
then they are connected to the ports. The main thing
is to assign the primary power nets to each power
Fig. 9 MSP430 with different power domains for 45nm library
domain and to assign the required voltage value
While implementing MSP430 core with 45nm
(the voltages values can be found from the libraries).
library 2 power domains were created to reduce the
Finally we need to place the level shifters between
power leakage and the power domains are showing
the power domains and to find the cell area and
in figure 9 with different colours.
leakage power we can use the constraints and
compile the design.
After compiling the design if there are any
violations in the area or leakage power we need to
change constrains and recompile it and it there are
no violations we can observe the power and area
reports. This complete flow is implemented using
Synopsys power compiler tool and with 65nm and
45nm multi-voltage libraries.
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The MSP430 core was targeted to 65nm and
45nm libraries. The result obtained before and after
using multi-voltage low power technique is shown
in form of Graphs and Tables.
A. Results in form of Graphs
Fig. 13 Graph showing leakage power results for MSP430 core when
targeted to 45nm library
Fig. 10 Graph showing dynamic power results for MSP430 core when
targeted to 65nm library
Dynamic Power
Leakage Power
Timing (slack
met) ns
Without MultiVoltage
With MultiVoltage
Table 1 Results obtained using 65nm Library for MSP430
Fig. 11 Graph showing leakage power results for MSP430 core when
targeted to 65nm library
Dynamic Power
Leakage Power
Timing (slack
met) ns
Without MultiVoltage
With MultiVoltage
Table 2 Results obtained using 45nm Library for MSP430
In this paper we have successfully designed
MSP430 core according to specifications and
implemented the multi-voltage technique for
synthesis of MSP430 core using TSMC 65nm and
45nm libraries.
Fig. 12 Graph showing dynamic power results for MSP430 core when
targeted to 45nm library
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There is 96.4% reduction in leakage power and
26.7% reduction in dynamic power for TSMC
65nm library and 94.4% reduction in leakage power
and 37.8% reduction in dynamic power for TSMC
45nm library.
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User Guide. Synopsys
Meeta Srivastav, Prof. S.S.S.P. Rao, Himanshu Bhatnagar "Power
Reduction Technique using Multi-vt libraries"
User Guide Synopsys
Synopsys Low-Power
nm.htm "45nm Technology-Technology for Tomorrow.
Michael Keating, David Flynn, Robert Aitken Alan Gibbons, Haitian
Shi "Low Power Technique Manual for System-on-Chip Design".
nm.htm “65nm Technology”
Olivier GIRARD "openMSP430 an MSP430 clone...."
Author Details
M ARAVIND KUMAR was born in A.P, India, and Completed M.Tech in VLSI System Design from
BVRIT Engineering College, Hyderabad in the year of 2010 and B.E from SVH College of Engineering in
the year 2005 in Electronics &Communication engineering. Presently working as an Assistant Professor
in Vishnu Institute of Technology, Bhimavaram, A.P, India. His research interests in VLSI Design and low
power techniques. Presently pursuing Ph.D from Gitam University.
CH V V S SRINIVAS was born in A.P, India, Completed M.Tech in Communication Systems
Engineering from S R K R Engineering College, Bhimavaram in the year of 2010 and B.E from S R K R
Engineering College in the year 2006 in Electronics &Communication engineering. He worked as an
Assistant professor in TRRCE and presently working as an Asst.Professor in Vishnu Institute of
Technology, Bhimavaram ,A.P, India. His research interests in VLSI Design and communication systems.
I born in AP, INDIA.I completed my B.E (ECE) from P B College of engineering (2007 passed out) and I
completed my MTECH (EMBEDDED SYSTEMS) from SRM University, Chennai 2012 passed out. I am
having 6years of teaching experience. Presently I am working as Assistant Professor in Vishnu Institute of
Technology, Bhimavaram.
Abdul Rahaman Shaik was born in A.P, India, and Completed M.Tech in VLSI System Design from NIIT
Warangal in the year of 2010 and B.E from Sir C R Reddy Engineering College in the year 2000 in
Electronics &Communication engineering. He worked as an Assistant professor in Sir C R Reddy
Engineering College and presently working as an Assoc. Professor in Vishnu Institute of Technology,
Bhimavaram, A.P, India. His research interests are in VLSI Design and Communication systems.
Ramesh Chandra Kothapalli, born in A.P, India.Completed M.Tech from IIT Madras. B.Tech from R V R
& J C College of Engineering, Guntur. Presently working as Asst.Prof.At Vishnu Institute of
Technology,Bhimavaram.He has a Teaching Experience of three years. His Research work interests in
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