Tuesday November 15, 2005 I. Call to Order

Tuesday November 15, 2005
S.G.A. Senate Minutes
Call to Order
Roll Call
Check with Lindsay to make sure that you are not on “probation”
Senate did not meet quorum
Senate did not meet quorum
Minutes tabled
Open Forum
 5pm Wednesday Campus Center, panel of Seniors who have found jobs
 Dinner and Cultural Show by SACSA, November 19th Campus Center 5:007:00pm, procedures to Darfor Sudan, party follows
 Ultimate Frisbee club is selling pies for Thanksgiving, orders must be in by
 Curriculum Committee Chair handing out fliers to remind students about
Faculty Teaching Awards, form is on line SGA and Aspects web sites
 Ka’Neda: Hurricane Katrina benefit dinner, Wednesday, Davis 6:00-8:00pm
 Forum on Social Discourse: Class and Privilege Awareness, Monday,
November 21st 7:00-8:30pm Carroll Room
Senate Presentations
Diversity Committee
 Considering sending panels to house teas
 Considering videos about race and ethnicity
 Meet every other Wednesday at 3:00 Campus Center Org. Room
 Senate could help by polling the campus about concerns and prevalent
 Informational Committee will research past activities of the Diversity
Committee to help complete the above task
 Informational Committee will also investigate the history of Size Matters
 Students are welcome at Campus Climate Working Group meetings
 Committee needs Senate support
 Each SGA committee has an operating budget
Disaster Relief Committee
 Guest Speaker Dean Jennifer Walters
 Panel will take place on Friday
 Two workshops on Saturday
Working with Visions of Hope, an agency in Mississippi, the building is
standing but the social service agency had not been able to continue it’s
Application form for January or Spring break team to travel south and
help with Katrina Relief
Hurricane Katrina pamphlets dispersed
Meet Sundays at 4:00 in Campus Center TV room
Committee Time
Has your committee accomplished its goals?
How can you meet the goals you have not yet accomplished?
Talk to Lindsay if you want to invite a guest to come speak to Senate
Individual Committee Time tabled
What does it take for a committee to function well?
 Agendas
 Send an attendance sheet
 Have a clear goal for each meetings
 Create group goals with deadlines
 If chair not present, other members should take responsibility
 Send reminders about meetings
Committee Updates
a. Senators: Hold each other accountable.
 Housing and Dining Committee: Met with Kathy Zieja to talk about
dining issues, staff will try to reduce the amount of greasy and fried
foods, Menu will be updated more regularly, much of our food is
organic and locally grown, it will be labeled, will a calorie guide appear
on the web site, will meet with Hannah Durrant about housing issues on
Friday, meet after Senate every week
 Informational Committee: Generally meet biweekly, working on
locating list of chartered and recognized orgs, working on
correspondences for each committee, will research this week for
diversity committee and size matters
 Publicity Committee: are going to put invitations to Senate meetings in
student mailboxes, is willing to publicize for committees
 ORC: guidelines will be presented in Senate next week, committee
presentation coming up
 Community Service Committee: only four members come to the
meetings, will set up a table in basement and sell candy like a secret
candy gram, students will pay to find out who sent it, or to send it, plan
scratched for food drive, a house took it on
 Rules Committee: Paul Ominsky has been invited to speak about public
safety on Nov. 29th and lighting on campus
 Elections and Appointments: between election time
SGA Morale Campaign
a. “Date” program only successful if Senate takes initiative.
b. What else can we do to increase morale?
c. Publicity Committee will post wonderful things about Smith
d. Informational Committee will bring fun facts to Senate
e. Email Residence Life, HPA, and Campus Center Activities Board about having
fun activities in the campus center
f. Invite Deb Shafer to senate to provide fun facts (admissions)
Closing Announcements
Motion to Adjourn
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A look ahead to next week . . .
Enjoy your Break – we will not have Senate again until November 30th!
The semester is quickly coming to a close – has Senate accomplished its goals?