Minutes of the Global History and Culture Centre meeting

Minutes of the Global History and Culture Centre meeting
3.30 pm on Wednesday 19 January 2011
Present: AG (Chair), Maxine Berg, Chris Nierstrasz, Chris Hess, Stephen McDowall, David Arnold,
Bishnu Gupta, Clare Anderson, Steve Hindle, Dan Branch
Apologies: Margot Finn, Tony McFarlane, Gurminder Bhambra, Helen Clifford, Hanna Hodacs.
1. Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting (13.10.2010) were accepted.
2. Matters arising. There were no matters arising.
3. Upcoming events. Please check the GHCC website for details on all upcoming events. A number
of upcoming events were mentioned, including:
a. 25 February 2011. Workshop entitled ‘Global Arts?’, organised by Stephen McDowall.
b. 4 March 2011. Lecture by Professor Christiaan Joerg, co-organised between Warwick
and the British Museum.
c. 15 March 2011. Workshop on Africa, organised by Daniel Branch.
d. 24 March 2011. Workshop on Global History, Tropical Medicine and the Caribbean. Coorganised with the Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies.
e. 11 May 2011. Talk by Prasannan Parthasarathi.
f. 12 May 2011. Global Centre AGM, followed by workshop on the place of the local in
global history.
g. 24 May 2011. Talk by IAS visitor Saurab Dube.
4. Possible joint graduate student conference with Columbia University.
a. General discussion of this idea suggested there is enthusiasm for pursuing this.
b. Tentative thoughts included the following
i. We need to find a suitable date. Possibilities included late March and late June.
AG to contact Columbia to ask for their ideas.
ii. Sarah Hodges and Clare Anderson might have relevant experience to draw on,
and Bishnu has contacts with Columbia’s South Asia Institute.
iii. We need to think about the theme of this event carefully, and about what kind
of speakers we will include so as to attract students from further afield. Possible
names mentioned included Giorgio Riello, Sunil Amrith, Jeremy Presthold, Sujit
Sivasundaram, Gabriel Paquette.
5. Developing a joint MA with PAIS/CSGR.
a. AG has been having informal talks with Shaun Breslin (Director of CSGR) and Chris
Browning (PAIS MA director) about the possibility of developing a joint MA in Global
Studies. This might be conceived of as a two-year MA with a significant element of
language/foreign study and draw on our overseas partner universities.
b. It seems a good idea to develop a proposal for a Strategic Investment Fund bid (SIF bid)
to buy someone out to develop this idea properly. AG to discuss with colleagues.
c. Other points included:
i. Cathy Bates is developing a SIF bid for a postdoc in Caribbean Studies.
ii. This would have be a programme that sits outside the mandatory element of
TSM in all our current MA degrees.
iii. For possible inclusion of Sociology, talk to Christina Hughes.
iv. Keep in mind that Shirin Rai is developing an MA in gender and international
6. Next Global Centre meeting is 16 March, 3.30pm. Room: TBA