Progress on Equality Objectives for the Period May 2013 – May 2014
OBJECTIVE 1 – To ensure that the University’s strategic committees are able, through their membership and activities, to understand the needs and perspectives
of protected groups and address equality and diversity issues throughout their activities
Rationale: To raise awareness of and support the embedding of equality and diversity issues into strategic decision making committees
(a) Ensure
1. E&D Training Schedule – sessions taken place in June, September, November 2013 and
1. New E&D Training
strategic committees are
February and April 2014, with furthers sessions planned for June, July, November and
schedule has already
trained and informed of
December 2014. Two different sessions have been offered (1) ‘Think What you Think’ (126
been organised for
Equality and Diversity issues,
members of staff trained between March 2013 and March 2014) and (2) Types of
2013/14 with an
such as legislation and
Discrimination (100 members of staff trained between March 2013 and March 2014).
increased amount of
understanding the needs
2. ‘Disability Awareness’ training course continues to be popular, with many participants
courses to meet demand.
claiming it is the best course they have ever been on. Sessions took place in June, September 2. Communicate to
protected groups. To ensure
and November 2013 and February and March 2014. 71 members of staff have attended the
departments the
that equality and diversity is
sessions (between June 2013 and March 2014). Further sessions are scheduled for May and
availability on the new
embedded into everyday
June 2014.
interactive e-learning
3. ‘Mental Health Awareness’ sessions started in 2013 and sessions were scheduled for each
modules, encourage and
month until April 2014. 50 members of staff have attended the sessions. Further sessions
monitor use.
organised for July, November and December 2014. Feedback has been excellent.
3. Creation of a framework
4. The interactive e-learning modules on ‘Diversity in the Workplace’ and ‘Recruitment and
and timeframe for Chairs
Selection’, have been re- launched and 277 members of staff have taken the ‘Diversity in the
of Recruitment Panels to
Workplace’ module between March 2013 and March 2014, and 245 members of staff have
undertake the e-learning
taken the ‘Recruitment and Selection’ module in the same period.
module ‘Recruitment and
5. A recommendation was made at the Equality and Diversity Committee to make the
Selection’, followed by
‘Recruitment and Selection’ module mandatory for staff involved in recruitment. The motion
other staff involved in
was passed, with a view to Chairs of Panels undertaking the training in the first instance and
an appropriate timeframe being implemented for other staff.
4. Continue to monitor
6. All members of staff involved with the REF received Equality and Diversity training on the
Warwick REF Code of Practice (this included HR Advisors, Heads of Departments, Members
of both face to face
of the REF Steering Group, Special Circumstances Panel and Appeals Panel. The University
courses and the esubmitted their REF submission by the given deadline of 29 November 2013.
learning modules.
7. Equality Analysis Toolkit Project - project deferred whilst waiting for new software.
(b) The Equality and Diversity
Committee (EDC) to meet
each term to review and
make recommendations to
Steering/ Senate on the
development of the E&D
amalgamation of the Single
Equality Action Plan into this
(c) Departmental E&D
representatives to attend
termly E&D Network
Meetings to communicate
E&D strategy into academic
and service departments. To
raise awareness of E&D
issues by holding E&D
events/awareness days.
5. Equality Analysis Project
to be finalised and
implemented once
software becomes
Equality and Diversity Committee meet once per term to review and when necessary make
1. Progress on Equality
recommendations to Steering, Senate and Council.
Objectives to be
Progress on Equality Objectives monitored and recorded. Up-dated papers on Equality and
monitored continuously
Diversity submitted to Steering, Senate and Council for information and/or approval.
and aligned with the
Senate Meetings on 24 April 2013 and 29 January 2014.
Workforce Profile and
Council Meetings on 15 May 2013, 10 July 2013 and 14 February 2014.
Student strategies.
In line with the Workforce Profile and the new Strategy (currently in consultation May 2014), 2. New Objectives to be
the Equality Objectives will be eviewed and new objectives introduced for 2015 onwards.
determined subject to
Progress Reports on HR Excellence in Research and Athena SWAN have also been submitted
the Workforce Profile
to the Committees for approval.
and new Strategy and
Agenda and Minutes of meetings up-loaded to Governance website.
Vision objectives.
3. E&D website to be
regularly and
appropriately up-dated.
Equality and Diversity representatives for all departments have undertaken E&D training and 1. Review and renew
are invited to attend the termly meetings. There has been a noticeable increase in
depart-mental E&D
attendance levels at Equality and Diversity Network meetings.
representatives as
Departments have nominated Disability Contacts, to help provide assistance to staff and
students with disabilities in their departments and to be the first point of contact between
2. Review and renew
the centre and their department.
departmental disability
Minutes from the E&D Network meetings are reported to the Equality and Diversity
coordinators as required.
3. Ensure new
E&D Representatives continue to be urged to request their departments make it compulsory
representatives receive
as part of their induction programme for new staff to undertake the e-learning module
E&D training.
‘Diversity in the Workplace’, and for those staff involved in Recruitment to take the
4. Continue to
‘Recruitment and Selection’ module prior to serving on recruitment panels.
communicate schedule
The University produced its own Diversity Calendar for the academic year 2013/14, which is
for when the MIND bus
available on-line. Staff and students were invited to submit ‘diversity’ related photographs in
visits campus.
a competition to feature in the calendar. Events relating to awareness dates featured in the 5. To produce another
(d) To ensure the REF Code of
Practice includes all required
E&D information as required
by HEFCE and demonstrates
addressing the principles:
Transparency, Consistency,
Inclusivity. That the Code of
Practice is communicated to
all staff involved with REF.
Warwick Calendar will be organised in a bid to engage with staff and students and raise
Diversity calendar for the
awareness, i.e. the mental health awareness day (19 February 2014).
academic year 2014/15.
6. A Mental Health Awareness took place on campus on 19 February 2014 which focussed on 6. Continue with events to
reducing the stigma of mental illness and promoting mental health and wellbeing.
raise awareness of
7. The ‘Journey’ MIND bus continues to come on to campus each term, where staff and
protected characteristics.
students can get information on mental health and speak with someone in confidence about
any concerns. Dates when the bus comes onto campus is publicised via InSite and
Departmental E&D representatives.
8. The University is a Stonewall Diversity champion (which offers support to LGBT
staff/students) and advertises in ‘Starting Out’ which is a Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Careers
Final REF submission was
1. All staff with involvement in the REF received training on the Warwick REF Code of Practice
submitted to HEFCE prior
during 2012 (this included HR Advisors, Heads of Departments, Members of the REF Steering
to the deadline of 29
Group, Special Circumstances Panel and Appeals Panel.
November 2013.
2. Staff had the opportunity to submit Special Circumstances Forms to declare any clearly
defined or complex circumstance that may have impacted on their research publication rate.
3. REF Steering Group meetings and REF Special Circumstances group continued to meet
throughout 2013.
4. An Equality Impact Assessment was carried out on the REF and submitted to HEFCE on 28
February 2014 and published on the Warwick website. An associated action plan will be
OBJECTIVE 2 – Raise the profile and visibility of equality and diversity initiatives across the University
Rationale: To raise awareness of and support the embedding of equality and diversity issues
(a) To meet our E&D duties as
1. The Dignity at Warwick for Staff and Students Policy has been revised in 2013/14.
an employer and service
Communication Plan in place to ensure wider university community aware of policy.
2. Role of Dignity Contacts reviewed and training refreshed.
3. The number of Dignity Contacts has increased from 7 to 23. Training programme has been
everyone can contribute and
organised for the Dignity contacts and will be implemented in the Summer Term 2014.
feel valued.
4. Dignity and Respect at Warwick Day planned for the Autumn Term 2014.
5. Regular staff surveys (PULSE) are undertaken. 2013 results were analysed and as a result,
the Dignity at Warwick for Staff and Students Policy was reviewed, more Dignity Contacts
recruited and trained and a plan rolled out to communicate the policy and contacts across
1. Evaluate effectiveness of
Dignity Contacts.
2. New E&D Training
schedule organised for
3. More awareness events
to be organised during
4. Attendance with a
the wider university community.
market stall at the Staff
6. Awareness event at the annual Staff Network day (market stall) – this included information
Network Day in
on protected characteristics, types of discrimination. Anti-stress desk characters with the
December 2014.
words ‘Treat me with Dignity’ printed on them, as well as circular paper coasters printed with 5. Production of Warwick
the words ‘Respect comes full Circle’ were issued to staff.
Diversity Calendar for
7. Equality and Diversity web pages regularly up-dated.
8. Equality and Diversity Training schedules organised for all terms.
9. Usage of E-learning modules on ‘Diversity in the Workplace’ and ‘Recruitment and Selection’
monitored by the Learning and Development Centre. Staff encouraged to undertake
modules as part of the induction process for new staff.
(b) To refresh and encourage
groups (such as LGBT, BME,
Disability) to offer support in
a safe and confidential
1. The Returning Parents Network group continues to meet regularly and is well supported.
4. To consult with Staff
2. The Staff Disability group has become a sub-group of the Disability Interest Group and meets
Network Groups on
issues pertinent to the
3. An LGBT Staff Network Group was established in the Autumn term of 2013. The group meets
particular group.
every other Wednesday and membership is gradually increasing. The HR Adviser, Equality
5. To liaise with Stonewall
and Diversity is working closely with the group to assist with the establishment of the
on best practice and
network group. A poster advertising the group was created and circulated to all
support for the LGBT
departments via the Departmental Equality and Diversity representatives, and a Group
Facebook and Twitter account created. The group is also working with the Communications 6. The LGBT Network are
Office to ensure their meetings are publicised via InSite and displayed on the large plasma
interested in setting up a
screens located around campus.
Mentor/Buddy Scheme
to support staff who
have only just ‘come out’
or feel they need
additional support.
OBJECTIVE 3 – To add, address and monitor actions from the Single Equality Action Plan (some of which relate to Athena SWAN issues)
Rationale: To move forward and take appropriate action on issues highlighted on the Single Equality Action Plan, and regularly reporting progress to E&D
Committee, Steering, Senate and Council Cttees
A recommendation went to the Equality and Diversity Committee on 24 October 2013 to start the 1. Modification of systems
 Introduce provision for
collection of sexual orientation for all staff. This recommendation was approved and reported at
to capture data as
monitoring of sexual
specified during
orientation of staff and new Senate on 29 January 2014 and Council on 13 February 2014.
Consultation with the Students Union to determine terminology and how they relate to the HESA
consultation with
Introduce provision for
monitoring of religion or
belief for staff and new
Investigate whether due to
the smaller numbers of
senior female academic
staff, the same individuals
are over-burdened with
committee duties. Review
how Committee roles should
be reflected in women’s
data collection was conducted
Students Union and
It was agreed that the data would be collected for new staff immediately the systems were in
Chaplaincy (staff and
place to start collection.
students) to record
It was agreed that the data would be collected for existing staff as part of a data cleansing exercise
sexual orientation in line
scheduled in 2014. An appropriate communication will be issued to staff as part of the data
with HESA fields.
cleansing exercise explaining why this data is to be collected.
2. Record such data in the
The new starter form has been updated accordingly.
annual workforce profile
to ascertain if additional
support is required to
support particular groups
of staff.
A recommendation went to the Equality and Diversity Committee on 24 October 2013 to start the 1. Modification of systems
collection of religion and belief for all staff. This recommendation was approved and reported at
to capture data as
Senate on 29 January 2014 and Council on 13 February 2014.
specified during
Consultation with the University Chaplaincy and Students Union to determine an appropriate list
consultation with the
of faiths and how they relate to the HESA data collection was conducted.
Chaplaincy and Students
It was agreed that the data would be collected for new staff immediately the systems were in
Union (staff and
place to start collection.
students) to record
It was agreed that the data would be collected for existing staff as part of a data cleansing exercise
religion and belief in line
scheduled in 2014. An appropriate communication will be issued to staff as part of the data
with HESA fields.
cleansing exercise explaining why this data is to be collected.
2. Record such data in the
The HR new starter form has been updated accordingly.
annual workforce profile
to ascertain if additional
support/resources are
required to support
particular groups of staff.
This issue has been progressed as part of the University’s Athena SWAN initiatives under the 1. Best practice through
key area of assessment for: To review how best to promote female representation on
Athena work to be
University Committees:
communicated and
shared with all
 Rotation of committee membership ensures that early/mid-career academics have the
departments, especially
necessary professional development to serve on committees.
those non-STEMM
 Heavy Committee responsibilities are reflected in Workload Allocation Models.
departments who are
 Committee membership to be monitored annually to ensure appropriate gender balance
due to start their Gender
whenever possible.
promotion aspirations.
Athena SWAN (AS)
 Strategic University Committee Membership is displayed on the Governance Section of
the webpages to ensure transparency of membership.
Equality Charter Mark
(GEM) submission
2. WBS took part in pilot of
GEM and will be in a
position to share their
experience of the
1. To continue to offer
appropriate events and
services to staff to aid
their career
2. To collaborate with staff
at Monash University on
gender related projects
identified after sharing
staff and student data.
Addressing ”universal”
trends within data, by
comparing and sharing
best practice in policies
and processes.
Investigate ways of
encouraging female
academics to put
themselves forward for
wider University
opportunities. (AS)
Consultation with early and mid-career females to understand and implement mechanisms
to encourage them to put themselves forward for wider University tasks – such as
mentoring, networking opportunities and flexible working conditions. A conference care
fund assists with child care arrangements/costs whilst attending workshops and
conferences. The Warwick model of this scheme is now being used both other institutions
as a measure of good practice.
Warwick is also collaborating with Monash University in Australia on sharing best practice
(e.g. senior female work shadowing scheme).
ESRC research project on ‘The Leaky Pipeline’ has been presented at Russell Group Equality
Forum and a two day workshop is planned for June 2014.
To review the longitudinal
data for promotion in
determine any generic
development needs linked
recommendations may not
Heads of Departments are aware of the importance of communicating promotion criteria to all
1. To continue the annual
staff and to provide the appropriate guidance to staff, through line managers and Departmental
Promotions event –
Promotion Groups.
‘Demystifying the
Some departments, as part of their Athena work, are hosting their own promotion events, but due
Promotions process’.
to the success of the first ‘Demystifying the Promotion Process at Warwick’ event in April 2013 (41 2. Monitor attendees and
attendees), another event was held on 13 March 2014 (47 attendees). The speakers at these
whether they
events included Pro-Vice Chancellors, Chairs of Faculties and members of the University
successfully submit for
Promotion Committee. HR are monitoring the attendees at these events to see if they apply and
promotion the following
are successful for promotion the following year. Of the attendees at the 2013 event, 8 members
of staff applied for promotion, and 7 were successful. Feedback from the event has been
have been successful. (AS)
excellent, with staff valuing the opportunity to speak with senior management on what issues to
consider when working towards the promotion criteria.
The Demystifying Promotion Session has now become an annual event with the next scheduled for
12 March 2015.
To put in place any local
development opportunities
and / or mentoring to
support career development
and to ensure that staff with
understand how to prepare
themselves for promotion at
the appropriate time. (AS)
Ensure that the application
of promotion criteria to
part-time staff is understood
locally. (AS)
Formalise local mentoring
making training for mentors
mandatory and determine
monitoring process. Review
mentoring at various levels
within departments by:
effectiveness of existing
mentoring arrangements for
staff on probation through
Mentors available through departments and through the Learning and Development Centre. The
Demystifying Promotion at Warwick event is open to both genders, and all research active and
teaching staff for all faculties are invited to attend. Feedback from staff who have attended the
events has been very good, with many saying they will recommend their colleagues to attend the
next event.
1. Annual event that is now
embedded into
University calendar of
Promotion information – criteria and process – is sent on an annual basis to departments. This
information is also published on the University website. Information will be reviewed to ensure
inclusivity of both part and full time staff.
1. To monitor success rates
of promotion of part time
LDC continue to fund and support the setting up of mentoring schemes.
1. To continue to monitor
Information about general mentoring schemes open to all departments.
uptake of mentoring
Monitor uptake of mentoring schemes in the context of E&D.
schemes in the context of
 Mentors are available through departments and also through LDC. All females in STEMM
departments are offered coaching by LDC and take up is monitored.
 All LDC mentors have received appropriate training and LDC can monitor staff who have been 2. Departments to review
their mentoring
mentored through their programmes. Departments have lists of selected mentors for new
members of staff.
STEMM departments with Athena awards are reviewing their mentoring processes to investigate
the effectiveness of their individual programmes. These will be monitored and reported in
individual departmental actions plans. WMG for instance, are piloting in 2013/14, two mentoring
schemes, a coaching and mentoring scheme and a lateral mentoring scheme.
3. Departments to host
annual events to engage
with female staff and to
Reviewing the opportunity
of supporting mid- career
staff with a professorial
mentor of their choice.
staff to have a co-mentoring
relationship. (AS)
Since the award of the Institutional Athena Silver award, more events are taking place to engage
with female staff, such as International Women’s Day which many of the STEM department have
already started to host. These events engage with female staff and provide appropriate role
The Senior Women’s Network continues to meet on a termly basis and at the last event (10 March
2014), Siobhan Benita, The Director of Policy and Strategy in the Economics Department was
invited to give a lecture on ‘A Women in Whitehall – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’. This event
was well attended by both academic and senior administrators.
Consider how to balance
contributions from part-time
staff – i.e. quantity of output
versus accomplishment of a
category of task. (AS)
To investigate the option of
a Women-only Leadership
Programme with LDC to look
at gender specific challenges
in management. (AS)
A statement has been added to promotion documentation sent to departments (and on the web)
that makes it clear that staff with special circumstances who wish to submit for promotion have
the opportunity to disclose this circumstance (e.g. part time staff to mitigate differences in their
rate of progression of quantity of publications). These circumstances can then be taken into
account by the Vice Chancellors Promotions Group.
1. Monitor promotion rates
of part-time staff.
Warwick has an extremely good Leadership programme in place, which receives good feedback.
Uptake of the programme is monitored annually by LDC, and this will continue to be monitored by
attendance and success. LDC will continuously review if there is a need/desire to run a female
only leadership course.
In 2013/14 two members of staff (one academic and one professional members of staff) attended
the Aurora Female Leadership Programme. Their views on this course will be evaluated and if the
course is considered valuable, it will be rolled out to other academic/professional staff.
Two members of Warwick Staff (S Sparks and V Goodship) were invited as Guest Speakers at a
Leadership and Management Research Excellence Programme on 15 January 2014 to speak on
Coaching and Mentoring. Both have been invited back in January 2015 to repeat their talks.
A statement has been included in the Annual Review Form for staff to elaborate on collaborative
work. Staff undertaking Annual Reviews have all received Reviewer Training which includes
emphasis on career development for staff.
The Learning and Development Centre now run various modules for staff (both male and female):Envisioning and Enabling Innovation; Communication and Impact; Writing and Presentation Skills.
They also provide funding for Research Active Staff Networks, EPSRC funds for Impact Career
Development & Leadership.
1. LDC to continue to
monitor this through
their other leadership
2. Evaluation of the Aurora
Leadership Programme.
Integrate into annual review
process a particular
emphasis on career
development for the next
step. Consider how that can
be developed to ensure
equal treatment for men
and women, e.g.Warwick
ensure that there are
appropriate role models.
International Women’s
4. The Women’s Network
Group continues to meet
on a termly basis.
1. LDC to review annual
2. LDC and HR Advisers to
work with departments
to ensure the Annual
completed and to offer
Leadership programme,
guidance to staff on the
experiential development.
All up-take of these sessions are monitored and reviewed on a regular basis by LDC.
1. To continue to monitor
Review how to provide more The Pilot Easter Scheme in 2014 for primary aged children built on our experiences from the
uptake of places at Play
working summer 2013 pilot scheme. 76 children used the Easter Scheme in the course of a 2 week period.
Scheme and to promote
parents with school aged
the scheme to new staff
children (4-14 yrs) during
 The scheme was held between the 14th and 25th April, excluding the 18th and 21st for the
and students.
school holiday periods and
Easter break.
promote any actions under
 An average of 31.6 children attended over the 8 days, with the quietest day having just 20
the University’s work life
children booked in and the busiest having 47.
balance approach. (AS)
 The scheme was based in the Cryfield Centre for the whole 8 days. The scheme had
exclusive use of the building for all but the last day.
 The scheme opened at 8am and closed at 6pm, with the core day being 9 – 5 and a ‘wraparound’ service available at additional cost for an early drop-off (8.00-9.00) and late
pickup (5.00-6.00)
 A special rate was offered to parents booking four consecutive days in one week, 27
families took advantage of this and 4 of these booked all 8 days.
 For the first time we opened booking to families external to the university community, i.e.
friends of children whose parents are either staff or students. Approximately 8 children
were external bookings.
 The activities enjoyed by the children included; tennis lessons, computer skills, forest
school, craft and cookery sessions and chemistry demonstrations – all provided by internal
services. Dance sessions and circus skills, provided by bought in suppliers and trips to the
MAD Museum in Stratford-Upon-Avon and St Johns Museum in Warwick.
 The scheme was led by Debra Castle, the Nursery Manager, with a scheme manager
organising the day to day running and management of session, and supported by a
deputy, who is one of the nursery staff seconded into the role, this person also led the
forest school sessions. a team of 5 under graduates were employed as scheme leaders to
assist the scheme management.
The Summer Scheme has already been advertised for the summer holiday period 2014.
and Warwick has a professional publicity office that advises staff on all aspects of publicity. This
1. Work
with Publicity
to continually
students with and without
continue to feature in any
publicity activities to ensure
representative balance.(AS)
Advertise LDC and PGCTSS
courses across departments.
Offer departmental courses
in science communication.
Involve the Communications
Office in this. (AS)
facility is available to ALL staff regardless of gender. Warwick has also developed a national
“Communication and Impact for Female Early Career Researchers” course - See Silver Action Plan §
All publicity material does reflect the diversity of the campus environment and images contain
people with and without protected characteristics.
Since the Bronze submission, LDC has worked tirelessly with STEMM departments to ascertain
appropriate courses for academic and research staff. There has been a vast improvement in the
quality and number of courses now available to staff, which include communication, assertiveness,
written and spoken skills etc. MOAC have run two very successful science communication courses
to Postdoctoral staff – approximately 25 PDRAs attended each course. Feedback from attendees
was very good.
As mentioned early in this Action Plan and within the Silver Submission, the first of an annual
series of Communication and Impact courses for female scientists has been held. Feedback from
the course has been excellent, and the course will continue and uptake monitored - See Silver
Action Plan § 4.a.i
Review the local application
of opportunities for variable
Departments and what may
be alternative options e.g.
short-term part-time work
for Postdoctoral researchers
and permanent staff. (AS)
1. Departments encouraged
arrangements and to
working requests.
Ensure appropriate H&S
available to all staff e.g. to
ensure that information for
pregnant women in SET
departments reflects the
It has been identified that all STEMM departments have ad-hoc arrangements for flexible working
that meets the needs of the department and the staff member.
Timings of meetings have been addressed as far as possible to be in core hours, so that staff with
parental responsibilities are able to attend.
Some departments employ post docs coming to the end of their contracts on further short term
contracts to cover additional teaching or maternity leave.
Postdoctoral staff whose fixed term contracts have ended, are sometimes appointed on an
Associate Fellow basis, which whilst not being paid, still gives them access to University facilities,
such as the library and IT, which helps them to continue to pursue their research career.
The H&S web site has been renamed to ‘Health, Safety and Well-being’ and is continuously being
STEMM departments are ensuring that appropriate H&S documentation is provided to new and
existing staff as operational needs or legislation changes.
1. To ensure up-to-date
information is available
on website.
impact of SET roles. To
make available an on-line
safety induction package to
complement other central
and induction activities. (AS)
Ensure departments are
responsibilities to provide
information on maternity
cover and information and
support for staff returning
from maternity leave.
Maternity Policy for Students passed to the academic office for progression.
To refresh and reinforce the
information and advice on
the process of reporting and
dealing with B&H incidents
and to publicise the Dignity
at Work contacts for all
Dignity at Warwick for Staff and Students Policy is in the final draft stages and will be re-launched
in Autumn 2014 with a communication programme across campus. The number of Dignity
Contacts has been increased from 7 to 23. Dignity Contact training will take place during Summer
Term 2014. A ‘Dignity at Warwick’ event will be organised for Autumn 2014.
Equality and Diversity Training Schedules organised for every term and attendance recorded and
Usage of e-learning modules on ‘Diversity in the Workplace’ and ‘Recruitment and Selection’
monitored by LDC.
Staff encouraged to take modules as part of their induction process.
1. Revised policy to be relaunched in Autumn
2014 term.
2. Dignity Contact training
to take place in Summer
3. ‘Dignity at Warwick’
event to take place in
Autumn 2014 term.
To review the feasibility of
the University recording
statistics on up-take of
departments who agree to
flexible working requests.
To ensure information is
readily available on a range
Policies/procedures in place for: flexible working; returning parents; maternity and paternity and
adoption leave.
It has been identified that many ad-hoc flexible working arrangements still exist in departments
but are not formally recorded (done by local arrangement with line manager). In an attempt to
capture data, HR have developed a form for department to use to start to record these ad-hoc
arrangements so that the University can begin to monitor flexible working.
As work begins with non-STEMM departments on their Gender Equality Charter Mark (GEM)
submissions, flexible working arrangements will feature as part of discussions with each
1. Uptake of flexible
working to be
monitored by HR.
2. Flexible working
discussions to take
place with departments
undertaking GEM
Returning Parents Network Group and Mentor Scheme continues with good support.
Departments to ensure that their web pages are up to date and have the appropriate links to
policies and processes. Departments to improve induction documentation given to new staff,
regardless of their contract type. Departments will receive returning parents checklist when
notified of the date the staff member intends to return to work.
Work Completed
Publicity on Returning Parents meeting dates will be made via InSite.
To support an equal pay
audit as and when required
to do so by law.
(a) Incorporation of Equality
and Diversity into the review
of the Learning and Teaching
Strategy in line with the
Vision 2015 document.
All University policies and reviewed and updated on an annual basis by the HR Policy Team and
the Governance Team.
An Equal Pay Review was completed in 2011 and the results published on the E&D web pages.
Separate reviews were taken for staff in grades 1a-8 and in Grade 9.
The University is under statutory obligation to undertaken an Equal Pay Review and to publish the
results of that Review. The Review is undertaken in compliance with statutory obligation and in
accordance with JNCHES Guidance on Equal Pay Reviews of 2007.
The Review has been reported to the Equality and Diversity Committee and the Joint Consultative
Committee and discussed with Trade Union representatives prior to submission for publication.
The Review was undertaken by grade in line with Hay job evaluation methods.
The University Senate approved a recommendation to a light touch review on an annual basis for
Levels 1a-8, with a detailed review through a formal route every 2 years. For level 9
(professorial/senior management), where a disparity on gender data was identified, a review will
be carried out on an annual basis with the ownership resting with the Vice Chancellor’s Advisory
The revised draft University Learning and Teaching Strategy issued May 2014 notes ‘True to our
founding mission, we will adopt approaches that foster and support an inclusive educational
environment which is accessible to people from all backgrounds and an education that is
international in character’. Objective 4 of the strategy notes: To ensure that the University is an
accessible and welcoming place for students from all backgrounds and cultures and to continually
identify novel ways to help students overcome barriers to participation. The following have been
developments to achieve this outcome:
Strategy for access and widening participation: ‘Working Together to Realise Academic
Potential’ (2013) which supports the University in meeting, and exceeding, its OFFA
targets and which sets out the Warwick model for access, widening participation, student
experience and employability in terms of a progression framework across the student
lifecycle. The strategy is supporting and leading to a range of new initiatives in outreach
as outlined in Annex 1: Outreach at Warwick, as well as new sources of funding (HEFCE
To be reviewed in line with
timescales agreed.
PVC (Teaching and
Senior Assistant Registrar
(Teaching and Quality) and
Senior Assistant Registrar
(Outreach) to report
progress on this objective.
Postgraduate Support Scheme for widening participation in postgraduate taught
programmes: Chemistry for All funded by Royal Society of Chemistry).
Widening Participation Steering Committee, chaired by the PVC (Teaching and Learning)
that reports to Academic and Quality Steering Committee (AQSC).
Development of a range of education analytics by Strategic Planning and Analytics to
monitor recruitment and retention. Diversity categories here are: low participation
neighbourhoods (LPN); mature; socio-economic group; ethnicity; gender.
Inception of Education Enhancement Planning Group meetings with all academic
departments that draws on the membership of both Academic and Quality Steering
Committee (AQSC) and Academic Resourcing Committee (ARC) where issues of diversity of
intake and student experience are considered.
Inception of Student Recruitment, Marketing and Admissions Strategy Group chaired by
the PVC (Postgraduate and Transnational) where diversity issues in respect of recruitment
are considered.
Inclusion of widening participation workshops and talks as part of the University’s
professional training for academic members of staff through its Postgraduate Certification
in Academic and Professional Practice (PCAPP) programme.
Network and workshops on widening participation organised by IATL and the Learning and
Development Centre.
Research into the student experience from the perspective of diversity being conducted
by IATL.
The University continues to conduct a range of national surveys into the student
experience: NSS, PTES, PRES, SB/ISB as well as a student engagement survey conducted by
IATL. These are reported to Academic and Quality Steering Committee for consideration
and relevant actions.
Widening Participation is now a standing item on the Equality and Diversity Committee agenda.
(b) Introduce provision for
orientation of existing and
prospective students.
(c) Introduce provision for
A recommendation was made at the Equality and Diversity Committee meeting on 24 October 1. Student records
2013 that data collection on sexual orientation be started in the academic year 2014/15 (see EDC
investigating how
required data will map to
Minute 13/13-14 (iv)).
HESA data collection.
A recommendation was made at the Equality and Diversity Committee meeting on 24 October
1. Student records
monitoring of religion or 2013 that data collection on sexual orientation be started in the academic year 2014/15 (see EDC
investigating how
belief for existing and Minute 13/13-14 (iv)).
required data will map to
prospective students.
HESA data collection.
OBJECTIVE 4 – Address inequalities in research careers
Rationale: To examine and address barriers that early career researchers face
(a) To provide opportunities for The University provides a Research Team Leaders Programme to equip research team leaders with 1. LDC to continue to
professional and personal
the key skills in leading and managing their teams. In addition research team leaders can attend
develop, provide and
development of all research the Warwick Administrative Management Programme (WAMP) and the Warwick Leaders
monitor success of
Programme (WLP).
appropriate courses for
LDC is also developing a Leadership Programme for mid/career researchers and academics which
research active staff.
will run in 2015.
LDC have produced a new booklet ‘LDC’s Learning and Development Provision for Research Active
Staff’ which will assist staff during their Annual Review to identify career development needs.
MOAC delivers a postgraduate certificate in transferable skills for post docs in Science which
enables post docts to evidence their learning in core transferable skills.
Enhanced career development self help resources have been developed on the LDC website and
additional funding has been made available for one to one career advice/support.
A range of courses have been organised for research staff, such as: Academic Careers and
Employability Programme offering 1-1 support for PDRAs; Presenting your Research to Different
Audiences; Being an enterprising researcher; Technology for researchers; Impact, Engagement and
(b) To promote best practice
The University has Athena web pages on the Equality and Diversity web site and all successful
1. To continue to focus on
identified in STEMM
Warwick Athena submissions are on published on this website and are available to the wider
gender initiatives for
departments through the
University, including non-STEMM departments and are in the public domain.
both Athena and GEM
Athena Swan process to
Athena is discussed at University Committee meetings, such as Athena Steering Group, Equality
other non-SET departments. and Diversity Network Groups and formal Committee, Steering, Senior Officers meetings and
2. For WBS to share best
Senate of which non-STEMM departments are represented.
practice with other nonAll Athena successes are publicised and celebrated on the University Intranet InSite and recorded
STEMM departments to
at various University Committees.
Windows on Warwick session has been held in 2012 to promote Athena principles to non-STEMM
departments, however attendance was low.
he In 2013/14, The Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) have run a pilot scheme of a Gender Equality
Charter Mark (GEM) for Arts and Social Sciences departments. Warwick Business School was
selected to be part of the pilot scheme and have now submitted for an award in April 2014 as part
of the pilot. The outcome of the submission will be announced in August 2014. The official launch
of the Charter mark will be in October 2014, when it is hoped that other Warwick departments will
start work on their submissions. ECU will also shortly be running a pilot of a Race Charter Mark in
(c) Set up local structures so
See Objective 4(a) and (b) above
1. Warwick Research Staff
postdoctoral researchers
Forum to continue to
Warwick has a very active Research Staff Forum, with a representative from that group serving on
feel supported and
meet on a regular basis.
the formal University Research Committee.
mentored at an exciting but
2. To progress the HR
The University achieved the HR Excellence in Research Award in Jan 2013 and is making good
insecure time of their
Excellence in Research
career. Support
programme, so that a
research staff. A review submission is due to be made in January 2015 to Vitae and work is
departmental initiatives to
resubmission for the
progressing towards this.
develop postdoctoral
continuation of the
researchers. Share best
award is ready for
practice between
January 2015.
departments. Consider how
postdoctoral researchers
should be represented on
the Science faculty research
OBJECTIVE 5 – To investigate the lower degree attainment by black and minority ethnic groups
Rationale: To examine and address barriers that black and minority ethnic groups may face, and to ensure adequate mentoring/support initiatives are in place
In line with HEFCE’s Equality
The Strategic Planning and Analytic team are investigating systems to record the degree
1. To have a monitoring
Objectives, the University will
attainment of students with protected characteristics.
system in place as soon
monitor, seek advice and look at
Widening Participation continues to be discussed extensively at Faculty Engagements.
as possible.
initiatives to encourage/support
The Law Department runs a Multi Cultural Scholars Programme which is a unique model in the UK
ethnic minority students during
and has gained considerable support from the legal sector. The scheme is open to UK students of
their degree studies.
Pakistani, Bangladeshi, African or Caribbean origin whose household income entitles them to a full
maintenance grant. Scholars must also fulfil the academic entry requirements for the Law School.
OBJECTIVE 6 – To review and update Equality Impact Assessments/Equality Analysis of all University policies/procedures
Rationale: To completely review and update all Equality Impact Assessments on policies/procedures in order to identify potentially discriminatory practices and to
advance equality, comply with legislation and provide transparent and published evidence in line with the Public Sector Equality Duty
To install and roll-out a new This project is currently on hold whilst new software is investigated. It is proposed to have an in1. Equality Analysis Project
Equality Analysis on-line package house system tailored to our requirements.
currently on hold.
with e-learning module to assist
managers in creating, reviewing
and monitoring equality impact
on all policies and procedures, in
order that the process becomes
fully embedded into everyday
Version: 1.4
Date: 09.05.2014