Justification for Re-Hire of a UConn Health Retiree

Justification for Re-Hire of a UConn Health Retiree
1. Name of Employee:
2. Job title of employee:
3. Past title (if already retired):
4. Current and proposed title as a re-employed retiree:
5. Department and name of person making the request:
6. Date of the request:
7. Description why the approval of this request benefits the Health Center, University or State & other
General Comments:
8. Description of previous term(s) as a re-employed retiree:
9. Terms of the appointment:
a. Job duties:
b. Duration (may be conditional based on ability to secure grant and/or other funding):
c. % effort:
d. Salary (annualized):
e. Funding source(s):
f. Indication of salary is at market rate for the duties to be performed:
g. Description of succession planning if possible:
\\Pittman2\Central Forms\reemployed retiree justification 4-28-14.doc
Dev 7/09