Term 1, Week 1

PLEASE NOTE this is a 2013 reading list—the precise content may change in future years.
Term 1, Week 1
Questions for discussion:
What are the main characteristics of American political culture?
What are the main sources of that political culture?
What, if anything, is exceptional about theUnited States, its political system, and its political
How convincing is Huntington’s conception of the “American Creed”?
What do “liberal” and “conservative” mean in the United States?
What are the main approaches to the study of US politics?
Core Reading
R. McKeever and P. Davies, Politics USA, 3rd Edition Chapter 1
D. McKay, American Politics and Society 8th Edition Chapters 1& 2
R. J. La Raja, New Directions in American Politics, Introduction
S. Huntington, American Politics: The Promise of Disharmony Chapter 2 pp. 13-30
M. Foley, American Credo: The Place of Ideas in American Politics [Electronic resource] –
read Part I Approaches: Introduction, plus as much of the rest of the book as you can.
B. Shafer, ‘ “Exceptionalism” in American Politics?’ PS: Political Science & Politics, Vol. 22, No.
3 (September 1989) pp. 588-594.
Supplementary Reading
On American political tradition and culture see:
General texts:
G. Peele et al, Developments in American Politics 6, “Introduction” and Chapter 2 “A New
Political Agenda?” by Gillian Peele
N. Bowles, Government and Politics of the United States, 2nd Edition, Chapter 1 (pp. 1-9)
P.J. Davies, ed., Representing and Imagining America
R. Duncan & J. Goddard, Contemporary America
R. Singh, ed., Governing America, Introduction and Chapters 1-2
Classic studies:
G. Almond, ‘The Study of Political Culture’, A Discipline Divided
G. Almond and S. Verba, The Civic Culture Revisited
E. Black and M. Black, Politics and Society in the South
D. Boorstin, The Genius of American Politics
H. Commager, Majority Rule and Minority Rights
R. Dahl, Democracy, Liberty and Equality
M. Davis, Prisoners of the American Dream: Politics and Economy in the History of the US
Working Class
A. de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
M. Foley, American Political Ideas
R. Hanson, The Democratic Imagination in America
L. Hartz, The Liberal Tradition in America
R. Hofstadter, The American Political Tradition
G. Wills, Inventing America: Jefferson's Declaration of Independence
Recent and Contemporary studies:
V. B. Beasley, You, The People: American National Identity in Presidential Rhetoric
F. Bechhofer and D. McCrone, eds, National Identity, Nationalism and Constitutional
Change [Electronic Resource]
E. Dionne, Why Americans Hate Politics
E. Foner, The Story of American Freedom
J. Gunnell, Imagining the American Polity
R.T. Hughes, Myths America Lives By
H. McClosky and J. Zaller, The American Ethos Especially Chapters 2 & 3.
J.Nye et al, Why People Don’t Trust Government
K. Orren and S. Skowronek, The Search for American Political Development
R. Putnam, Bowling Alone: the collapse and revival of American community
R. Putnam, “Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital,” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 6,
No. 1 (1995)
M. Raskin, Liberalism: The Genius of American Ideals
R. Smith, Civic Ideals: conflicting visions of citizenship in U.S. history
On recent debates concerning American ideology and conservatism in particular see:
C. W. Dunn & J. D. Woodard, The Conservative Tradition in America
J. R. Flynn, Where Have All the Liberals Gone?: Race, Class, and Ideals in America
T. Frank, What’s the Matter with America?: the resistible rise of the American right
M Friedman, The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish intellectuals and the shaping of public
A. Lieven, America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism
J. Micklethwait & A. Wooldridge, The Right Nation: Why America is Different
I. Morgan & P. Davies, eds, Right On?: Political Change and Continuity in George W. Bush’s
G. H. Nash, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America since 1945 (2006 edition)
M. J. Thompson, Confronting the New Conservatism: The Rise of the Right in America
J. White, The Values Divide: American politics and culture in transition
On American exceptionalism see:
P.J. Davies, ed., Representing and Imagining America
J. P. Greene, The Intellectual Construction of America: exceptionalism and identity from 1492
to 1800
A. Lieven, America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism
S. M. Lipset, American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword
S. M. Lipset, The First New Nation: the United States in historical and comparative
C. Lockhart, The Roots of American Exceptionalism: history, institutions and culture
D. Madsen, American Exceptionalism
T. B. McCrisken, American Exceptionalism and the Legacy of Vietnam: US foreign policy since
T. B. McCrisken, “George W. Bush, American Exceptionalism and the Iraq War” in
D. Ryan & P. Kiely, eds, America and Iraq: Policy-making, Intervention and Regional Politics,
Chapter 11
B. Shafer, Is America Different?: a new look at American exceptionalism
B. A. Shain, The Myth of American Individualism
G. Wilson, Only in America
On the part played by socialism see:
I. Howe, Socialism and America
G. Lewy, The Cause That Failed: Communism in American Life
S.M. Lipset, American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword, Chapter 3
S. M. Lipset and G. Marks, It Didn’t Happen Here: Why Socialism Failed in the United States
W. Sombart, Why is there no socialism in the United States?