School of Slavonic and East European Studies

School of Slavonic and East European Studies
Application Form: The SSEES Excellence Scholarship
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Title of Thesis: _________________________________________________________________
Principal Supervisor:
Second Supervisor:
Start Date of MPhil/PhD:___________________
Part time / Full time delete as appropriate
Date of Upgrade: _________________________
Anticipated submission date______________
E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Correspondence Address:____________________________________________________________
Please give a summary of your academic background (starting with highest qualification sought or achieved,
including Institution’s name, subject of degree, degree classification, and attendance dates):
Please list any awards, honours, or fellowships you have received (starting with the most recent, including
dates and amounts of any fellowship).
Please list any invited talks (conferences or university seminar series):
Please list any scholarly publications:
Please attach the following documents:
1. A summary of your research project (500 words), to include a timetable indicating chapters
completed to date (in draft or revised form), chapters not yet completed, and a projected date
of submission; and
2. A letter from your supervisor.
The information that I have given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and