REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Special Meeting of the Coordinated Planning Council

Special Meeting of the Coordinated Planning Council
Friday, November 21, 2008, 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Keith Snow-Flamer (Co-Chair)
Judie Hinman
Pam Kessler
Mike Wells
Chris Romero
Cheryl Tucker
Tony Sartori (Co-Chair)
Tracey Thomas
Debbie Williams
Jose Ramirez
Sheila Hall
Martha Davis
Doug Edgmon (Minutes)
1. Announcements & Additions/Adjustments to Agenda
a. None
2. Approval of Minutes of November 14th Meeting
a. Approved
3. Discussion of Educational Master Planning Assumptions (Keith, Martha)
a. How were assumptions gathered?
i. Data analysis team of Martha Davis, Ahn Fielding, Dean Cunningham, Jason
Leppaluoto, and Ron Cox researched and compiled data. Ed Master Plan
Committee analyzed data and formulated assumptions
b. FTES growth: 08-09 is 270, 09-10 is 695; what explains this significant jump?
i. Targets were chosen to reflect the FTES needed to meet revenue expectations
ii. Targets are a starting point for planning
1. Question- An FTES increase of 695 represents an additional 200
courses; where do we find the space for these courses?
a. Off campus sites and DE could absorb much of the growth. It is
possible that planning groups may conclude that the target is too
high given capacity constraints and the difficulty in scaling up
DE. Once we decide what level of growth is sustainable, we can
integrate the projections into planning and revenue generation
c. After target and assumptions are formulated, the next step is to answer two questions:
i. What do you need in each discipline to hit targets?
ii. If target is not attainable, what target can you hit?
1. Division chairs will decide what growth is attainable, then communicate
what resources they need to meet targets
iii. Zach DeLoach of IR has created a spreadsheet that outlines targets and actuals
by division. The spreadsheet reflects planned courses and current courses. It
allows chairs to adjust courses offered to see how changes effect FTES
d. If CPC members note any assumptions not addressed, please notify Keith
i. BSI not addressed
ii. CSU system decreasing enrollment and not accepting all applicants with a B
iii. Population of adults over 50 is an opportunity identified as well as the
possibility of increasing the average number of units students are carrying.
Increasing the number of students over 50 may have a negative correlation with
the average number of units per student
iv. EOPS serves a substantial portion of CR’s population, are they addressed in the
planning assumptions?
1. Basic skills population probably represents most EOPS students
v. Federal funding for students may decrease and student loans qualifications are
becoming more stringent. These should be addressed in the assumptions.
4. Discuss Action Planning Guidelines and Timetable (Cheryl)
a. Action planning committee has sent guidelines to action plan authors explaining the
Action Plan Update requirements. They are due December 1st and will be presented to
the CPC December 12th
b. Call for action plan proposals: The sooner we receive action plan proposals , the more
effective we can be in integrating them into the budget
i. CPC will send out a call for proposals at the end of Fall 08 semester
ii. Call for action plans will go out Monday, Dec 1st
c. Action Plan Training will take place Jan 16, 2009 (flex day)
d. Last Spring, CPC had a lot of suggestions for revisions to the Action Plan proposal
form. Guidelines and proposal form need updating.
i. Planning Support Team will collaborate with Action Plan subcommittee to
update guidelines and proposal form
ii. CPC approves revisions to guidelines and proposal form
e. Do we want to increase the dollar amount maximum for individual Action Plan
i. CPC will increase max Action Plan request to $25,000
ii. Proposals should stage resource requests to allow sub-pieces of requests to
possibly be funded, if the whole project is not approved
iii. Authors will have to report back to CPC and tie requests much more closely to
strategic goals and program review than they have in the past. Authors must
report how they are progressing towards meeting goals
iv. Cheryl can report to the CPC the revisions to guidelines and proposal form at
the Dec 12th meeting
5. Identify Baseline Data for Strategic Plan (Martha)
a. Remove from agenda and discuss in spring semester?
b. May be helpful to identify baseline data in order measure progress towards strategic
c. Problem is that data is not meaningful without context. We would like to spend more
time talking about KPI measurements to define context. We need to identify the
meaning of the numbers.
d. The answers to the questions are much more complex than what we thought when we
first examined the strategic plan
e. Measures must be broken down to make them more precise and meaningful to whatever
group is using them. We need to define the indicators more precisely than we did
before, agree on them, and move forward
f. Division and program level indicators are important and useful, but so are college level
indicators. We need to know the current data on the college as a whole so we can
measure our progress as we move forward. How else do we determine if our integrated
planning process is effective at a district level?
g. We need to start with what we have while keeping in mind that we will probably make
changes as we become more proficient at using data to track our progress
h. The data may not convey much information now, but as we track the same
measurements year after year a relationship will form
i. We are judging the future on the baseline, so we need to make sure the baseline data is
j. Next steps: Can we call on Martha to examine the strategic plan and present to CPC
how we should measure the plan. If we have problems with how we are doing it now,
we should come up with an alternative instead of dwelling on what we don’t like about
our current methods. Lets come up with an alternative we can agree upon this year and
use three or four years down the road.
6. CPC Subcommittee formation and process
a. Group one summaries from CPC subcommittees have been posted on the WIKI; group
two program reviews are posted and ready for review by subcommittees
b. CPC needs to discuss how the detailed findings of the subcommittees is presented to
the CPC and the process for considering and incorporating that information into the
master planning document
Next Meeting: December 12th, 11:00 a.m.- Boardroom
Minutes taken by Doug Edgmon @ 4148 or