Tucker, Lynn Thiesen-phone, Geisce Ly-phone, Anita Janis-phone, Rachel Anderson, Crislyn Parker-notes

Student Success Leadership Group
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
8:30am - 9:30am
Present: Utpal Goswami, Keith Snow-Flamer, Trish Blair, MaryGrace McGovern, Cheryl
Tucker, Lynn Thiesen-phone, Geisce Ly-phone, Anita Janis-phone, Rachel Anderson, Crislyn
1. Future Concurrent Classes:
 Discussion on whether to offer concurrent classes with Mendocino high schools.
Recommendation for Mendocino High School, no; however, Ft. Bragg has steady
enrollments, averaging 30 per semester. Recommendation is to continue. Geisce will
look at rotation and confirm course(s) with Rachel. Rachel’s recommendation, due to
faculty concerns, alternate (for example) ART1 and Speech, two per year, one each
 Southern Humboldt High School: Pool of students is declining. Geisce’s
recommendation is to offer one more for fall, discontinue after that. An alternative for
spring semesters is to offer online courses. Rachel outlined the benefits of this and
Geisce will discuss with school officials and provide an update.
2. Update/direction from IEC:
 Tami Matsumoto is heading task force including Keith, Shannon, Angelina and one rep
from each constituency, to review CR’s committee structures, assessing whether shared
governance committees have morphed into operational committees, and will have
recommendations at the end of March.
 Planning summit date: Saturday, April 6, 9a – 1pm, AT 103/104. President Smith
suggested, in addition to process review, look at how to operationalize the strategic and
educational master plans to the annual plan and other planning.
3. Future Reorganizations
 Discussion of the (supporting document) draft reorganization of the Dean structure. There
has been discussion in the past to have a Dean of Academic Affairs (faculty) and a Dean
of operations (curriculum, etc.)
 Four options were presented to President Smith, with this option the most popular. It will
be sent to senate co-presidents. The key, organization under the deans, such as chairs
and/or area coordinators, are negotiable items.
 There was agreement this is a cleaner structure that shows sustainability. Alignment of
departments would be the focus of, and determined by, faculty and senate. Suggestion to
define department by function rather than discipline.
 Discussion to develop points of interests, or talking points, when proposing dean model
to the senate/faculty.
4. Annual plan and Processes
 Covered in agenda item 2.
5. Distance Education Discussion
 MaryGrace update: in discussions with Mark Winter, met with senate to form a senate
task force for DE. Task force will consist of three to five faculty, (with experience in
Presenter: 4115746
online teaching), to address eight issues, basically curriculum-based. They are
determining how to most effectively use Daniel Fiore and support DE.
Agreement there should discussion at some level on multiple modalities and use of
technology to expand and provide alternative course deliveries; a need to recognize all
components of “DE” versus just online. Suggestion to include DE in student services
operations. Discussions need to include new laws on online learning fraud, and rules on
what constitutes participation. Suggestion maybe an ad hoc group to get DE into
compliance and identify issues, including accessibility.
Keith will discuss with President Smith her broad view of DE; checks and balances of
roles and responsibilities from the strategic planning level.
6. Future Agenda Items
 Determining interests for faculty under new dean model
 DE will be discussed in the future.
Presenter: 4115746