Document 12361736

DE Advisory Committee Notes: 20/10/11 4:00 PM
Taken by Bosha Struve
DE Advisory Charge...wording...
#1: Mark Renner: Has issues with the clause - to assist faculty as part of the committees purpose…"To
serve as a resource for and advisors to the Distance Education department; to make recommendations to
Academic Senate, faculty, staff and administrators in matters of policy, practice and pedagogy regarding
distance learning and technology-enhanced instruction; to assist faculty and staff in learning about and
integrating technology and distance learning into the curriculum; to plan and implement innovative and
creative opportunities that use distance learning to meet the diverse needs of the District’s students."
#2: Expanding Membership - HSU/Local K-12/Community Members/Redwood Technology
Consortium/KEET & Access Humboldt (John Anderson volunteers for this liaison)/students - possibly
through ASCR with representatives from each campus (suggested by Mark Renner)
Redwood Technology Consortium scholarships- possibly expanded to CR students
What issues would you like to see the committee address this year?
Make connections with the Academic Senate
Policies around Distance Education and Online Learning - issues
(Mark Winter/faculty senate) A policy statement - courses are equivalent to face-to-face classes in addition to curriculum input/
Quality standards for DE (rubric)
Certified training for instructors
Evaluation of online instructors
Training for TV
Drafting and accepting an addendum to evaluation of online courses in a different manner than
the evaluation of online courses
Barry: Didn't HSU just open an online certificate program for people who want to teach in the online
Christine: Yes, I am in the online program at HSU
Geoff: Does it cover teaching an learning issues?
Christine: AT1 Online Certification Program -Uses Moodle/Blackboard - 4 to 6 week classes: Social
Media/Effectiveness in Online Teaching
It was in todays paper, times standard..
Sakai Online Training - When is the next availability to take these classes?
Meeting Schedule - Meet on the Third Thursday at 4:00pm
Project Site - MyCR Project Site where you can go to the DE Advisory Committee Project
Web Page
Student Satisfaction Survey
Survey Monkey survey - more student input. How are they engaged in online classes, what's working for
them, what's not working...out of 323 students taking DE101 319 actually took the survey and the results
are surprising. So this is a good feedback even though it might be skewed data. Enrollment for these
classes is on the IR website. As a committee we need to come up with a student survey as a group. GC
will be sending out and looking for people to work on the Distance Ed. Advisory Committee Student
Survey - how do we capture the information/time management/what classes are available for you if you
are working/what are your expectations/As reference … the survey that Mark and Angelina have already
developed (which is actually a survey monkey survey about the faculty. A question about how did you
learn to use Sakai (i.e. rSmart workshops/other faculty mentoring)
Garth: You might want to clarify the "number of classes taught" question. Does that mean the number of
times you've taught a class, or different classes? (maybe use the word "course sections" not classes).
"How many total times have you taught sections of courses."
Address the growing number of highbred classes.
LMS Review Process
Discussions regarding LMS reviews from CR and other campuses - draw on work done in 2008.
Explore: Have you taught using other LMS tools. Do you find yourself more or less satisfied with this
instance of Sakai compared to other LMS's? What are the strongest features of other LMSs that you have
used? This survey can tell us the status of our current LMS. This might ultimately tell us should we be
starting the LMS review process and should we be looking at other LMS systems. We know what the
process shouldn't be and let's work together to find a process that has the most buy in and that is the best
for the students.
This could start another follow up survey - a question might be "How would you rank your satisfaction
with the current iteration of MyCR". We might actively pursue a pilot survey regarding other LMSs.
One of the things that are missing from rSmarts LMS is the Math Symbol editor for Math, Chem, etc.
LMS Review Process - How do you get a learning
management system at a College campus that doesn't have a math editor? If we come up with a really
solid process ...they will look at it as a solid part of doing business on a college campus. Changes can be
painful - (too tight of a timeline or not enough of a structured environment for the change) - change can
occur without the same intensity of pain associated with an abbreviated timeline. The process should
include training and it should be a group decision if we do change our current LMS again. The
accreditation visit (comment by Mark Renner) - talked to us about training and professional development
activities and our need to incorporate this into our planning.
Evaluating MyCR
Feature set
Actual or perceived functionality issues
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Responsiveness of the rSmart customer support group