REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)

Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)
Monday, March 21, 2011
1:10 – 2:40 p.m.
EMC Mission
To interpret enrollment trends, patterns and projections, student achievement/success data, basic skills student achievement data,
and to inform all institutional divisions and units in meeting CR’s enrollment goals within a framework of collaboration
continued growth and community alignment. The Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) also formulates enrollment goals
consistent with the College’s mission and program review data, develops FTES budget projections, implements, monitors, and
periodically revises the process of student enrollment and retention.
1. Call To Order
2. Approve March 7, 2011 Meeting Minutes*
3. Action Items
3.1 Recommendation to discontinue printed schedule (Kathy)
3.2 Recommendation to hold an additional meeting on March 28 (Keith and Bruce)
3.3 Recommendation for development of the 2 year Enrollment Management Plan—
Institutional Effectiveness Indicators (Keith)
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Update on Summer Schedule (Keith)
4.2 Revised Budget/Section Assumptions (Keith and Bruce)
4.3 Update on FY 11-12 Scheduling and TLU Allocation (Bruce)
4.4 Re-examine late registration and the disadvantages to students (Keith)
5. Reports
5.1 BPC Actions
6. Announcements
7. Adjournment
(* denotes attachment)
> Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 886-3951
> Enter your pass code: 308897
*0 - Contact the operator for assistance.
*6 - Mute/unmute your individual line with a private announcement.
Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, AD 201 (Board Room)
Monday, March 7, 2011
1:10 p.m.
Mara Chaykin, ASCR, Anna Duffy, David Gonsalves (phone),
Melissa Green, Anita Janis (phone), Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler,
Geisce Ly (phone), Mike Peterson, Tiffany Schmitcke,
Keith Snow-Flamer, Juana Tabares, Danny Walker, Bruce Wagner
and Maggie Lynch.
Jesse Wiedel, Joe Hash
The minutes from the February 23, 2011 meeting were approved with
Tiffany noted that the department of Admissions and Records has
been trying for several years to get away from having a printed
schedule. Scheduling changes are constantly being made in Datatel
and the paper schedule is outdated the moment it is printed. She also
noted that it takes approximately one full week to input all of the
comments that are associated with courses.
It was also brought to the committee’s attention that Printing Services
no longer has the staff person/position that created both the printed
schedule and the course catalogue and there also may not be a budget
for it.
Suggestions were also made to simplify the format of the paper
schedule if printing continues. There was discussion regarding the
need to get input from the counselors and advisors regarding how they
use the printed schedule.
Melissa asked that a data driven and Interested Based decision making
process be used to problem solve and work collectively to work
together to determine the issues surrounding a printed schedule.
Bruce noted that if there is a printed schedule it needs to be sent out to
the academic departments for proofing.
Next Steps:
 Discussion will be carried to the next meeting so that information
can be gathered from the counselors and advisors.
 Ask Paul DeMark to attend the next meeting to address concerns
related to the printed schedule
Bruce reported that the two-year scheduling task force has met 3 times
and has compiled all requests received for courses. He noted that
everyone was asked to put in course requests that would promote
student success and completion. He stated that with the requests that
have come in we are 760 TLUs over what was offered last year and
we must get back to last year’s number. He also stated that it has been
a very difficult task so far to determine what adjustments must be
101 TLU
The committee reviewed two recommendations regarding the 101
Corridor TLU allocations and scheduling procedures for Virtual
Campus courses. Bruce read the recommendations aloud because
committee members participating by phone did not receive the
emailed version. Maggie stated that she has questions about what data
will be used to make decisions regarding the TLU allocations and is
also concerned with restrictions to campus offerings. Committee
members agreed that changes should be made to the language used in
both recommendations and there were several suggestions made.
Bruce will make the changes to the recommendations and send them
out to committee members. Keith noted that until the changes have
been made we are conceptually endorsing the recommendations.
There was discussion regarding how the Task Force should proceed
with development of the two-year schedule. Bruce noted that the Task
Force has identified roughly 400 TLUs that can be cut. It may be
necessary to look at revitalization, discontinuance, or moving
programs to Community Education. There was also discussion
regarding faculty reassign time and overload. It was noted that it
would be helpful to have direction that the district endeavors to not
pay overload, however there will be times when this is not possible. It
was suggested that Dr. Goswami be included in a conversation
relating to the TLU allocations and overload. Keith asked Maggie and
Alan to work on draft language for a recommendation regarding an
overload policy. He also noted that he and Bruce have been invited to
attend the next Budget Planning Committee meeting so that EMC and
BPC can coordinate work that is being done to reduce the budget.
Printed Schedule continued from last meeting
The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
Synopsis: 12 not printing 4 printing same number 4 printing reduced number 2 printing and charging $1 possibly going to $2 I believe I know the answer to this, but need some back up. Are we required to print class schedules?
We want to not print the summer 2011 schedule.
Cerritos College
Chaffey College will not print for Summer 2011 however will post an on-line version. Fall 2011 and
Spring 2012 will be combined into one schedule and printed.
Contra Costa College still prints a schedule, has sold it for $1. The price may go to $2 to push students
to the free online pdf. Summer/Fall are combined. We are flirting with the idea of printing it no more.
CSM, Skyline and Cañada still print class schedules and also have them online. In addition, CSM has
reduced the number of copies printed and Cañada prints a combined summer/fall schedule.
Irvine Valley College experienced no reduction in enrollment or FTES as a result of not printing the class
Folsom Lake College stopped printing class schedules effective with the spring 2010 semester. All
colleges in Los Rios no longer print schedules as well.
There was some resistance at the start from staff and some students, but really not that much. Our
approach was to advertise the new practice as “going green” AND that class schedules are outdated the
day they’re printed.
We have various methods of class schedule delivery online, plus we have printed copies of the class
schedule for student services office and staff, i.e., A&R, counseling, DSPS, EOPS, outreach centers
Folsom Lake College experienced an increase in FTES and enrollment – from spring 2009 to spring
2010. No impact with no class schedule.
Rio Hondo does not print a schedule.
Long Beach City College cannot attribute any loss of FTES to not printing the schedule. We did not offer
as many courses/sections and had little trouble filling the ones we offered.
We do have a PDF version of the schedule available on our home web page.
El Camino is reducing the number of schedules we print. All schedules are online so we will have some
printed schedules on campus and some distributed to feeder high schools and local libraries.
Crafton Hills College: No hard copies for summer… limited hard copies for fall and working to cease
printing schedules altogether. To the original point of the question, are colleges required to print
schedules i.e. is it a T.5 thing?
College of the Canyons only prints a limited quantity and then sell them for $1. It is online for free.
Gavilan College still prints schedules each semester. We have a combined schedule for our Summer/Fall
Santa Rosa Junior College still prints but this is interesting to see how many colleges have
stopped. Good survey!
MiraCosta College still printing, but reduced numbers. And I suspect at some point in the near future, it
will all be online.
Santa Barbara City College still prints.
This is Ventura’s first year without a printed schedule, but we do post a PDF version online.
Beginning Summer 2011, Victor Valley College will not print our schedule. I have advocated for a few
dozen hard copies of the schedule for SS staff and counselors.
IVC stopped printing a class schedule this spring for all terms. The only complaints came from staff, none
from students.
De Anza no longer prints a schedule.
Bakersfield College has not printed schedules for at least two full years.
This is Moorpark’s 2nd year without printing a schedule. It’s totally on-line, we don’t even have a .pdf
Long Beach City College stopped printing last year.
College of the Sequoias quit printing schedules this year. It’s all on-line and we have computers for
students to use to look up classes.
Action Taken
Enrollment Management Plan
Forward the spring
plan to the MC and
Senate for their
The EMC approved the spring enrollment
management plan developed by an EM task force.
Another task force has been created to begin working
on the two year enrollment management plan. A
request has been forwarded to the PRC for Trends &
Assessment/Planning program review summaries to
inform the Enrollment Management Plan. Once
developed by the EMC the two year plan will be
vetted through the integrated planning committees,
Management Council, Academic Senate, Cabinet, and
the Budget Planning Committee.
IR Status-101 Corridor Survey
Forwarded to IR
EM Scorecard
Forwarded to Cabinet
for approval.
Forwarded to the IEC
for review and
Employee and Student Satisfaction
Survey Action Plans
Forwarded to
subcommittee of the
EMC to review and
revise the action
Task Force members: Pam Kessler, Allen Keppner,
Melissa Green, Cheryl Tucker
Deployment of the survey has been delayed given the
lack to an adequate number of staff in Institutional
Research. Dr. Goswami reported to the college in a
December 17, 2010 email that the process to fill the
IR direction position will be started.
Cabinet approved moving forward with
populating the scorecard. IR is in the process of
gathering the data.
The scorecard has been forwarded to the IEC for
review as possible internal strategic performance
indicators that are tied to CR’s mission, values
and goals.
The EMC approved the subcommittee's work on
the spring EM Plan that culminated in a set of
achievable goals for Spring semester, with a
proposed budget, based on a realistic assessment
of the college.
The EMC convening a task force to develop a
two year EM Plan for submission the EMC by
April. As part of this work, the PRC will send
Trends and Goals executive summaries of the
program review documents to the EMC for
inclusion in the 2 year EM Plan.
The college has made the commitment to
redeploy a student satisfaction action survey in
April, 2012.
Multiple Measures
Forwarded to
English and math faculty and student services staff
subcommittee of the
EMC to review and
have worked together on development of multiple
measures for English and math placement
The Academic Support Center web-site has been
updated to include more up to date information on
preparation for the Accuplacer test and appointments
The English and math faculty have provided English
and math course level descriptions and samples that
will be utilized by advisors to assist students who fall
within zones between two different courses in
choosing the course they would have the best
opportunity to be successful in.
Data from IR is being utilized to further analyze the
relationship between Accuplacer scores and course
success in math for validity purposes and to help
inform improvements for the assessment procedures
Recently, the matriculation flow process was mapped
to identify key areas of implementation for a
continuous improvement plan to move the college
towards mandatory assessment, advising and
orientation for new, matriculating students. This plan
will be put into action incrementally to ensure quality
improvements over time that will lead to long lasting
Task Force: Pam Kessler, Judie Hinman, Melissa
Green, Mary Grace Barrick, Cheryl Tucker, Bruce
Wagner, Todd Olsen, Amber Buntin
Waitlist procedure
Student Feedback Online Form
The English and math faculty approved using the EAP
in the assessment process. The CCCCO has added CR
to the list of schools accepting EAP scores.
Approved and has been implemented for Spring 2011.
Co-chairs of the EMC worked with Maggie to develop
the appropriate questions, and has uploaded the form
to the website and MyCR site.
When a student fills out the form, an email will be
sent to Tiffany. She can then forward that problem if
necessary to the appropriate person.
AP 5055 Review and Revision
In Review
Over the next few weeks, we can observe what kinds
of problems are reported, and we can discuss the form
further at the next EMC meeting. Any appropriate
changes in the form recommended by the EMC can be
made at that time.
A small group of EMC members have been asked to
review the proposed AP 5055 against the LAO
recommendations for enrollment priorities.
Summer Enrollment
The schedule was
approved by the
EMC and forwarded
to the BPC for
Task Force members: Pam Kessler, Allen Keppner,
Kathy Goodlive, Bruce Wagner, Melissa Green,
Cheryl Tucker
A task force was created to develop a district summer
schedule with the guidance that we’re looking at
offering 100 sections this summer. Initial summer
schedule guidelines were created by the Cabinet and
forwarded to the EMC for consideration as it
developed the schedule:
1. 100 calculated sections
2. Focus evening courses to 101 Corridor
beginning Summer ‘11
3. High FTES generating classes
4. Online classes (increase online without
stipends (use currently trained faculty))
5. Lab sciences
6. Mendo, Del Norte, KT parity
7. 19-20% evening
8. no evenings in Eureka if possible
9. Two courses in Southern Humboldt if
10. Look to online for Mendo or Del Norte
students as a possible substitute for low
enrolled traditional classes
Although the EMC considered Cabinet guidelines, at
the same time the EMC understood that one of its key
responsibilities is to recommend scheduling,
instructional and student support strategies to enhance
student access, success, retention, persistence, and
goal attainment.
Task Force members: Rachel Anderson (lead), Tiffany
Schmitcke, Barbara Jaffari, Juana Tabares, Barb
Franklin, Zach DeLoach, and Anna Duffy. Keith
Snow-Flamer was the liaison.
The EMC approved a summer schedule that held:
Calculated Sections
Target Calculated Sections: 100
Total Calculated Sections Scheduled: 87
Total TLUS scheduled: 385
Sections in reserve: 13
Projected FTES of Scheduled Sections
80% Efficiency rate: 225.68
85% Efficiency rate: 261.89
Total cost of 100 calculated sections:
Total of scheduled sections: $292,618
2011 cost: $91,686
2012 cost: $200,932
2012 cost of reserve sections: $51,638
Calculated Sections by location:
Eureka Area (including VC and 101): 71.6
Mendocino: 4
Del Norte: 7.7
KT: 1.7
The BPC recommended reducing the FY10-11
budget exposure for the summer schedule to
accommodate $75,000—which equates to a
reduction of approximately $16,700.
2011-12 FTES Target
In Review
A task force has been created to develop
recommended FTES/TLU allocations, annual
schedule, and other issues associated with the FY1112 district schedule. The cabinet provided some initial
guiding principles for the committee’s consideration
as it develops the schedule:
1. Target FTES is 4950 resident FTES
a. equal % cut in annualized FTES
based on 2010-11 actual (5200)
2. Number of calculated sections funded is
determined by site productivity
3. Selected adjustments permitted for
instructional/schedule integrity
4. All new program/class initiatives (e.g. EMP
driven) may be funded with excess reserves
5. 101 Corridor is considered separate entity
6. Virtual campus will be a stand-alone division
and function like the 101 Corridor as it relates
to TLU allocations
7. Focus evening courses to 101 Corridor
Summer ‘11
The EMC and the task force must balance the question
of whether we focus on opportunity (access) or focus
on student success. An initial two year schedule has
been put together and is being reviewed by the task
The task force recommended revising the scheduling
guidelines for the Eureka area and virtual campus.
Task force members include: Mike Peterson, Allen
Keppner, Kathy Goodlive, Zach DeLoach, Joe Hash,
Rachel Anderson, Tiffany Schmitcke, and Geisce Ly.
Bruce Wagner is the liaison.
The first detailed look at the 2-year schedule requests
has been completed. Requests were 760 TLU's over
this year's level, and that we also need to cut down an
additional $400,000 as well.
The first round of reductions identified 882 TLU's.
That includes 130 grant-funded TLU's that don't need
to be included in the budget. Also found was $65,000
in reductions in the PRME budget.
Next steps:
The list was sent to the Deans so that they can build a
preliminary list of sections. The Deans will use the
information on the 2-year schedule and "reductions"
spreadsheet to compile a preliminary list of classes for
Fall. We can then compare your list with our TLU
numbers to make sure we're in close agreement. The
Deans will also check the full-time TLU numbers in
your division/location to make sure they are accurate.
The task force would like to have this information
back by March 21 or 22 so that we can prepare for
final TLU allocations at the March 28 EMC meeting.
It is hoped that the Deans will use the reduction list to
provide guidance to your area coordinators as they
build their Fall schedules.
After those lists come back, the task force can look
them over and discuss any discrepancies. Because of
Spring break, we don't see how we can be ready to
have EMC make final TLU allocations at our next
meeting on March 21.
Recommendations to:
1. The college should not create
separate TLU allocations for the 101
corridor sites. Rather, departments
and divisions should be given a TLU
allocation for all of their Eureka-area
classes. Department area
coordinators should work with their
deans to create a coherent plan for
courses at the 101 sites, based on the
Approved by EMC
and included in the
The EMC approved
criteria of student success,
completion, and access. Area
coordinators and deans will also
need to coordinate offerings with the
101 sites manager.
2. Scheduling procedures for Virtual
Campus courses should not be
changed. Specifically, each
department, division, or campus can
schedule VC courses out of their
overall TLU allocation. The FTES
generated will be counted toward the
total of the originating campus. Area
coordinators and deans will also
need to coordinate offerings with the
Dean of Distance Education to avoid
duplication across the district,
compliance with curriculum
requirements, etc.