Office of Instruction and Student Development Update-Week 15-December 4, 2015


Office of Instruction and Student Development Update-Week 15-December 4, 2015

Training for Emergencies

“Active shooter” training is scheduled for December 9, 10, and January 14 in the Board Room of the Administration Building. In addition, an Earthquake Evacuation Drill (Eureka Campus) is scheduled for Thursday, February 4 at 11 am. More information will follow next week on the evacuation drill. Safety training is in coordination with the Emergency Preparedness and Safety

Committee and Public Safety Office.

Assessment Coordinator

This is a second call for a member of the full-time faculty to serve as Faculty Assessment

Coordinator Spring semester. The coordinator will work with the Associate Deans to provide training and support to faculty and staff to help with the assessments process, including how to plan and perform assessment, measure the quality of assessments, and facilitate effective assessment dialogue. There will be reassigned time support of 4.5 TLUs. Please contact my office for further information.

Education Master Planning (EMP)

The EMP steering committee met Friday to review subcommittee work generating institutional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats ( Committee SWOT Analysis Summary ). In addition, environmental data were reviewed and discussed. I encourage you to open the link below and consider the information for yourself and note the highlights.

Growth is projected among Hispanic/Latino and aging populations, while the number of high school graduates shrinks.

 As the region’s economy improves, college enrollment decreases.

Most northern California Community Colleges--including CR--saw peak enrollment in

2009-10 with subsequent declining enrollment. Half of these institutions’ enrollment continues to decline, including CR’s.

Transfer students are most likely to attend Humboldt State University and major in Business

Administration, followed by Psychology.

The number of Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES) increasingly comes from Noncredit classes, totaling about 3% of the College’s total FTES, about half of the State’s community college average of 6%.

 The rate of CR’s total FTES has declined more than the State average, although our FTES from online classes have remained steady.

Looking Ahead

Next week will be busy as we wrap-up the semester and include meetings of the Instructional

Council, Enrollment Management Committee, Multiple-Measures Committee, Board of

Trustees, Tenure Review Committee, and Academic Standards and Policy Committee.

Spotlight on Associate Faculty

Robin Carter is an associate faculty in math. She was a musician and artist for many years, but managed to earn a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Temple University and a Master’s degree in Math from the University of Miami. Her interests in science and art have led her to engage in work that communicates math and science to the public through art. Robin was a tenured faculty member of Citrus College in Glendora, California where she taught math and planetary astronomy. Currently, she works as support for the field of condensed matter nuclear science

(CMNS). She was one of the editors and designed the cover of the recent book The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction by Dr. Edmund Storms. She filmed and edited the video Stan

Szpak LENR Co-deposition , a documentary on 26 years of Navy research in cold fusion. She is now with the LENR Industrial Association producing promotional materials for the field.

She likes to play her ukulele, watch science fiction movies, and walk in the forest.

Spotlight on Staff

Tasha Kahoalii began at College of the Redwoods as a student employed through the

CalWORKS work study program. She held several positions on campus, the last one being as a math tutor in the Light Center for Disabled Student’s Programs and Services (DSPS). She was then hired as a temporary assistant for DSPS, which eventually led to her current position,

Alternate Media Specialist for DSPS. As Alternate Media Specialist she is involved in providing students with textbooks in alternate formats such as Braille, E-text and books on CD. She also assists students in learning how to utilize assistive software. Outside of work she is attending online and night classes in pursuit of a degree in Social Work. She has three children that she enjoys and keep her fairly occupied. However, she has managed to find a little extra time to learn a new sport, ROLLER DERBY!

Enjoy the windy weekend!
