EGSA GSS (Graduate Students Society) Representative Description and Responsibilities 1. Overview

EGSA GSS (Graduate Students Society) Representative
Description and Responsibilities
1. Overview
The GSS representative is the representative of education graduate students to the
Graduate Students Society (GSS) as part of the GSS council. As a GSS councilor, the GSS
representative is involved in the decision making process in GSS council meetings on
behalf of the education graduate students. The GSS representative is also a member of
the Education Graduate Student Association’s Executive Team. This member is
responsible for attending the monthly GSS council meeting and report back to the
members at large at the monthly EGSA general meeting.
2. Responsibilities Overview
This is a breakdown of the approximate percentage of the role’s time spent on the main
categories below.
Area of responsibility
Percentage time allocated
Before GSS Council Meeting: Meeting
GSS Council Meeting
After GSS Council Meeting: Prepare report 10%
EGSA General Meeting
3. Introduction to Role
At the start of your appointment as the GSS Representative, familiarize yourself with the
following documents/processes:
1. EGSA Constitution
a. What: This document outlines the framework by which this caucus
b. How it impacts you: By reading and understanding this document, it helps
to better inform your own role as well as the role of the caucus.
c. Where to find this: This is located on Canvas.
2. GSS Constitution and by-laws
a. What: This document outlines the framework by which the Graduate
Students Society is governed.
EGSA: GSS Representative DRAFT
b. How it impacts you: By familiarizing with this document, it helps you to
better exercise your role as the GSS representative and GSS councilor.
c. Where to find this:
GSS Council Order of Business
a. What: This documents outlines the structure for the council meeting.
b. How it impacts you: By knowing the structure for the council meeting will
help you to be familiar with how the council meetings are run and what
to expect from the meetings.
c. Where to find this:
Robert Rules of Order
a. What: This is a recognized guide to running meetings effectively.
b. How it impacts you: To understand how to best participate under the
guidance of this Order.
c. Where to find this: Search online and you can find a basic overview of
a. What: This is an online communication platform that the EGSA uses to
share agendas, meeting information, minutes, and non-urgent matters.
This is also a space used to continue discussions where necessary.
b. How it impacts you:
i. This is where you will post your Council Meeting reports prior to
the monthly EGSA meeting. This becomes more important when
in the case that you cannot attend the EGSA meeting.
ii. This is where you generate conversations and discussion on GSS
related issues.
iii. This is where you will post GSS council package for documentation
and discussion
c. Where to find this: When you join the EGSA, you will receive an invitation
via email to join the EGSA Canvas space (
Mailing list:
a. What: This is the email address used by executive members to
communicate more time-sensitive information to other executive
members. Only executive members can send to this list.
b. How it impacts you: You will use this when there is important information
to share with the group. You will also use this to copy emails sent to the
GSS regarding minutes, as appropriate.
c. Where to find this: When you join the EGSA, you will be added to this
mailing list.
a. What: This is the email address used by the GSS to contact all councilors.
b. How it impacts you: You will receive full Council Package for each of the
monthly GSS Council Meeting. You, as a GSS councilor, can also use this
EGSA: GSS Representative DRAFT
mailing list to contact and generate conversation with all other GSS
c. Where to find this: When you start your position as the GSS
Representative, the GSS will add you to this mailing list. At your first
council meeting, make known you are a new councilor and provide your
e-mail address.
4. Role & Responsibilities: Before GSS Council Meeting
Before every GSS council meeting, you will receive a full council package from the GSS.
This Council Package is the full report from the GSS’s executive members of their recent
activity. It also has the agenda of the meeting and any motions to be passed. Post the
package on Canvas and familiarize with the package. Discuss with the members of EGSA
to have an idea of how to best represent the EGSA membership.
5. Roles & Responsibilities: GSS Council Meeting
During the meeting:
Report the recent activities of EGSA
Engage in discussion
Take notes of the motions approval and changes as well as events and news
regarding the GSS.
It is important to keep in mind that you are representing the membership of EGSA,
every decision or vote you make reflects back and affect to our members at large.
6. Roles & Responsibilities: After GSS Council Meeting
Type out a brief report on Canvas. If there is an urgent matter, circulate the report via
the EGSA mailing list.
8. EGSA General Meeting
Report back what was done in the GSS Council Meeting.
7. Other
Participate in other discussions, projects, and initiatives as needed.
EGSA: GSS Representative DRAFT