Document 12289663

Professional Standards Committee Minutes
January 25, 2000
Members present: N. Bristow, T. Cooney (ex officio), J. Hanson, B. Mann, B. Ragan, D. Share, S.
Chair Mann called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
The committee approved the minutes for December 6, 1999 as distributed.
The committee then reviewed its progress this year on the departmental evaluation standards project.
The committee has completed its work with Physics, Math and Music. The committee has sent
comments to the departments of English, History, OT/PT and Foreign Languages, and is waiting for
responses. The committee is currently working with the Classics and CTA statements. The Philosophy
sub-committee will begin work next week. Statements not yet begun include Biology, Economics,
Exercise Science, Politics and Government and Religion.
Next the committee considered the projects remaining on their agenda--consideration of the Survey on
Student Evaluations, consideration of the issue of outside letters in the evaluation process, and review of
the standard letters relating to evaluation sent by the Dean's office each year. Sub-committees were
appointed to begin work on each of these remaining tasks.
The committee then turned to consideration of the Classics Department Statement of Evaluation Criteria.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Bristow