Teacher Education Council Minutes

Teacher Education Council Minutes
April 20, 2009
Members Present: Tajriat Ahmed, Sharon Christensen, Jennifer Dennis, Claudia Edwards, Todd
Garner, Courtney Glazer, Russell Graves, Greg Hoepfner, John Hodgson, Joe Jones, Howard
Kuchta, Tobias Kuhn, Teresa Lubrano, Diann Megert, Michelle Smith, Jan Thomas, Ronna
Vanderslice, Philip Zaninelli
Guest Present: Kelly McClure
Members Absent: Sandy Butler, Kyle Cunningham, Mike Dunn, Kurtis Koll, Cristal McCutcheon,
Debbie Stoll, Vivian Thomlinson
Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Chair, Ronna Vanderslice
Director of Teacher Education Report
A. July 1, 2009, certification fees will increase to $50.
B. HB 1333 has gone to the governor for his signature. The main changes are
that people seeking alternative licensure will need to have 3 years of work
experience after completing their baccalaureate degrees and that no one is
able to “test into” elementary education, early childhood education, or
special education.
C. HB 1581 has gone to the governor for his signature. This legislation
requires all elementary and early childhood education programs to assess
all students on the teaching of reading, specifically phonics. Currently a test
is in development on the state level with Cameron having input. The test
would be administered in a reading course, and students will have multiple
opportunities to pass the test.
Last month’s meeting minutes were approved with one correction.
Admission and Retention Committee Report
The vote on the committee’s recommendation from the last meeting was made without
a quorum present.
One change was noted in the committee’s motion regarding a student and admission to
Teacher Education.
The change to the original motion was made by Claudia Edwards with a second by
Howard Kuchta. The new motion passed.
Other Business
Old Business
Packet contains approved minutes from February 23, 2009 meeting
New Business
1. Faculty Development is due to the dean’s office by May 15, 2009.
Documentation is only required for categories 2-7.
2. Request to Modify Course: CHEM 1364 – The pre-requisite ACT score
was decreased to match that required for Calculus I since that is the
minimum level of math required for all chemistry majors.
3. Request to Modify Course: CHEM 4472 – The pre-requisite courses
were made more specific. Russell Graves made a motion to accept
the change. John Hodgson seconded the motion, which was
A. SOEA will host the Spring Public Forum/Student Teacher Recognition on
May 6, 2009 at 4:15 pm in the CETES Conference Center.
B. Future Teacher Scholarship applications are due May 31st.
C. Teacher Shortage Employment Incentive Program reimburses eligible
student loan expenses or pays an equivalent cash benefit for students
graduating with degrees in math or science education. Students in
these programs should sign up now.
D. Field testing for the certification exams will take place at Cameron on
April 22 from 2-6 pm in SCI 101.
E. Howard Kuchta reminded everyone that program data is available on
the W: drive. Refer to his email for details on how to access the
F. During the last meeting, a need to discuss the collection and reporting
of program data was expressed. Program representatives were
encouraged to find the letter approving the program with conditions to
determine the deadline for initial data submission, which is likely next
fall. Using the chart of assessments in the program report, each
program must determine what kind of data is to be reported and what
is the best way to collect it. Kelly McClure talked about data in terms of
data that the students will generate (lesson plans, Teacher Work
Sample) and data that will come from other sources (certification tests,
grades/exams, student teaching evaluations). For student-generated
data, the best option is to collect the data through an artifact that is
submitted and scored in Chalk & Wire. For non-student generated data,
there are two options: (1) keep data in a spreadsheet and then “dump”
it into Chalk & Wire or (2) keep data entirely outside of Chalk & Wire
(e.g. Access). For the data collected in Chalk & Wire, automatic reports
can be easily run. For data not in Chalk & Wire, reports will need to be
generated by the software being used. Howard Kuchta will be the
“keeper of the data.” He will need to know how and where the data for
each program is being kept. Howard will be meeting with each program
to make these determinations. Also, each program needs to be
planning on having its advisory committee meet in the fall to look at
G. Enrollment issues
a. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 1800 Education Introductory
Seminar and EDUC 3003 Introduction to Teaching
b. Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 4653 Classroom Assessment
and EDUC 4313 Practicum in Assessment & Instruction
H. Proposals for fall OACTE/OATE/OCTP conference are due July 6.
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Minutes submitted by Courtney Glazer