I.T.S. Team Meeting August 12, 2008

I.T.S. Team Meeting
August 12, 2008
Attendees: Chase Bailey, Rick Clyburn, Cheryl Davis, Greg Duncan, Julie Duncan, Debbie
Goode, Sherry Hendrix, Dawne Massey, Angela Melton, Scott Putney, Kelly Simon
1. Minutes from July 1 – Approved.
2. Next Meeting – August 19 at 10 am. We will be meeting weekly from this point.
3. Role of IT personnel on Teams
IT needs to be there for support and to help make decisions, but as much as possible the team
leads need to make the decisions. IT should just provide input. We need to create a situation
where the users are in control and they don’t rely on IT to make decisions but that they still
get IT’s input when necessary.
4. Validation Tables
Debbie forwarded the student validation tables from TCC. These are for us to look at and
help come up with questions. We’ll be getting more into this with the technical kickoff.
Sherry suggested we look at the Win contract to see if there is info on the validation tables.
Sherry will get as much resources for us as possible.
5. Technical Kickoff – September 3-4
Begin to come up with as many questions as possible. Email these to Debbie by August 21
and she will forward the list to Laurene so that Laurene is able to look over it before she gets
6. Banner website
Julie has been working to move everything from the intranet to the internet so that it is
accessible off-campus. Because of copyright protection, the Banner documents will be
password protected. The website is to be the central location for all documents and calendars.
If the team leads email you documents, remind them to post them to the website. Team
members will have a view password and team leads will have edit capability. SunGard will
also have access to the site and will put their documents there as well.
7. Third-party Software
The technical lead will ask about this and we need to begin to compile a list now beforehand.
This would include things like alumni and TMA.
8. Reports
We need to begin gathering information for reporting in Banner. We should try to identify
the information needed rather than the report itself. We don’t want to try to duplicate the
reports themselves, but ensure that we can get the data needed from that report. We need to
indicate when the data is needed. IT will need to make decisions on how we’ll get this data,
e.g. will it come from the legacy system, banner, or something else. We can start with the list
compiled for the last migration of the needed reports. If Institutional Research was not
included on that list, they should review it as well.
9. Helpdesk
Every school does their helpdesk differently and Cameron needs to make decisions now on
how ours will work. Debbie indicated that our Helpdesk Coordinator will be retiring in
January and will be replaced with a technician. She has been speaking with Frank Zittle on
having Megan Carter take over a lot of this role for Banner. Megan will be doing this with
new employee training.
10. Project Timeline
Mike is still updating this. Sherry hopes to have a final copy by this afternoon. She is also
hoping he will provide the implementation manuals this week as well.
11. Technical Training
Chase will be attending Intro to Oracle and PL/SQL training Sept 15-19 and Oracle DBA I
training Nov 4-7. Glen has indicated that he has set aside money for training and wants to be
sure the technical staff has the training we need.
12. Data Cleaning
This needs to focus on demographic data. We’ll need to provide reports to the users and let
them do the data cleanup when possible. We need to identify duplicates of people now.
13. Office 2007
Sherry has had some individuals say they are unable to open documents she created with
Office 2007. Everyone on campus will be receiving this at some point, but in the meantime
the helpdesk had rolled out instructions on installing an update to allow older versions to read
the new documents. If someone is unable to read the 2007 documents, they should contact
the helpdesk.
14. Additional Components for Banner
Clean Address - Sherry was reading through old minutes and wasn’t sure what Cameron’s
decision on CleanAddress was. We had discussed it but didn’t go any further with it. Sherry
will find out more information about the product and see if it would be a good add-on to
Degree Works – Sherry learned that we did not purchase Degree Works for Banner. We’re
going to try CAPP and see if this will meet our needs. If it does not, Degree Works will be a
future purchase.
AppWorks – This is a job scheduler to run programs at a specific time and has already been
Schedule 25 – This is room management software. Banner comes with classroom
management software and will indicate classroom conflicts. However, you’re not able to
schedule a one-time meeting in a room with this. Sherry indicated it is not a very difficult
implementation but it would be yet another implementation. This should be added to the
technical kickoff questions on whether this should be implemented during migration.
15. Questions for Sherry to inquire about
Julie is unable to get the workbooks for Banner 8. Sherry will see if they exist yet. Kelly
mentioned that Sandra had indicated SunGard would provide some common rules for
matching to help clean up duplicates. Sherry will look through the student minutes to see if
there was anything on this.
16. Cognos Training
We don’t want our Cognos training to be too early and need to ask Laurene when the best
time for this is.
17. R23’s
Debbie is going to request that the Steering Committee cease all R23’s during the meeting
18. Software Application Change Control – Audit
Debbie has been taking the list she receives from sunfire of modified programs and emailing
it to programmers. She counts the changes and requests verification for 25% of them. This
seems to be working well. It is possible to change a file that is not owned by you though.
When this happens, the owner of the file will get the verification request. The owner should
check the logs to see what the change was and send this info to Debbie.
19. Open Tickets with SBI
Julie sent a note to GinaMarie stating all tickets should be closed with the exception of
383796. GinaMarie researched this one and found it was closed to bid. Rick has closed this
ticket as well now. New tickets can still be submitted to SBI when deemed necessary.
20. IFAS Server updates
Scott indicated that Keith wanted to do a patch to the IFAS servers to help with the network
requests. Debbie said no tweaking should be done to the IFAS servers at this point as we
would get little or possibly no support if something happened.
21. VPN access
In order for people to work on migration at home, we will need to open up the VPN to at
least the team chairs. Some of them already have this access and all of ITS has access. Scott
will look at updating the 5 year old VPN server and will send a quote to Debbie.
22. Banner Time Logs
These need to be sent to Debbie on a weekly basis now. Glen is having Ninette inquire to the
auditors to verify that this really needs to be done, but we should not stop doing this unless
we hear otherwise.
23. A/R Discovery
A/R Discovery will start August 21 remotely. The other discovery sessions will be in
September. Linda needs to have someone from financial aid added for the discovery to
provide input for scholarships and awards. Sherry will send an email to Linda.
24. OU Nursing
Cheryl has reloaded the files, changed the COBOL program, and will soon be ready to do
testing. She will need to involve OU nursing in the testing as they will give the system a
good workout.
Adjourned at 11:25 am
Task Lists
Sherry Hendrix
1. Identify areas for data cleanup and formulate plans for cleanup.
2. Cheryl to finish OU nursing.
3. Get list of questions for technical kickoff to Debbie by August 21.
4. Compile a list of third-party software
5. Scott to look at updating the VPN server and send quote to Debbie.
6. Begin sending banner time logs to Debbie weekly
1. Find out more information about Clean Address
2. Find out if workbooks exist for Banner 8.x. (Julie received email
shortly after the mtg from support that these were available now)
3. See if there is anything in the Student Breakout session minutes
regarding SunGard providing common rules for matching to help clean
up duplicates.
4. Email Linda Phillips to recommend a representative from Financial
Aid sit in on the A/R discovery session.