Florida State University

Florida State University
Florida State University – 4011, 4014E
264 Love Building
Tallahasee, FL 32306-4530
Mike Burmester, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Computer Science
Co-director, Security and Assurance in Information Technology
Florida State University is a comprehensive, national graduate research university that
puts research into action for the benefit of our students and society. It has been committed to
building and supporting an education and research program in information assurance and
security since 1997.
The Security and Assurance in Information Technology Laboratory (SAIT Lab) was
established in 2000. The mission of the SAIT Laboratory is to serve as a focal point for members
of different academic disciplines, government, and industry to carry out world-class research
and to advance the practice and public awareness of information technology security and
assurance through education and public service. The primary research function of the
Laboratory is to provide an environment that fosters world-class, applied research in
information security technology, with a focus on innovation and learning. The SAIT Lab supplies
equipment and space to support graduate level, hands-on research in information security. It
also provides a framework for establishing relationships with industry as well for sponsorships
for professional workshops and conferences including the ACM Workshop on Scientific Aspects
of Cyber Terrorism (Nov 2002), the International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public
Key Cryptography (January 2003), the first Workshop on Wireless Security (January 2003), and
Madness workshops (September 2005 and 2006).