Renovations to Student Activities Building

For Immediate Release – Lawton, OK, Sept. 24, 2004
Renovations to Student Activities Building
to be celebrated at Sept. 29 open house
Cameron University students are invited to celebrate the culmination of a renovation project on its Student
Activities Building at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 29. Donors and contributors that helped to make the
project possible will be recognized and students will be treated to pizza and refreshments.
Discussions regarding the renovations began last fall. Throughout the spring semester the decisionmaking process was driven by input solicited from the student body. The physical renovations began in
June and were completed over the summer in order to be ready for the start of the fall semester.
Major physical renovations include new ceiling and floor tiles, cabinets, adjustable track lighting, a fresh
coat of paint and new carpet. Student organizations will also enjoy increased storage space created by the
renovation. In addition, the facility is equipped with all new furniture, including couches, chairs, tables and
ottomans. New stackable chairs and room dividers allow the building to facilitate several group meetings at
The renovations were funded by a $20,000 donation from the CU Alumni Association and a $10,000
donation from the Walton Family Foundation, as presented through Arvest Bank. Facility fees were also
used on the project. Louise Brown, a former Vice President for Student Affairs at Cameron, generously
donated her time and artistic expertise to the renovation project.
student activities building, ADD ONE
The Student Activities Building, located on the east side of University Drive, was constructed in 1960 as the
Baptist Student Union. Cameron acquired the building in the 1970s as a part of an Urban Renewal project.
It now houses the Student Government Association, the CU Programming Activities Council, and the
Student Activities Office.
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Editors and Broadcasters: For details, contact CU Government & Community Relations at 580.581.2211.