C-1-6 ACIG/IGUA RESPONSE TO IR No. 1 from La Régie (E

IR No. 1 from La Régie
October 25, 2010 File No.: R‐3732‐2010 Response from ACIG to the Energy Board’s request for information no. 1 Page 1 of 1 R‐3732‐2010 RESPONSE OF ACIG TO THE ENERGY BOARD‘S REQUEST FOR INFORMATION NO. 1 1. Reference: Part C‐1‐3, page 6; Preamble: “[…]Alternatively, the addition of a risk premium to the client‐producers’ rate could serve as compensation for the risk incurred by the clients‐ consumers.” Request: 1.1.1
Please explain how a possible risk premium applicable to the client=producers’ rate would be determined to compensate the risk incurred by the clients‐consumers. Answer: ACIG submits the possibility to apply a risk premium as an option among others. However, ACIG does not offer a method of calculation at this time. The appropriate level of the premium should probably be subject to an expertise. HBdocs ‐ 9268893v1 