Brian G. Tavernia, Mark D. Nelson, Brian F. Walters, and Chris Toney1
Abstract.—Wildlife species have diverse and sometimes conflicting habitat
requirements. To support diverse wildlife communities, natural resource managers
need to manage for a variety of habitats across a large area and to create long-term
management plans to ensure this variety is maintained. In these efforts, managers would
benefit from assessments of potential climate and land use change effects on habitats. As
part of the U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Forest Futures Project (NFFP), we assessed
climate and land use driven changes in the areas of forest (≥66% canopy cover) and
woodland (66% > canopy cover ≥ 10%) habitat across the Northeast and Midwest
by 2060. Our assessments were made using NFFP projections based on three future
storylines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The
total area of forest and woodland habitat is currently 173.4 million acres and is evenly
split between forest and woodland (49% and 51%, respectively). Our assessments suggest
that total forest and woodland habitat area will decrease in the future, but the magnitude
of habitat loss differed among IPCC storylines, ranging from 5.9 to 11 million acres.
Regardless of storyline, forest habitat was projected to gain area and woodland habitat
was projected to lose area. As a result, forest was projected to represent a slight majority
of the total habitat area (55% vs. 45% for woodland). Projected declines in woodland
habitat represent a continuation of historical trends and have the potential to negatively
affect woodland-dependent wildlife via reduced patch sizes, patch isolation, and edge
A significant challenge in natural resources
management is providing sufficient habitat for wildlife
species that have diverse and sometimes conflicting
habitat needs (Noon et al. 2009). Suites of species
are associated with particular forest habitat classes
characterized by different compositions, ages, and
structures (Patton 2011). For example, some species
(e.g., Cerulean warbler, Setophaga cerulea) are
associated with mature, deciduous forests while others
Science Coordinator (BGT), Integrated Waterbird
Management and Monitoring Program, USGS Patuxent
Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD 20708; Research
Forester (MDN) and Forester (BFW), U.S. Forest Service,
Northern Research Station; and Biological Scientist (CT),
U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.
BGT is corresponding author: to contact, call 301-497-5654
or email at
(e.g., Kirtland’s warbler, Setophaga kirtlandii) are
found in disturbance-dependent, early successional,
coniferous habitat. Successful conservation and
management of species with different habitat
associations requires management plans that are large
scale and long term in scope; such plans are necessary
to ensure that diverse habitat needs are simultaneously
met and maintained through time (Hamel et al. 2005).
Efforts to conserve diverse groups of wildlife would
benefit from assessments of projected climate and
land use change effects on a suite of forest habitat
classes. The Northern Forests Futures Project (NFFP),
a joint effort by the U.S. Forest Service and several
partners, is projecting and assessing the potential
impacts of climate and land use changes on forest
extent, composition, and structure across 20 states in
the Northeast and Midwest. As part of the NFFP effort,
Moving from Status to Trends: Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium 2012
we used projections of 2060 forest conditions and
ancillary datasets to assess potential changes in areas
of forest and woodland habitat classes.
Using a wildlife-habitat matrix developed by
NatureServe (2011), we identified six current forest
and woodland habitat classes: forest-hardwood, forestconifer, forest-mixed, woodland-hardwood, woodlandconifer, and woodland-mixed. NatureServe defines
forest habitats as having ≥66 percent total canopy
cover and woodland habitats as having 40 to 66
percent canopy cover. Savanna, another NatureServe
habitat associated with tree cover, is defined as having
between 10 and 40 percent cover by trees and shrubs.
Savanna is a rare ecosystem in northern forests and
should not be confused with early successional stages
of woodland or forest habitats, which also exhibit
canopy cover of 10 to 40 percent. Therefore, we coded
canopy of 10 to 40 percent as woodland. Canopy
cover thresholds also are used to separate habitat
composition within both forest and woodland classes.
Areas are labeled as hardwood or conifer when >66
percent of the forest or woodland canopy consists
of hardwood or conifer tree species, respectively.
Habitats are labeled as mixed when neither hardwood
nor conifer tree cover exceeds 66 percent of the total
canopy cover.
We used NFFP projections to assess potential climate
and land use driven changes in the areas of the six
habitat classes from 2010 to 2060. NFFP’s projections
of future forest conditions were based on current data
and historical trends from the U.S. Forest Service’s
Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program. FIA
does not provide estimates of canopy cover, so we
used a computer algorithm to derive estimates of
canopy cover from FIA data, enabling us to crosswalk
NFFP area projections to forest and woodland habitat
classes. Details of the methods used to derive canopy
cover estimates are provided by Toney et al. 2009 and
Nelson et al. (in this proceedings).
NFFP projected future forest conditions under climate
and land use change scenarios consistent with the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC)
A1B, A2, and B2 storylines. A1B assumes rapid
economic growth, a global population that peaks
in the middle of the 21st century and then declines,
and mixed energy use from fossil and non-fossil fuel
resources; A2 assumes that the global population
continues to grow throughout the century and that
economic development will be regionally oriented;
and B2 assumes regional and local economic growth
with per capita income similar to A2 but assumes
projected population growth that is lower than the
other scenarios (USDA Forest Service 2012). For
each storyline, climate conditions were projected
using multiple General Circulation Models (GCMs) to
examine model-based uncertainty.
Across the Northeastern and Midwestern U.S., the
current total area of all forest and woodland habitat
classes (as defined above) is 173.4 million acres (Table
1). The region is dominated by the forest-hardwood
(41% of forest habitat) and woodland-hardwood
(34%) habitat classes with no other class exceeding 10
percent of forest habitat. Forest land is about evenly
split between the groups of forest and woodland
habitat classes (49% and 51%, respectively).
Projected changes in habitat for IPCC storylines
did not differ across GCMs, possibly because NFFP
projected habitat conditions over a relatively short 50year time period. For this reason, we did not stratify
assessments results by GCMs.
Loss of total forest and woodland habitat area was
projected under all three IPCC storylines although the
magnitude ranged from 5.9 million acres under B2 to a
loss of 11 million acres under A1B (Table 1). Patterns
of change for habitat classes were consistent across
all three IPCC storylines (Table 1). All three forest
habitat classes gained area; percent gains were greatest
Moving from Status to Trends: Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium 2012
Table 1.—Area (millions of acres) and percent change of six forest and woodland habitat classes across
the Northeast and Midwest.a
IPCC Storyline
Estimates are provided for 2010 baseline conditions and for 2060 based on the A1B, A2, and B2 storylines from the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Changes in habitat classes between 2010 and 2060 were driven by projected land use changes, forest
succession, and forest harvest. See text for explicit definitions of forest habitat classes.
for forest-conifer and least for forest-hardwood.
Conversely, all three woodland habitat classes lost
area; percent losses were greatest for woodlandhardwood and least for woodland-conifer. Forest
habitat classes were projected to increase relative to
woodland habitat classes as a percent of total habitat
(55% versus 45%, respectively).
Our assessments suggest that the total area of forest
and woodland habitat classes will decrease across the
Northeast and Midwest by 2060. This loss in total
forest and woodland habitat acreage has the potential
to negatively affect wildlife populations. Although
we did not directly assess spatial patterns of habitat
loss, reduced habitat area can lead to smaller and
more isolated forest patches. These patches support
fewer individuals and are less likely to receive
immigrants from other areas, increasing the likelihood
of local extinctions and decreasing the likelihood of
recolonization or population rescue. Smaller forest
patches in this region of North America are also more
exposed to negative ecological influences (e.g., nest
predators) from surrounding nonforest land uses,
contributing to local population declines. If habitat
loss is widespread, regional declines and extinctions
may result. These effects may be of more immediate
concern for woodland habitat classes than forest
habitat classes, which are projected to increase in
area. Nevertheless, land conversion to nonforest land
use types ultimately constrains the area and spatial
distribution of all forest and woodland habitat classes.
Our assessments suggest that uncertainty about future
demographic, economic, and technological conditions
(as represented by different IPCC storylines)
contributes to uncertainty about the extent of habitat
loss. Policy (e.g., promoting growth near existing
urban centers) and financial mechanisms (e.g., tax
deductions resulting from conservation easements)
might be used to limit the negative effects of land use
change on forest wildlife.
Researchers have reported decades-long declines in
the area of early successional forest habitat across
the Northeast and Midwest (Trani et al. 2001). These
declines have been attributed to a number of different
causes including forest maturation of abandoned
farmland, altered forest management practices, forest
ownership patterns that discourage harvest, disrupted
natural disturbance regimes (e.g., fire suppression),
and land use conversion (Trani et al. 2001). Assuming
that early successional forests can be characterized as
having more open canopies, projections of woodland
habitat classes in our assessment suggested that
declines of this habitat type may continue into the near
future. We found that all woodland habitat classes
declined and that regional habitat became dominated
Moving from Status to Trends: Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium 2012
by forest habitat classes. These projected declines
may negatively affect not only woodland-associated
species but also species typically associated with forest
habitats that are dependent on woodland areas during
certain times of the year (e.g., Streby et al. 2011, Vitz
and Rodewald 2006). Ultimately, the future status
of wildlife species dependent on young forests or
woodland habitat will depend on the scale, type, and
frequency of anthropogenic and natural disturbances
occurring in landscapes across the Northeast and
Midwest. These disturbance patterns will be affected
by future management decisions (e.g., type of
forest harvest) as well as changing socioeconomic
(e.g., changing ownership patterns) and ecological
conditions (e.g., climate change).
The authors thank NatureServe for producing a
terrestrial vertebrate species-habitat matrix for forestassociated species. The authors also acknowledge the
assistance of J.M. Reed, T. Will, and S. Oswalt, whose
suggestions improved the manuscript.
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The content of this paper reflects the views of the author(s), who are
responsible for the facts and accuracy of the information presented herein.
Moving from Status to Trends: Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium 2012