The federal American with Disabilities Act

Interactive Guide Helps Local Agencies Develop ADA Transition Plans
The federal American with Disabilities Act
(ADA) requires all public agencies to
develop a transition plan to identify
physical obstacles that limit accessibility
and schedule necessary improvements. In
response to this, the LRRB funded the
development of an ADA resource guide for
local agencies. The guide is an interactive
PDF, which includes many resources, a
model transition plan, and process
guidelines for providing accessibility within
the public rights of way that local agencies
can use to develop their own transition
plan. The ADA Transition Plan interactive document is available here:
As part of this project, in October 2012, a webinar was hosted to educate agencies
on the need for a public rights of way transition plan and demonstrate how to use
this resource. The webinar, delivered by SRF’s Jim Gersema, outlines accessibility
requirements and explains how agencies can use the interactive PDF to implement
their own plans.
A recording of the webinar is available at:
This was a very interactive
webinar with 124 participants.
The recording includes all of the
questions (and answers) that
were asked during the webinar.
The webinar and resource guide
have been well received. “This is
exactly the type of guidance a
county like mine needs to get
moving,” says Freeborn County
engineer Susan G. Miller, PE.