Strictly Classified How to Manage Time to Achieve Success

Resource Information for Classified Employees
Strictly Classified
An Informational Bulletin Published by the Personnel Commission
How to Manage Time
to Achieve Success
One of the most important qualities employers seek in the people they hire is the ability to manage time effectively. Being able to meet deadlines, finish projects and tasks in a timely a manner, and handle multiple assignments at once is essential to workplace success. However, in a busy work environment employees are often bombarded with phone calls, emails, last minute assignments, and unscheduled visitors. These interruptions can impact your ability to complete high quality work on time. Organizing your office, maintaining a
calendar, and learning how manage interruptions can greatly increase your ability to manage time effectively.
Having a messy work station is unprofessional, distracting and inefficient. A disorganized office results in
time wasted looking for documents or supplies that are improperly stored. Being able to locate items quickly
will allow you to address problems and department needs in a timely manner. This will reflect positively on
you and your department. To become more organized, you should:
Maintain a clean work station—Whether your position is in the clerical, administrative, maintenance, or
trades fields, maintaining a clean work station will help you to stay focused and find needed materials quickly.
• Dispose of unnecessary paperwork and clutter—As a result of uncertainty or fear, we often cling to paperwork and other goods that we don’t really need. Go through paperwork that has accumulated in your office to
determine what can be discarded. If the items that you have been keeping are duplicates, stored on the computer, or available online, they can probably be discarded. Also examine other items that have been accumulating in your work station. Do you have equipment that is broken or that you no longer use? Are there cleaning or other supplies that have passed their expiration date? If so, make appropriate arrangements for these
items to be removed.
• Reorganize your files and supplies—Avoid using your inbox as a storage center. Establish an effective
filing system, in which items are clearly labeled and logically organized. This will reduce the amount of time
spent looking for needed items. It is also beneficial to organize your computer files by clearly naming documents and logically storing items in folders. If you manage a supply/storage cabinet, be sure to label shelves
and organize supplies. This will reduce time spent looking for supplies, and allow you to keep better track of
frequently used items so that they can be reordered in a timely manner.
James A. Srott, Chair
October 2006
David Iwata
Calvin W. Hall, Ed.D.
Karen Martin, Personnel Director
(213) 891-2333
In addition to having an orderly work station, it is useful to maintain a well planned daily schedule. Although
some interruptions can’t be avoided, the following tips will assist you with staying on task:
Prior to leaving work everyday, plan your schedule for the next day.
Prioritize the tasks that need to be completed, placing the most urgent items first.
Create a “To-Do” list.
Complete the most difficult items on the “To-Do” list first. Completing the more complicated tasks early
in your shift when you are at your best will reduce stress and produce better results.
Establish a timeline for tasks to be completed, and stick to the deadlines you set.
Set aside time everyday to go through and return email and phone messages.
Whether it’s being stopped by a student who can’t find his/her classroom, helping a coworker address a problem, or a phone that won’t stopped ringing, employees are frequently faced with interruptions. Handling these
interruptions appropriately may in fact be a regular part of your job. Nevertheless, there are ways to minimize
the time it takes to handle interruptions.
If you have an unexpected visitor, immediately establish the reason for his/her visit. If it is a complicated
matter that will be timely to address, ask your visitor to schedule an appointment.
Avoid small talk.
If you receive a phone call that requires information you do not have immediately accessible, set a time to
call back.
If a coworker interrupts you to request assistance with a task he/she is trying to accomplish, examine your
“To-Do” list. Determine if anything you need to accomplish takes priority over the matter your coworker
has brought to you. If nothing on your list is more urgent, assist your coworker. If your coworker’s issue
can wait, ask him/her to return at a better time.
Working in a busy department can have its challenges. However, learning how to appropriately handle interruptions, manage more than one task/project at a time, and complete assignments in a timely manner will earn
you a reputation as a dependable and efficient employee. Managing your time effectively will lead not only to
less stress at work, it will also help you to establish a positive reputation which will lead to increased access to
opportunities later in your career.